
1楼 15:53&|
不能攻击吧0 0
收起回复2楼 16:09&|
收起回复3楼 17:54&|
想了解更多关于 ”斗战神“的信息,请&或查看: 5258|回复: 6
本帖最后由 skilly 于
15:09 编辑
E~VW)TS$(BP7[{YA9~`@QP0.jpg (18.8 KB, 下载次数: 2)
15:04 上传
& &差不多就这样了,我上次其实也来求助过,但是那个帖子我找不到了
& &用IE6就是这样的
9AHHB7CR7MYL$GYGH$Q{]0X.jpg (38.73 KB, 下载次数: 0)
15:09 上传
& & 再来求一次网银的扩展插件,顺便求破解迅雷下载的扩展程序
& &我看了那些高亮帖子了,但是还是搞不懂怎么弄得~~~~
感谢解答: )
_151811.jpg (106.93 KB, 下载次数: 0)
15:18 上传
版区有你更精彩: )
Adobe Flash Player (2 files) - 版本:
Shockwave Flash 11.5 r31
名称:& & & & Shockwave Flash
说明:& & & & Shockwave Flash 11.5 r31
版本:& & & &
位置:& & & & C:\Documents and Settings\Administrator\Local Settings\Application Data\Google\Chrome\Application\25.0.1364.5\PepperFlash\pepflashplayer.dll
类型:& & & & PPAPI(进程外插件)
& & & &&&停用
MIME 类型:& & & &
MIME 类型& & & & 说明& & & & 文件扩展名
application/x-shockwave-flash& & & & Shockwave Flash& & & &
application/futuresplash& & & & FutureSplash Player& & & &
名称:& & & & Shockwave Flash
说明:& & & & Shockwave Flash 10.2 r152
版本:& & & & 10,2,152,26
位置:& & & & C:\Documents and Settings\Administrator\Local Settings\Application Data\Google\Chrome\Application\25.0.1364.5\plugins\NPSWF32.dll
类型:& & & & NPAPI
& & & &&&停用
MIME 类型:& & & &
MIME 类型& & & & 说明& & & & 文件扩展名
application/x-shockwave-flash& & & & Adobe Flash movie& & & &
application/futuresplash& & & & FutureSplash movie& & & &
停用& &始终允许
Thunder DapCtrl NPAPI Plugin - 版本: 3, 1, 0, 7
名称:& & & & Thunder DapCtrl NPAPI Plugin
版本:& & & & 3, 1, 0, 7
位置:& & & & C:\Program Files\Common Files\Thunder Network\KanKan\npDapCtrl.
类型:& & & & NPAPI
& & & &&&停用
MIME 类型:& & & &
MIME 类型& & & & 说明& & & & 文件扩展名
application/x-thunder-dapctrl& & & & Thunder DapCtrl Plugin& & & &
停用& &始终允许
QvodShareModule - 版本:
名称:& & & & QvodShareModule
版本:& & & &
位置:& & & & D:\QvodPlayer\npShareModule.dll
类型:& & & & NPAPI
& & & &&&停用
MIME 类型:& & & &
MIME 类型& & & & 说明& & & & 文件扩展名
application/qvodshare-plugin& & & & & & & &
停用& &始终允许
Microsoft® DRM - 版本:
DRM Store Netscape Plugin
名称:& & & & Microsoft® DRM
说明:& & & & DRM Store Netscape Plugin
版本:& & & &
位置:& & & & C:\Documents and Settings\Administrator\Local Settings\Application Data\Google\Chrome\Application\25.0.1364.5\plugins\npwmsdrm.dll
类型:& & & & NPAPI
& & & &&&停用
MIME 类型:& & & &
MIME 类型& & & & 说明& & & & 文件扩展名
application/x-drm& & & & Network Interface Plugin& & & &
停用& &始终允许
Windows Media Player - 版本:
名称:& & & & Microsoft® Windows Media Player Firefox Plugin
说明:& & & & np-mswmp
版本:& & & &
位置:& & & & C:\Documents and Settings\Administrator\Local Settings\Application Data\Google\Chrome\Application\25.0.1364.5\plugins\np-mswmp.dll
类型:& & & & NPAPI
& & & &&&停用
MIME 类型:& & & &
MIME 类型& & & & 说明& & & & 文件扩展名
application/x-ms-wmp& & & & np-mswmp& & & &
application/asx& & & & & & & &
video/x-ms-asf-plugin& & & & & & & &
application/x-mplayer2& & & & & & & &
video/x-ms-asf& & & & & & & &
.asf& & & & .asx& & & & .*
video/x-ms-wm& & & & & & & &
.wm& & & & .*
audio/x-ms-wma& & & & & & & &
.wma& & & & .*
audio/x-ms-wax& & & & & & & &
.wax& & & & .*
video/x-ms-wmv& & & & & & & &
.wmv& & & & .*
video/x-ms-wvx& & & & & & & &
.wvx& & & & .*
停用& &始终允许
360网盾 - 版本: 1, 0, 0, 1001
360网盾 NPAPI插件
名称:& & & & 360网盾
说明:& & & & 360网盾 NPAPI插件
版本:& & & & 1, 0, 0, 1001
位置:& & & & C:\Documents and Settings\Administrator\Local Settings\Application Data\Google\Chrome\User Data\Default\Extensions\pppagaglfkmlpgobnlenhknilehpmcbo\1.0_0\plugin/360webshield.dll
类型:& & & & NPAPI
& & & &&&停用
MIME 类型:& & & &
MIME 类型& & & & 说明& & & & 文件扩展名
application/x-np360webshield& & & & 360webshield.dll& & & &
停用& &始终允许
Chrome Remote Desktop Viewer
This plugin allows you to securely access other computers that have been shared with you. To use this plugin you must first install the Chrome Remote Desktop webapp.
名称:& & & & Chrome Remote Desktop Viewer
说明:& & & & This plugin allows you to securely access other computers that have been shared with you. To use this plugin you must first install the Chrome Remote Desktop webapp.
版本:& & & &
位置:& & & & internal-remoting-viewer
类型:& & & & PPAPI(进程外插件)
& & & &&&停用
MIME 类型:& & & &
MIME 类型& & & & 说明& & & & 文件扩展名
application/vnd.chromium.remoting-viewer& & & & & & & &
停用& &始终允许
QuickTime Player (6 files) - 版本: 7.6.7 (1675) 下载关键安全更新
The QuickTime Plugin allows you to view a wide variety of multimedia content in Web pages. For more information, visit the QuickTime Web site.
名称:& & & & QuickTime Plug-in 7.6.7
说明:& & & & The QuickTime Plugin allows you to view a wide variety of multimedia content in Web pages. For more information, visit the QuickTime Web site.
版本:& & & & 7.6.7 (1675)
位置:& & & & C:\Documents and Settings\Administrator\Local Settings\Application Data\Google\Chrome\Application\25.0.1364.5\plugins\npqtplugin.dll
类型:& & & & NPAPI
& & & &&&停用
MIME 类型:& & & &
MIME 类型& & & & 说明& & & & 文件扩展名
application/sdp& & & & SDP 流描述符& & & &
application/x-sdp& & & & SDP 流描述符& & & &
application/x-rtsp& & & & RTSP 流描述符& & & &
.rtsp& & & & .rts
video/quicktime& & & & QuickTime Movie& & & &
.mov& & & & .qt& & & & .mqv
video/flc& & & & AutoDesk 动画程序 (FLC)& & & &
.flc& & & & .fli& & & & .cel
audio/x-wav& & & & WAVE 音频& & & &
.wav& & & & .bwf
audio/wav& & & & WAVE 音频& & & &
.wav& & & & .bwf
audio/aiff& & & & AIFF 音频& & & &
.aiff& & & & .aif& & & & .aifc& & & & .cdda
名称:& & & & QuickTime Plug-in 7.6.7
说明:& & & & The QuickTime Plugin allows you to view a wide variety of multimedia content in Web pages. For more information, visit the QuickTime Web site.
版本:& & & & 7.6.7 (1675)
位置:& & & & C:\Documents and Settings\Administrator\Local Settings\Application Data\Google\Chrome\Application\25.0.1364.5\plugins\npqtplugin2.dll
类型:& & & & NPAPI
& & & &&&停用
MIME 类型:& & & &
MIME 类型& & & & 说明& & & & 文件扩展名
audio/x-aiff& & & & AIFF 音频& & & &
.aiff& & & & .aif& & & & .aifc& & & & .cdda
audio/basic& & & & uLaw/AU 音频& & & &
.au& & & & .snd& & & & .ulw
audio/mid& & & & MIDI& & & &
.mid& & & & .midi& & & & .smf& & & & .kar
audio/x-midi& & & & MIDI& & & &
.mid& & & & .midi& & & & .smf& & & & .kar
audio/midi& & & & MIDI& & & &
.mid& & & & .midi& & & & .smf& & & & .kar
audio/vnd.qcelp& & & & QUALCOMM PureVoice audio& & & &
audio/x-gsm& & & & GSM 音频& & & &
audio/amr& & & & AMR 音频& & & &
audio/aac& & & & AAC 音频& & & &
.aac& & & & .adts
名称:& & & & QuickTime Plug-in 7.6.7
说明:& & & & The QuickTime Plugin allows you to view a wide variety of multimedia content in Web pages. For more information, visit the QuickTime Web site.
版本:& & & & 7.6.7 (1675)
位置:& & & & C:\Documents and Settings\Administrator\Local Settings\Application Data\Google\Chrome\Application\25.0.1364.5\plugins\npqtplugin3.dll
类型:& & & & NPAPI
& & & &&&停用
MIME 类型:& & & &
MIME 类型& & & & 说明& & & & 文件扩展名
audio/x-aac& & & & AAC 音频& & & &
.aac& & & & .adts
audio/x-caf& & & & CAF 音频& & & &
audio/ac3& & & & AC3 音频& & & &
audio/x-ac3& & & & AC3 音频& & & &
video/x-mpeg& & & & MPEG 媒体& & & &
.mpeg& & & & .mpg& & & & .m1s& & & & .m1v& & & & .m1a& & & & .m75& & & & .m15& & & & .mp2& & & & .mpm& & & & .mpv& & & & .mpa
video/mpeg& & & & MPEG 媒体& & & &
.mpeg& & & & .mpg& & & & .m1s& & & & .m1v& & & & .m1a& & & & .m75& & & & .m15& & & & .mp2& & & & .mpm& & & & .mpv& & & & .mpa
名称:& & & & QuickTime Plug-in 7.6.7
说明:& & & & The QuickTime Plugin allows you to view a wide variety of multimedia content in Web pages. For more information, visit the QuickTime Web site.
版本:& & & & 7.6.7 (1675)
位置:& & & & C:\Documents and Settings\Administrator\Local Settings\Application Data\Google\Chrome\Application\25.0.1364.5\plugins\npqtplugin4.dll
类型:& & & & NPAPI
& & & &&&停用
MIME 类型:& & & &
MIME 类型& & & & 说明& & & & 文件扩展名
audio/mpeg& & & & MPEG 音频& & & &
.mpeg& & & & .mpg& & & & .m1s& & & & .m1a& & & & .mp2& & & & .mpm& & & & .mpa& & & & .m2a
audio/x-mpeg& & & & MPEG 音频& & & &
.mpeg& & & & .mpg& & & & .m1s& & & & .m1a& & & & .mp2& & & & .mpm& & & & .mpa& & & & .m2a
video/3gpp& & & & 3GPP 媒体& & & &
.3gp& & & & .3gpp
audio/3gpp& & & & 3GPP 媒体& & & &
.3gp& & & & .3gpp
video/3gpp2& & & & 3GPP2 媒体& & & &
.3g2& & & & .3gp2
audio/3gpp2& & & & 3GPP2 媒体& & & &
.3g2& & & & .3gp2
video/sd-video& & & & SD 视频& & & &
application/x-mpeg& & & & AMC 媒体& & & &
名称:& & & & QuickTime Plug-in 7.6.7
说明:& & & & The QuickTime Plugin allows you to view a wide variety of multimedia content in Web pages. For more information, visit the QuickTime Web site.
版本:& & & & 7.6.7 (1675)
位置:& & & & C:\Documents and Settings\Administrator\Local Settings\Application Data\Google\Chrome\Application\25.0.1364.5\plugins\npqtplugin5.dll
类型:& & & & NPAPI
& & & &&&停用
MIME 类型:& & & &
MIME 类型& & & & 说明& & & & 文件扩展名
video/mp4& & & & MPEG-4 媒体& & & &
audio/mp4& & & & MPEG-4 媒体& & & &
audio/x-m4a& & & & AAC 音频& & & &
audio/x-m4p& & & & AAC 音频(被保护的)& & & &
audio/x-m4b& & & & AAC 有声书& & & &
video/x-m4v& & & & 视频(被保护)& & & &
image/x-macpaint& & & & MacPaint 图像& & & &
.pntg& & & & .pnt& & & & .mac
image/pict& & & & PICT 图像& & & &
.pict& & & & .pic& & & & .pct
image/x-pict& & & & PICT 图像& & & &
.pict& & & & .pic& & & & .pct
image/png& & & & PNG 图像& & & &
image/x-png& & & & PNG 图像& & & &
名称:& & & & QuickTime Plug-in 7.6.7
说明:& & & & The QuickTime Plugin allows you to view a wide variety of multimedia content in Web pages. For more information, visit the QuickTime Web site.
版本:& & & & 7.6.7 (1675)
位置:& & & & C:\Documents and Settings\Administrator\Local Settings\Application Data\Google\Chrome\Application\25.0.1364.5\plugins\npqtplugin6.dll
类型:& & & & NPAPI
& & & &&&停用
MIME 类型:& & & &
MIME 类型& & & & 说明& & & & 文件扩展名
image/x-quicktime& & & & QuickTime 图像& & & &
.qtif& & & & .qti
image/x-sgi& & & & SGI 图像& & & &
.sgi& & & & .rgb
image/x-targa& & & & TGA 图像& & & &
.targa& & & & .tga
image/jp2& & & & JPEG2000 图像& & & &
image/jpeg2000& & & & JPEG2000 图像& & & &
image/jpeg2000-image& & & & JPEG2000 图像& & & &
image/x-jpeg2000-image& & & & JPEG2000 图像& & & &
停用& &始终允许
QvodInsert - 版本: 5, 6, 123, 0
名称:& & & & QvodInsert
版本:& & & & 5, 6, 123, 0
位置:& & & & D:\QvodPlayer\npQvodInsert.dll
类型:& & & & NPAPI
& & & &&&停用
MIME 类型:& & & &
MIME 类型& & & & 说明& & & & 文件扩展名
application/qvod-plugin& & & & QvodInsert& & & &
停用& &始终允许
Native Client
名称:& & & & Native Client
版本:& & & &
位置:& & & & C:\Documents and Settings\Administrator\Local Settings\Application Data\Google\Chrome\Application\25.0.1364.5\ppGoogleNaClPluginChrome.dll
类型:& & & & PPAPI(进程中插件)
& & & &&&停用
MIME 类型:& & & &
MIME 类型& & & & 说明& & & & 文件扩展名
application/x-nacl& & & & Native Client Executable& & & &
停用& &始终允许
Chrome PDF Viewer
名称:& & & & Chrome PDF Viewer
版本:& & & &
位置:& & & & C:\Documents and Settings\Administrator\Local Settings\Application Data\Google\Chrome\Application\25.0.1364.5\pdf.dll
类型:& & & & PPAPI(进程中插件)
& & & &&&停用
MIME 类型:& & & &
MIME 类型& & & & 说明& & & & 文件扩展名
application/pdf& & & & Portable Document Format& & & &
application/x-google-chrome-print-preview-pdf& & & & Portable Document Format& & & &
停用& &始终允许
Alipay security control - 版本: 1, 3, 0, 2
名称:& & & & Alipay security control
说明:& & & & npaliedit
版本:& & & & 1, 3, 0, 2
位置:& & & & C:\Documents and Settings\Administrator\Local Settings\Application Data\Google\Chrome\Application\25.0.1364.5\plugins\npaliedit.dll
类型:& & & & NPAPI
& & & &&&停用
MIME 类型:& & & &
MIME 类型& & & & 说明& & & & 文件扩展名
application/aliedit& & & & npaliedit& & & &
停用& &始终允许
Silverlight - 版本: 4.0.50401.0 下载关键安全更新
名称:& & & & Silverlight Plug-In
版本:& & & & 4.0.50401.0
位置:& & & & C:\Documents and Settings\Administrator\Local Settings\Application Data\Google\Chrome\Application\25.0.1364.5\plugins\npctrl.dll
类型:& & & & NPAPI
& & & &&&停用
MIME 类型:& & & &
MIME 类型& & & & 说明& & & & 文件扩展名
application/x-silverlight& & & & npctrl& & & &
application/x-silverlight-2& & & & & & & &
停用& &始终允许
Java(TM) (2 files) - 版本: 下载关键安全更新
NPRuntime Script Plug-in Library for Java(TM) Deploy
名称:& & & & Java Deployment Toolkit
说明:& & & & NPRuntime Script Plug-in Library for Java(TM) Deploy
版本:& & & &
位置:& & & & C:\Documents and Settings\Administrator\Local Settings\Application Data\Google\Chrome\Application\25.0.1364.5\plugins\npdeployJava1.dll
类型:& & & & NPAPI
& & & &&&停用
MIME 类型:& & & &
MIME 类型& & & & 说明& & & & 文件扩展名
application/java-deployment-toolkit& & & & & & & &
名称:& & & & Java(TM) Platform SE 6 U20
说明:& & & & Next Generation Java Plug-in 1.6.0_20 for Mozilla browsers
版本:& & & &
位置:& & & & C:\Documents and Settings\Administrator\Local Settings\Application Data\Google\Chrome\Application\25.0.1364.5\plugins\npjp2.dll
类型:& & & & NPAPI
& & & &&&停用
MIME 类型:& & & &
MIME 类型& & & & 说明& & & & 文件扩展名
application/x-java-applet& & & & Java Applet& & & &
application/x-java-bean& & & & JavaBeans& & & &
application/x-java-vm& & & & & & & &
application/x-java-version=1.1.1& & & & & & & &
application/x-java-version=1.1.1& & & & & & & &
application/x-java-version=1.1& & & & & & & &
application/x-java-version=1.1& & & & & & & &
application/x-java-version=1.2& & & & & & & &
application/x-java-version=1.2& & & & & & & &
application/x-java-version=1.1.3& & & & & & & &
application/x-java-version=1.1.3& & & & & & & &
application/x-java-version=1.1.2& & & & & & & &
application/x-java-version=1.1.2& & & & & & & &
application/x-java-version=1.3& & & & & & & &
application/x-java-version=1.3& & & & & & & &
application/x-java-version=1.2.2& & & & & & & &
application/x-java-version=1.2.2& & & & & & & &
application/x-java-version=1.2.1& & & & & & & &
application/x-java-version=1.2.1& & & & & & & &
application/x-java-version=1.3.1& & & & & & & &
application/x-java-version=1.3.1& & & & & & & &
application/x-java-version=1.4& & & & & & & &
application/x-java-version=1.4& & & & & & & &
application/x-java-version=1.4.1& & & & & & & &
application/x-java-version=1.4.1& & & & & & & &
application/x-java-version=1.4.2& & & & & & & &
application/x-java-version=1.4.2& & & & & & & &
application/x-java-version=1.5& & & & & & & &
application/x-java-version=1.5& & & & & & & &
application/x-java-version=1.6& & & & & & & &
application/x-java-version=1.6& & & & & & & &
application/x-java-jpi-version=1.6.0_20& & & & & & & &
application/x-java-jpi-version=1.6.0_20& & & & & & & &
application/x-java-vm-npruntime& & & & & & & &
停用& &始终允许
Microsoft® DRM - 版本:
DRM Netscape Network Object
名称:& & & & Microsoft® DRM
说明:& & & & DRM Netscape Network Object
版本:& & & &
位置:& & & & C:\Documents and Settings\Administrator\Local Settings\Application Data\Google\Chrome\Application\25.0.1364.5\plugins\npdrmv2.dll
类型:& & & & NPAPI
& & & &&&停用
MIME 类型:& & & &
MIME 类型& & & & 说明& & & & 文件扩展名
application/x-drm-v2& & & & Network Interface Plugin& & & &
停用& &始终允许
Foxit Reader Plugin for Mozilla - 版本: 1, 0, 1, 1117
Foxit Reader Plug-In For Firefox and Netscape
名称:& & & & Foxit Reader Plugin for Mozilla
说明:& & & & Foxit Reader Plug-In For Firefox and Netscape
版本:& & & & 1, 0, 1, 1117
位置:& & & & C:\Documents and Settings\Administrator\Local Settings\Application Data\Google\Chrome\Application\25.0.1364.5\plugins\npFoxitReaderPlugin.dll
类型:& & & & NPAPI
& & & &&&停用
MIME 类型:& & & &
MIME 类型& & & & 说明& & & & 文件扩展名
application/pdf& & & & Acrobat Portable Document Format& & & &
停用& &始终允许
RealPlayer (2 files) - 版本: 下载关键安全更新
RealPlayer(tm) LiveConnect-Enabled Plug-In
名称:& & & & RealPlayer(tm) G2 LiveConnect-Enabled Plug-In (32-bit)
说明:& & & & RealPlayer(tm) LiveConnect-Enabled Plug-In
版本:& & & &
位置:& & & & C:\Documents and Settings\Administrator\Local Settings\Application Data\Google\Chrome\Application\25.0.1364.5\plugins\nppl3260.dll
类型:& & & & NPAPI
& & & &&&停用
MIME 类型:& & & &
MIME 类型& & & & 说明& & & & 文件扩展名
audio/x-pn-realaudio-plugin& & & & RealPlayer(tm) as Plug-in& & & &
名称:& & & & RealPlayer Version Plugin
版本:& & & &
位置:& & & & C:\Documents and Settings\Administrator\Local Settings\Application Data\Google\Chrome\Application\25.0.1364.5\plugins\nprpjplug.dll
类型:& & & & NPAPI
& & & &&&停用
MIME 类型:& & & &
MIME 类型& & & & 说明& & & & 文件扩展名
application/vnd.rn-realplayer-javascript& & & & RealPlayer Version Plugin& & & &
停用& &始终允许
RealJukebox NS Plugin - 版本:
RealJukebox Netscape Plugin
名称:& & & & RealJukebox NS Plugin
说明:& & & & RealJukebox Netscape Plugin
版本:& & & &
位置:& & & & C:\Documents and Settings\Administrator\Local Settings\Application Data\Google\Chrome\Application\25.0.1364.5\plugins\nprjplug.dll
类型:& & & & NPAPI
& & & &&&停用
MIME 类型:& & & &
MIME 类型& & & & 说明& & & & 文件扩展名
none& & & & RealJukebox NS Plugin File& & & &
停用& &始终允许
npviewinie - 版本: 1, 6, 1, 0
Browse with IE(hgyxb)
名称:& & & & npviewinie
说明:& & & & Browse with IE(hgyxb)
版本:& & & & 1, 6, 1, 0
位置:& & & & C:\Documents and Settings\Administrator\Local Settings\Application Data\Google\Chrome\Application\25.0.1364.5\plugins\npviewinie.dll
类型:& & & & NPAPI
& & & &&&停用
MIME 类型:& & & &
MIME 类型& & & & 说明& & & & 文件扩展名
application/viewinie& & & & none& & & &
停用& &始终允许
Taobao WangWang Handler (2 files) - 版本: 0, 2, 0, 0
名称:& & & & Taobao WangWang Handler
版本:& & & & 0, 2, 0, 0
位置:& & & & C:\Documents and Settings\Administrator\Local Settings\Application Data\Google\Chrome\Application\25.0.1364.5\plugins\npwangwang.dll
类型:& & & & NPAPI
& & & &&&停用
MIME 类型:& & & &
MIME 类型& & & & 说明& & & & 文件扩展名
application/x-taobao-wangwang-handler& & & & npwangwang& & & &
名称:& & & & AliWangWang Plug-In For Firefox and Netscape
说明:& & & & npwangwang
版本:& & & & 1, 0, 0, 4
位置:& & & & D:\阿里旺旺\7.20.12C\npwangwang.dll
类型:& & & & NPAPI
& & & &&&停用
MIME 类型:& & & &
MIME 类型& & & & 说明& & & & 文件扩展名
application/ww-plugin& & & & npwangwang& & & &
停用& &始终允许
Windows Presentation Foundation - 版本: 3.5.30729.1 built by: SP
Windows Presentation Foundation (WPF) plug-in for Mozilla browsers
名称:& & & & Windows Presentation Foundation
说明:& & & & Windows Presentation Foundation (WPF) plug-in for Mozilla browsers
版本:& & & & 3.5.30729.1 built by: SP
位置:& & & & C:\Documents and Settings\Administrator\Local Settings\Application Data\Google\Chrome\Application\25.0.1364.5\plugins\NPWPF.dll
类型:& & & & NPAPI
& & & &&&停用
MIME 类型:& & & &
MIME 类型& & & & 说明& & & & 文件扩展名
application/x-ms-xbap& & & & XAML Browser Application& & & &
application/xaml+xml& & & & XAML Document& & & &
停用& &始终允许
360MMPlugin - 版本: 2, 0, 0, 1010
名称:& & & & 360MMPlugin
版本:& & & & 2, 0, 0, 1010
位置:& & & & D:\360\360Safe\MobileMgr\np360MMPlugIn.dll
类型:& & & & NPAPI
& & & &&&停用
MIME 类型:& & & &
MIME 类型& & & & 说明& & & & 文件扩展名
application/x360mmplugin& & & & 360MMPlugin.dll& & & &
停用& &始终允许
XunLei Plugin (2 files) - 版本: 1, 0, 0, 1
Xunlei scriptability Plugin
名称:& & & & XunLei Plugin
说明:& & & & Xunlei scriptability Plugin
版本:& & & & 1, 0, 0, 1
位置:& & & & C:\Documents and Settings\Administrator\Local Settings\Application Data\Google\Chrome\Application\25.0.1364.5\plugins\npxunlei.dll
类型:& & & & NPAPI
& & & &&&停用
MIME 类型:& & & &
MIME 类型& & & & 说明& & & & 文件扩展名
application/np_xunlei_plugin& & & & np_xunlei_plugin& & & &
名称:& & & & XunLei Plugin
说明:& & & & Xunlei scriptability Plugin
版本:& & & & 1, 0, 0, 2
位置:& & & & D:\迅雷\data\npxunlei1.0.0.2.dll
类型:& & & & NPAPI
& & & &&&停用
MIME 类型:& & & &
MIME 类型& & & & 说明& & & & 文件扩展名
application/np_xunlei_plugin& & & & np_xunlei_plugin& & & &
application/np_xunlei_plugin.2& & & & & & & &
停用& &始终允许
npalicdo plugin - 版本: 1, 0, 0, 1
名称:& & & & npalicdo plugin
说明:& & & & npalicdo
版本:& & & & 1, 0, 0, 1
位置:& & & & C:\Documents and Settings\Administrator\Application Data\alipay\cf\npalicdo.dll
类型:& & & & NPAPI
& & & &&&停用
MIME 类型:& & & &
MIME 类型& & & & 说明& & & & 文件扩展名
application/npalicdo& & & & npalicdo& & & &
停用& &始终允许
QQ2011 - 版本: 1, 71, 3004, 0
名称:& & & & QQ2011
版本:& & & & 1, 71, 3004, 0
位置:& & & & C:\Program Files\Common Files\Tencent\NPQSCALL\npqscall.dll
类型:& & & & NPAPI
& & & &&&停用
MIME 类型:& & & &
MIME 类型& & & & 说明& & & & 文件扩展名
application/qscall-plugin& & & & & & & &
停用& &始终允许
QQMusic - 版本: 8.40.
名称:& & & & QQMusic
版本:& & & & 8.40.
位置:& & & & C:\Program Files\Tencent\QQMusic\QzoneMusic\npQzoneMusic.dll
类型:& & & & NPAPI
& & & &&&停用
MIME 类型:& & & &
MIME 类型& & & & 说明& & & & 文件扩展名
application/tecent-qzonemusic-plugin& & & & This plug-in is transfers of QzoneMusic when opening Qzone in a web page with Firefox.& & & &
停用& &始终允许
npQQPhotoDrawEx - 版本: 2, 38, 223, 1024
npQQPhotoDrawEx Module
名称:& & & & npQQPhotoDrawEx
说明:& & & & npQQPhotoDrawEx Module
版本:& & & & 2, 38, 223, 1024
位置:& & & & C:\Program Files\Tencent\Qzone\npQQPhotoDrawEx.dll
类型:& & & & NPAPI
& & & &&&停用
MIME 类型:& & & &
MIME 类型& & & & 说明& & & & 文件扩展名
application/tencent-qqphotodrawex2-plugin& & & & & & & &
停用& &始终允许
AliSSOLogin plugin - 版本: 1, 0, 0, 1
npAliSSOLogin Plugin
& &&&就这样了,难道是因为我装了快播?
tyks128 发表于
闻雷版版的网盘/share/link?shareid=141506&uk=#dir/path=%2FGoogle%20Chro ...
skilly 发表于
Adobe Flash Player (2 files) - 版本:
Shockwave Flash 11.5 r31
名称:& & & & Shockwave Flash
好热的天气 发表于
& &装了啊,但是他老是提示我没安装,我觉得很奇怪~
& & 现在我打算把网银给卸了,重来一次~
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