tacamerican assassinn7关攻略

Tactical Assassin has a lot going for it as a free game. It has shooting, an upgrade and purchase system, and ideas that aren’t found in a lot of other titles. Individually, these elements are considered played out, but when you mix a specific type of tactics in it, you get a much better game. It also makes it a must to try Tactical Assassin 3 among the other iterations it has.
If you really are a budget game player, then you can’t overlook any title something unique comes along in the flash game section. The truth here is that there are tons of games that do come out, but as with any trend, a lot them are derivative of much more established games. There are shooters that try to be the first person shooters, tactical physics games that try to be Angry Birds, and puzzlers that work like bejeweled. The flat fact of it is that there is a lack of anything with a new idea. Tactical Assassin tries to buck that trend by being about a sniper. A lot of the game is set around one position, a sniper roost if you will, and you are limited in your vision. You can only see as much as your scope will allow, and targets are often moving, or are hidden behind different obstacles.
The tactics start to show around those times, because a lot of missions require you to think about your environment. There actually is a mission where people had the hardest time finding a solution to the contract. The infamous mission 9 had you protect someone rather than take out a target. These unique elements make the game more appealing, rather than being just a straight forward shooter. Of course there are the missions that aren’t really new, and all the require you to do is to shoot the target. This game has had many sequels for a reason. At the same time, they’re pretty good sequels because they keep adding on more missions with each new game. A lot of them are unique and test your reflexes even more.
The upgrade system is a light one, but the addition of new rifles, which are faster in reloading, or are more stable in shooting adds a little more replayability. You can try all of the rifles on stock and at the same time you can improve them with bi-pods or better scopes. There is also the matter of Diazepam that allows you to increase your accuracy. Planning out just what you need to buy is also a big part of the game.
Overall, it’s surprising how much this little title can impress in the way of gameplay mechanics. Since there are sequels, you can also keep yourself busy for more than a few minutes. It really is one of those titles that keep you coming back for a new session. Of course, at some point you will memorize too much of that game, but it is a great run while it lasts. It’s free and all you have to do is to look up a great site, so don’t miss out on the game.啊啊啊啊,高中学业好忙啊啊QAQ
→ fgo国服Assassin从者选什么好 命运冠位指定Assassin从者选择攻略
1.8.6 中文版
类型:角色扮演大小:164.0M语言:中文 评分:1.2
fgo国服Assassin从者选什么好,命运冠位指定Assassin从者选择攻略。fgo国服手游中的Assassin从者是专长于隐密行动与暗杀技巧的职阶,在阵容的搭配中也是很重要的,不少玩家都会培养折扣的从者,那fgo国服Assassin从者选什么好呢,今天西西小编就为大家带来命运冠位指定Assassin从者选择攻略。命运冠位指定Assassin从者选择攻略Assassin光炮从者推荐由于ASS的光炮只有酒吞一个,所以没有什么特别好比的。简单提一下吧。面板一览面板攻11993 血12825,蓝蓝红红绿,NP回复一般,宝具450倍率蓝卡光炮,特性赋予弱体耐性下降&防御力下降&攻击力下降&宝具威力下降状态(3回合)10%,封印宝具,同时赋予5回合中毒状态,100NP下1000伤害一回合。技能1,果实的酒气,魅惑+减防,1级10%,10级20%技能2,鬼种之魔,我方全体攻击提升,1级10%,10级20%,自身宝具伤害提升,1级20%,10级30%。技能3,战斗续行,5回合,死了回一点血。简单说下,酒吞没宝具本,所以宝具输出捉急一点,但是各种buff和给敌方的debuff还不错,自己也算是新卡,技能组还不错,减防是有潜力的技能。但是说实话,整体一般般,不算弱,但也强不到哪去,打打克制挺好,毕竟缺个宝具本很不爽。喜欢就抽,这卡比较色情,P站一堆画师喜欢。总结:爱抽抽, 抽了不亏,不爱抽就不抽,反正4星活动送两仪式ASS光炮,5宝具,也能用。
10-13 / 164.0M
10-13 / 164.0M
03-23 / 98.4M
08-12 / 164M
11-04 / 168M
08-24 / 0KB
10-03 / 73.6M
10-13 / 164.0M
02-22 / 151.3M
06-24 / 362.4M
02-21 / 56.8M
04-24 / 169.0M
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