是不是4.04都有Novaz launcherr 能删除吗

Nova Launcher —— 将透明进行到底
相信众多升级到Kitkat的Nexus用户,都尝试在自己的设备上装了Google Experience Launcher来实现透明。开始,大家肯定都是很开心的,可用着用着就发现:“这东西真是丑翔啊!”——惊人的分辨率,捉鸡的体验,无不透露 ...
相信众多升级到Kitkat的Nexus用户,都尝试在自己的设备上装了Google Experience Launcher来实现透明。开始,大家肯定都是很开心的,可用着用着就发现:“这东西真是丑翔啊!”——惊人的分辨率,捉鸡的体验,无不透露出一股奇妙的“水土不服”式的忧伤。
还在纠结么?还在犹豫么?——丑翔?不透明?到底选哪个?——Nova Launcher给你“鱼与熊掌兼得”的享受![下面小编将恢复(不?)正常]
最新版的Nova Laucher的beta版在“界面外观”中支持“透明化通知栏”选项,在Kitkat中自动开启(低于4.4版本仍无法使用),稍微和上面的两幅图对比一下,你可以发现,透明效果在Nova中实现的非常好。
有些朋友在这里可能要问了,进入应用抽屉的时候不是还是不能透明么?嘛,其实设置一下就好了,这个功能可是很早以前就有的了。进入“Nova设置”,选择 “抽屉”,调整“背景透明”,返回后即可看到可喜的透明了~
不过有些可惜,这种方法仍然无法实现锁屏透明。如果您有强迫症,小编建议您去设置中将屏幕锁定的安全保护改为“无”。虽然这并不是一个科学的方案。如果您很想让自己的设备锁屏透明, 小编再给您提供一种方案(感谢网友“shawn”):刷机。将下面提供的trans.zip刷入您的Nexus 4(其他设备请勿尝试),就可以见到透明的锁屏了,如果想要还原,请刷origin.zip来恢复本来面目。trans.zip:origin.zip:
对了,Nova Launcher中无法实现左滑进入Google Now和在桌面唤醒Google Now.因此,到底选择哪个启动器您还要自己好好斟酌。
Nova Launcher beta链接:
(Google Play中不支持下载beta版)
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Nova启动器增强版 Nova Launcher Prime v3.3 Final 完整中文版
Nova启动器增强版 Nova Launcher Prime v3.3 Final 完整中文版
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这是一款第三方 Android 启动器(桌面应用),来这的基本都是玩机的人,我就不过多介绍了,都懂的。网上已经充斥着各种复制粘贴来的文字介绍,我再写一遍介绍其实也没什么意义,我主要说下自己的感受吧。
和 Nova Launcher 我一直交替着用,总体来看还是 Nova 更强(只是相对而言,Apex 依然可以轻松虐其它启动器)。Apex 更新了大半年才把主屏幕管理界面中状态栏和导航栏没有过渡效果这个问题解决。Nova 在细节功能上已经甩开了 Apex 一些。具体的功能不细说了,各自装了都能体会得到,最主要的是它在绝大多数机型上都能保证有足够高的流畅度,Apex 偶尔会挑下机型。在我的 Nexus 5 上,Apex 内存占用大概 50MB,Nova 占用大概 90MB。对内存占用敏感的人不在少数,估计这会成为这些童鞋转投 Apex 的理由 →_→
Nova 从 2.3 更新到 3.x 隔了大概有大半年,最近更新的 3.x 主要增加了色块标签、去除了应用抽屉中的“已安装”标签、增加了少量设置选项。另外配套的通知插件 TeslaUnread Plugin 也更新到了 3.x。我提供的附件已经打包在一起了,建议都安装上,有个通知标记的话日常使用会更加方便。
Nova Launcher 截图
Nova 官方版已经自带了简繁中文,我发的附件经过修改,安装包体积更小,补全了少量未翻译的部分,并解锁了增强版(Prime)功能。另外,如果你要使用 TeslaUnread Plugin 的话,必须要安装我提供的解锁版本才能使用,不能安装 Google Play 原版,TeslaUnread Plugin 和 Nova 一样有许可验证。
另外,现在我发布的所有 APK 安装包都使用新的证书签名,不能覆盖安装我之前发的版本,之前安装过旧版的童鞋要卸载,切记。
点这里查看 Nova Launcher Prime v3.3 Final 的安装包信息和更新日志
应用名称:Nova启动器增强版 Nova Launcher Prime
应用版本:v3.3 Final
应用作者:TeslaCoil Software
系统要求:Android 4.0+
测试机型:Google Nexus 5(ROOT)、Google Nexus 4(ROOT)、魅族 MX3
v3.3 Final
– 增加了 Lollipop 样式抽屉(设置 – 抽屉 – 将页面作为卡片显示)
– 旧的圆形动画更名为圆形擦拭,增加了 Lollipop 样式圆形动画
– 修复了一些问题和优化性能
– 增加了 Lollipop 圆形文件夹动画(设置 – 文件夹 – 过渡动画)
– 增加了 Lollipop 滚动指示器(设置 – 主屏幕 – 滚动指示器)
– 增加了用于计算器、时钟、联系人、下载、电子邮箱、拨号器、设置和短信的 Lollipop 图标主题(设置 – 界面外观 – 图标主题)
– 现在可以在设置中预览滚动效果
– 优化性能并修复了一些问题
– 增加了抽屉过渡动画(圆形、向上滑入、缩放、淡入淡出),设置选项位于 Nova 设置 & 抽屉 & 过渡动画,圆圈动画效果未必能兼容所有设备
– 增加了应用抽屉搜索功能(该功能选项位于 Nova 设置 & 抽屉 & 菜单操作图标 & 搜索,您可以可以按住主屏幕后选取 Nova 操作 & 应用搜索)
– 修复了一些问题,优化了性能。
– 修复了一些小 BUG
– CM 主题引擎的用户可能要使用系统主题
安装之前务必要卸载官方原版。若你现在用的是其他人的修改版,务必要把缓存清除干净并彻底卸载后再安装我发的版本。使用中到问题的话,可以在下面发表评论把问题描述出来,我看到后会尽可能回复的。如果是我修改导致的问题,我会尽力修复,但若是原版就存在的问题,那就只能向作者反馈了 →_→
转载请注明: 晓岛 - 专注分享优质应用的玩家休闲小站
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作为公司首款Android设备Nokia X在MWC大展上首次曝光就吸引了众多消费者的目光,除了类似于Lumia 520的硬件规格之外最大的亮点在于采用了诺基亚定制的Nova Launcher,尽管基于Android系统但是整个界面非常偏向于Lumia设备,并融入了WP动态磁贴和Asha/N9的界面元素,下面让我们通过视频进一步看看零售版Nokia X的内置系统界面吧。
当前平均分: 打分后显示
当前平均分: 打分后显示On 13th November, 2012
on&13th November, 2012 |
Up until Ice Cream Sandwich (Android 4.0) came along, Android’s interface felt somewhat less polished than iOS’s. But with Android 4.0, Google made a clean break with the previous visual style for Android, introducing Holo – a clean, dark theme, with thin typography and a very modern look.
With Holo came a new default launcher, and when Android 4.1 (Jelly Bean) came out, that launcher just kept getting better. But not everyone has a Nexus phone, and many people use alternative ROMs that come with different launchers, which is where
Widgets & Icons & Gestures, Oh My!
In this review I’ll be covering , the paid version of Nova Launcher which costs around $4 at the time of this writing.
Nova’s free version is perfectly capable, but Prime unlocks extra gestures, folders in the app drawer, and other sweet features. First things first, one of my favorite introduced with Android 4.1 is this:
This is kind of difficult to convey in a static screenshot, but what you’re seeing here is self-adjusting icons making space for a widget. Basically, my games folder and
were at the bottom of the screen when I decided I wanted to put an analog clock widget there. I just dragged the clock there, and the icons scattered away, making room for the widget. Nice.
Another detail you can see in the screenshot above is the icon dock, and there’s more than meets the eye there. First off, folders in the dock: I like to have my browser as the bottom-right icon in the dock, but I can’t commit to just a single browser… so I have a folder instead.
This makes it super-easy to launch the browser I need. But sometimes I need a single dock icon to just toggle between two functions. Take the messaging icon next to the browser one, for example: Sometimes I want it to launch the default Messaging app (for text messages), but at other times, I want it to launch Gmail. It just makes sense to me – one messaging-related icon for two apps. But how?
Enter per-icon swipe gestures: Every dock icon can have a default program, and can also have another program that runs when you swipe over the icon (rather than tap it). I use this feature constantly: My Phone icon also launches Maps (especially when I’m travelling), my Evernote Food icon also launches Instagram, and my App Drawer icon also launches Android Market.
All of these dual actions are very intuitive (for me, at least), and having every icon pull double duty saves me from scrolling the dock. If you are into a scrolling dock with more than five icons, Nova Launcher lets you set one up, too.
Screen Swipes
Nova doesn’t let you just swipe dock icons – you can swipe the whole screen in various interesting ways, including multi-touch gestures:
The list you see above goes on to include even two “rotation” gestures, clockwise and counterclockwise. So even holding two fingers on the screen and rotating them could do something (if you can only think of an intuitive action for it, which I couldn’t).
Swiping up with two fingers to open the app drawer is very intuitive for me, and using a down-swipe to launch
has really become second nature for me – something I do many times every day.
Customizing The App Drawer
The app drawer is interesting in that it looks like an important area of the launcher, but actually if you put your most-used icons on your home screens and use Gesture Search, you won’t be using it all that much (I hardly ever visit there). Still, Nova Launcher lets you configure just about every conceivable aspect of the drawer, from its style (vertical continuous scrolling vs. horizontal pages), eight different scrolling effects, and groups of icons.
In the drawer itself you can quickly change the icon sorting order in whichever way makes sense to you:
So if you like having your most recently downloaded apps first on the list, that’s not a problem.
Uninstalling Apps Via Nova
To me, one of the most important aspects of an app launcher is removing apps. For some reason this feature is often neglected, but it’s really important: This way I don’t need to run a separate app just to keep my system tidy and free of software I no longer want. Nova lets you long-press any icon on the home-screen for a quick options menu, which thankfully includes an Uninstall button. You can also uninstall apps from the App Drawer:
What you’re seeing above is what happens when you long-press an icon in the App Drawer and start dragging it. This is a clever bit of UI design, because you can either drop the app icon on a home screen (to just put it there), or you can drop it on one of the three “action buttons” above… the first of which is Uninstall.
What You Can’t See In A Review
There are two important factors I can’t really convey in a written review, but make a big impact on the Nova Launcher experience: Performance, and use over time. When I say “performance” I mean how very smooth Nova’s animations are, and how gliding and swiping around the app feels effortless. This is an area that’s getting better with time, too: When dock icon swipes were just introduced, they were fairly clunky and hard to start. Now they feel natural and effortless, thanks to some sensitivity tweaks that were done over time.
The second factor, use over time, is something you’ll have to find out for yourself if you ever give Nova a try. Basically, a launcher is one of those apps that should be very very good, but melt into the background. It’s an app that knows it’s not the star of the show – it should just let you quickly do whatever you want to do, start your apps, and be there when you need it.
does all this, and much more – which is why it is officially listed in our
page. This is one launcher that gets the job done.
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