
行走于天涯的时光途中,隔着岁月回望,恍如一场飘渺的梦.曾经,清歌几许,思绪如诗,仿佛已缠绵了半个世纪,而我们,却于岁月的深处,渐行渐远.常常,流连于转角的目光还未来得及收回那身影已不知转向何方 ;常常,停留在掌心的暖还未来得及留恋那温暖已不知流向何处;常常,留在心中的熟悉的脸还未来得及回忆那记忆已不知消失何地.倾其所有,在贪得无厌面前,依旧是跌停的零.断壁残垣,在两厢情愿心中,究竟是流年如镜.世事变幻无常,一人花开,一人花落,这些年从头到尾,无人问询.静坐红尘,与时光对望,捻一曲心音,携半卷经年.见或不见,曾经在心 ;念或不念,默然相伴.一曲高山流水,一段寂寞霓裳.经年,也便会默然流逝.
扫描下载二维码高一英语作文 假如你叫李华 最近,你的好友玛丽假如你叫李华 最近你的好友玛丽来信说她升入高中以后不太适应 不知道如何结交新朋友 用英语给她回一封信 提出一些建议 记住是高一作文
Hi Marry,It is glad to hear from you again.Now I am doing very well.Thanks for your care.In your last mail,you mentioned that you haven't get used to your high school life yet.And you don't know how to make some new friends.Here is my solutions,hope it helps.1) Be friendly to everyone aroud you.Keep smile on your face,smile is the best way to make a friend.if you do so,people will be love to make friend with you.2) Be ready to help others,when someone in trouble,if you can help.Then you have a new friend.3) Don't be shy to talk with others.That means you have to active to make a new friend.In your next mail.I hope to hear something about you new friend.And I belive that you will make it.Any other problem,pls let me konw,I will try my best to help you,my friend.Best Regards,LiHua仅供参考 不好的地方 还请楼主自己去修改下喽 自己去发挥下啊 照抄不好哇 楼主 被老师发现了有问题 不要来怪我就行了 哈哈 给分
Dear Mary:How have you been doing recently?I know that you have failed in the recent exam, and you must in a bad mood.Maybe you think that it's unfair for you, for you are always a good girl. In the world, we can not make sure the result of everything, but if we try our best to do it, we'll get something though it's not the good one.Cheer up, my best friend. As we all know, failure is the mother of success. Don't give up so earily, and you'll achieve what you deserve sooner or later. Trust yourself and I'll always stand by you ever forever.Best wishes.Yours, Lihua
Mary is my best friend.She has a healthy lifestyle.She always drinks a glass of milk and eats an egg for breakfast.She has rice and different kinds of vegetables for lunch.For dinner,she usually eats some fish and vegetables.She never eats junk food.Besides,Mary does exercises every day.And she goes to bed early and gets up early,too.She sleeps nine hours every night.如果词数不够,就把下面的整合下也加上.把主语换成she就好了The First,we must eat well to have a healthy body.After all,the body is the capital of revolution.The second,Must eat breakfast,for breakfast is to provide energy to the body.The third,we need to remember washing hands before meals,because if not wash them will have bacteria.The fifth,keep healthy eating,eat more fruit and vegetables,eat less or not to eat junk food.The end,we should participate in regular exercise,and strengthen the body.All in all,I hope everybody can remember those,develop a good living habit,be a healthy and learning good student!
His friend Mary called him and said "Happy Birthday" to him today.Mary said that she was in Moscow,the weather there was sunny,and it was a little hot and dry.She also said that she was in a good mood,because she was visiting her grandmother.Then they ended their talking happily.
Today he call friend Mary wish him a happy birthday, M She's in Moscow, the weather there is sunny day a little hot and dry, her mood is good, because she is visiting her grandmother, and then two people happily ended the call
Today,his friendMarie called towish him a happy birthday,Mshein Moscow,where the weather issunny dayishot and dry,hermood is good,because sheis visitingher grandmother,and then the two of themended happily.
Today,his friendMarie called towish him a happy birthday,Mshe wasin Moscow,where the weather is sunnyanda little bithot and dry,hermood is good,because sheis visitingher grandmother,and then the two of themended happily 不明白的可以追问。望采纳!
Today Mary, his friend called him and said happy birthday to him.She also said that she was in
Moscow where it was fine but a little hot and dry,and she was in a good mood because she was visiting her grandmother. Then Mary and he ended the call happily.欢迎追问。


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