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河南法官父女被杀细节:姐姐将弟弟锁屋内保护 - lynette111的个人空间 - 中律人博客
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惨就发生在这个小区。荣华小区一名业主供图12日凌晨,鹿邑县法院原院长高天峰和儿在遇害。昨天,案情有了进展,此案竟儿子雇凶杀人。初步调查,高天峰儿子在漯河市某高上学,由姐姐陪读。由于姐姐陪读期间管理严格,他雇用两名网友将自己的父亲和姐姐杀害。两人被抓,还有一人在逃昨天,新华社在稿子中说,记者13日从周口市公安局获悉,12日凌晨在家中遇害的周口市鹿邑县法院原院长高天峰,系被儿子雇凶杀害。同时遇害的还有高天峰的女儿。命案发生在12日2时许,案发现场位于周口市区建安路荣华小区15号楼。监控录像显示,12日2时16分,两名体态较瘦的青年翻墙进入高天峰家中,两人均戴帽子,各拿一个包裹。随后高天峰的邻居听到有异样的声音,报了警。行凶者作案后翻墙而逃,现场留下血迹。被害人高天峰今年49岁,项城人,此前曾担任鹿邑县人民法院院长、党组书记,现周口市中级人民法院审判委员会委员。另一名被害人是其女儿,年龄20岁左右。目前,3名犯罪嫌疑人中,2名已经抓获,另有1人在逃。抓获的2名犯罪嫌疑人,一人为高天峰的儿子。据初步调查,高天峰的儿子就读于省漯河市某高中,由姐姐陪读。由于姐姐陪读期间管理严格,高天峰的儿子遂雇用两名网友将自己的父亲和姐姐杀害。邻居:小区的人一直在讨论这个事他为何雇凶杀害父亲和姐姐,是什么矛盾导致这个家庭发生如此悲剧?带着诸疑问,晚报通过朋友与荣华小区一名业主取得联系,高天峰家就在这名业主家旁边。该业主说,这两天小区的人一直在讨论这件事。小区里住的有做生意的,也有部门公职人员,邻里之间走得比较近,有的人知道一些内情。不过,他和高天峰接触得并不多,很少碰面。他知道,高天峰以前是周口市商水县大武乡的书记,后来参加副处级考试考上了鹿邑法院院长。日,《周口视窗》刊发一篇文章,报道了“鹿邑县法院网开通的消息”,其中有高天峰的简历,证实了这个消息。高天峰,男,生于日,毕业于华中师范,大学本科学历,河南项城市人。1984年8月~1992年1月任商水县委组织部秘书、组织员等职。1992年2月~1993年4月任商水县农场场长,党委副书记。1993年5月~1996年2月任商水县委综治办主任。1996年3月~1998年5月任商水县巴村镇镇长。1998年6月~2003年6月任商水县大武乡党委书记。2003年6月~2012年4月任鹿邑县人民法院院长、党组书记。为保护他,姐姐把他反到屋里这名业主说:“高天峰家里养有两只狗,一只是藏獒,那天晚上,他家的狗有段时间一直‘嗷嗷’叫,藏獒叫得异常凶。我们小区后墙上放的花盆‘哗哗’响,后来才知道是歹徒翻墙发出的声音,晚是邻居报的警。听说是他儿子雇了两个人作案,一个姓张,一个姓吴,一个南京的,一个登封武校的,还有一个没抓住,被雇的俩人可能是师徒关系。案发当天凌晨一两点,高天峰的儿子曾打了两个外地号码,警方这才怀疑是他雇凶杀人。”高天峰的儿子为何会雇凶杀害家人?他说:“小区里有好几个小孩一样大,哪个是高天峰的儿子我还真分不清,不过他的回家不多,一直在外地上学。大家也都在分析原,父亲干过院长,家境肯定不会差,而且又是男孩,我们这里还是比较传统的,对男孩特别疼一些。听说是这个孩子该高考了,家里管得严,他姐专门在漯河陪他读书,应该和孩子压力太大有关吧,反正小区里的人都这么说。”这名业主说了一个细节:“最让人痛心的是,凶手去他们家作案时,我听说姐姐为了保护弟弟,把他反锁在屋里,可见姐姐是很疼弟弟的。还有就是,小区保安就一个老人,晚上也不巡视,出了事保安根本没有应急能力。”昨天,一家报道说,高天峰的儿子叫高炜晟,他联系吴强、张葵来到家中,将父亲高天峰和姐姐高玮艺(28岁待业)杀害。在高炜晟的指引下,吴强、张葵将家中现金等财物卷走,伪造入室抢劫杀人现场。高炜晟、张葵现已被刑事拘留,吴强仍在追捕中。项城有头有脸家庭的学生好多在漯河读高中昨日中午,郑州晚报记者与漯河市局联系,询问高天峰的儿子在哪所学校上学,得到答复“不太清楚”。记者联系上漯河高中的一位负责人,这位负责人也支支吾吾地说“不太清楚这件事”,既不说是他们学校的学生,也没说不是。与记者熟悉的一名漯河高中老师说,漯河的几家高中都接到消息,要求校方控制消息,一是怕学生的学习,因为马上要高考了,二是一旦传出去,也会影响学校的招生。这名老师说,漯河有两个学校招收外地学生最多,一所是漯河高中,也就是原漯河一高;另一所学校是漯河五高。漯河的高中教学水平相对较高,这两所学校,招收周口的学生也最多。“项城有头有脸家庭的高中学生,占周口在漯河学生的比例比较大。”漯河一名不愿透露姓名的民警说:“在逃的嫌疑人早上手机还一直通着,可能是看到网上的报道,立即关机。”“这个事就像不低于五级的,太吓人了”昨天,漯河几个高中因此事受到极大震动。一所高中的团委书记说:“如果说汶川的是八级地震,这个学生雇凶杀害父亲和姐姐,像一个不低于五级的地震,太吓人了。”这位团委书记说,的教育模式应该从这件事上反思一下了,到底出现了什么问题?现在的学生太可怜了,压力太大。平民家庭的学生压力大,富二代或官二代人家的孩子压力可能更大,他们对的孩子要求可以说更高。(原标题:儿子雇网友杀害了父亲和姐姐)MPhil & PhD in Creative Writing
The inter-relationship between theory, scholarship and the creative process is key to the Goldsmiths MPhil/PhD in Creative Writing.
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About the department
3-4 years full-time or 4-6 years part-time.
If you're applying for funding, you may be subject to an application deadline. Find out more about , or .
The&&sometimes offers&.
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You'll be expected to combine your own creative writing & whether poetry, fiction or life writing & with research into the genre or area of literature in which you are working, to gain insight into its history and development, and to engage with relevant contemporary debates.
This might be genre in the more traditional sense, for example satire, fictional autobiography, verse drama, or particular traditions to which you feel your work relates, for example projective verse, postmodernist fiction, or Caribbean poetics.
This element of the PhD & the critical commentary & will constitute around 30 per ce the major part & 70 per cent & will be a creative work of publishable standard: a novel, memoir, book of poems or collection of stories, for example.
Former PhD students include&, whose -winning book Mr Loverman was written, in part, at Goldsmiths.&
Find out more about our&, including information about starting your research, upgrading to PhD registration, and submitting your thesis.&
North American applicants especially should note that the British system does not include preparatory taught classes or examinations as part of the MPhil/PhD programme, except for an initial course in research methods.
Thesis and viva voce.
Application procedure and requirements
You can apply directly to Goldsmiths via the website by clicking the &apply now& button on the .
Before submitting your application you&ll need to have:&
Details of your education history, including the dates of all exams/
The email address of your referee who we can request a reference from, or alternatively an electronic copy of you
Contact details
A personal statement. This can either be uploaded as a Word Document or PDF,
If available, an electronic copy of your educational transcript (this is particularly important if you have studied outside of the UK, but isn&t mandatory);
You'll be able to save your progress at any point and return to your application by logging in using your username/email and password.
Before you apply for a research programme, we advise you to get in touch with the programme contact, . It may also be possible to arrange an advisory meeting.
Before you start at Goldsmiths, the actual topic of your research has to be agreed with your proposed supervisor, who will be a member of staff active in your general field of research. The choice of topic may be influenced by the current research in the department or the requirements of an external funding body.&
If you wish to study on a part-time basis, you should also indicate how many hours a week you intend to devote to research, whether this will be at evenings or weekends, and for how many hours each day.
Research proposals&
Along with your application and academic reference, you should also upload a research proposal at the point of application.&
This should be in the form of a statement of the proposed area of research and should include:&
delineation o
an initial hypothesis (if applicable);
a brief list of major secondary sources.
When to apply&
We accept applications from October for students wanting to start the following September.&
We encourage you to complete your application as early as possible, even if you haven't finished your current programme of study. It's very common to be offered a place conditional on you achieving a particular qualification.&
If you're applying for external funding from one of the Research Councils, make sure you submit your application no later than 31 January.
Selection process&
If your degree is in an unrelated field, you may be considered subject to a qualifying interview and/or submission of sample essays.
Entrance requirements&
You should normally have (or expect to be awarded) a taught Masters in a relevant subject area.&
You might also be considered for some programmes if you aren&t a graduate or your degree is in an unrelated field, but have relevant experience and can show that you have the ability to work at postgraduate level.&
We also accept a wide range of international equivalent qualifications, which can be found on our . If you'd like more information, please .
English language&
If your first language isn't English, you need to demonstrate the required level of English language competence to enrol on our programmes.&
Please check our
for more information.
Find out more about applying&
Contact us&
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UK/EU+44&(0)20 &
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Staff in the
have a wide range of
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Author & Goldsmiths Lecturer
Naomi Wood is an acclaimed author who has had her work published in eight languages and is also a part-time Lecturer on the&&and the&&at Goldsmiths.&Her first novel,&, was published to critical acclaim by Picador in 2011, and her second novel&&has just been published by Picador, and by Penguin in the US.&
"Everybody is so friendly and generous with their time."
I joined the&&relatively recently, but my experience so far is that everybody is so friendly and generous with their time. It feels like a very nurturing environment and a very thought-provoking one too & you can have such an interesting conversation over a cup of tea in the morning.&The inaugural&&has certainly been a highlight so far in my half-a-year here. Its aim is to reward bravery, risk, ingenuity and experimentation in the contemporary novel. Going to the Prize reading and hearing Jim Crace and Ali Smith was an amazing experience.&All the writers were playing with form, voice, language. It made me think about risk and experimentation in my seminars and students& work, about the problems of teaching writing and rules, and also, about the role of more conservative forms of story-telling!
Student and Graduate profiles
"I began the&&part-time in 2000, the first year of the course. I had wanted to write for a long time and the huge support and encouragement from staff in the department and fellow MA students was crucial in me beginning to find my feet as a writer, as well as giving me the conviction to carry on once the course was over.
Through the course I got an agent and then began to get stories published in the US, Ireland and here in the UK. I received a grant from the Arts Council to finish my first collection which was published in 2009 by Harvill Secker. By then I had already returned to Goldsmiths to begin a&. I have the same supervisor,&, as I did for my MA and that continuity and her familiarity with my writing has been invaluable. Writing can be a pretty lonely business and Goldsmiths provides support, an intellectual and creative environment, as well as an academic framework for me to work in. Throughout my PhD I have continued to publish and have just been shortlisted for The Sunday Times/EFG Private Bank Short Story Award, the largest prize in the world for a single story. I aim to finish my PhD in summer 2013 and feel I will then be well placed to continue my career both inside and outside academia."
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the ability to analyse and evaluate different textual materials
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the ability to assimilate and evaluate competing arguments
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Content last modified: 11 Nov 2014Vaccine and Flu Shot Injury Experts at Gold Law Firm, LLC
Gold Law Firm, LLC., represents adults and children who have been injured as a result of a Vaccine reaction. Our years of experience ensure that you are in good hands. The matter will be handled with compassion, expertise and sound judgment.
We specialize in obtaining compensation for persons injured by vaccines in the National Vaccine Injury Compensation Program.
We engage in NO OTHER LITIGATION, we handle Vaccine Injuries.
The Vaccine Program – not the injured party – pays all attorneys’ fees and costs.
This is not a lawsuit, it is a federal no-fault compensation program.
Did you suffer complications, illness, or injury after receiving one of the following vaccines?
Trivalent Influenza Vaccine (flu shot)
Hepatitis B vaccine
Tetanus vaccine
Measles mumps and rubella (MMR) vaccine
Rotavirus vaccine
Human Papilloma Virus (HPV)
Diphtheria, tetanus, and pertussis (DTaP vaccine)
You may be entitled to compensation under the National Vaccine Injury Compensation Program.
The National
was established to help victims of adverse vaccine reactions. Cases are initiated by filing a petition with the Court of Federal Claims in Washington, D.C. However, vaccine cases are often complicated and adversarial, and only attorneys licensed to practice in the Court of Federal Claims can handle them. There are no legal fees — Our fees are paid by the United States Court of Federal Claims. However, your claim may be subject to a strict statute of limitation. Therefore, if you believe you may have been injured by a vaccine, do not delay and call for your free consultation from an experienced vaccine attorney today.
Some injuries linked to the above vaccines are:
Guillain-Barre Syndrome (most commonly linked to the flu shot).
Shoulder Injuries (Tendonitis, Bursitis, Frozen Shoulder, etc.)
Acute disseminated encephalomyelitis (ADEM)
Intussusception (most commonly linked to the rotavirus vaccine)
Chronic inflammatory demyelinating polyneuropathy (CIDP) (most commonly linked to the flu shot)
Brachial neuropathy (most commonly linked to the tetanus vaccine)
Anaphylactic shock (can be a result of many vaccines)
Transverse Myelitis (can be result of flu shot, hepatitis vaccine, tetanus vaccine, or measles mumps and rubella (MMR) vaccine)
Parsonage-Turner syndrome (commonly linked to tetanus vaccine)
Encephalopathy or encephalitis (can be a result of measles, mumps rubella vaccine (MMR), tetanus shot, and other vaccines)
Thrombocytopenic purpura (commonly linked to measles vaccine)
Arthritis (most commonly linked to vaccines containing rubella)
Should you suspect a Vaccine Injury, please contact us at
Vaccine Injury Contact Form}


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