
[] 10:32:23&作者:kaka' 来源:本站原创
 女王大人准备入侵地球了!但地球联合理事会的部队非常强大,正面...& 一张很诡异的图片。。。
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UID1389808主题阅读权限40帖子精华1积分732金钱354 荣誉17 人气0 在线时间126 小时评议0
Lv.4游侠高级会员, 积分 732, 距离下一级还需 268 积分
帖子精华1积分732金钱354 荣誉17 人气0 评议0
(91.04 KB)
看来玻璃渣又得改良某方面的东西了 = =|||
UID1905506主题阅读权限50帖子精华0积分1774金钱6236 荣誉0 人气7 在线时间7396 小时评议0
Lv.5游侠白银会员, 积分 1774, 距离下一级还需 226 积分
帖子精华0积分1774金钱6236 荣誉0 人气7 评议0
UID849762主题阅读权限50帖子精华0积分1452金钱594 荣誉0 人气0 在线时间31 小时评议0
Lv.5游侠白银会员, 积分 1452, 距离下一级还需 548 积分
帖子精华0积分1452金钱594 荣誉0 人气0 评议0
UID525646主题阅读权限30帖子精华0积分232金钱457 荣誉0 人气0 在线时间0 小时评议0
Lv.3游侠中级会员, 积分 232, 距离下一级还需 268 积分
帖子精华0积分232金钱457 荣誉0 人气0 评议0
UID849762主题阅读权限50帖子精华0积分1452金钱594 荣誉0 人气0 在线时间31 小时评议0
Lv.5游侠白银会员, 积分 1452, 距离下一级还需 548 积分
帖子精华0积分1452金钱594 荣誉0 人气0 评议0
UID558177主题阅读权限50帖子精华0积分1183金钱2061 荣誉0 人气0 在线时间35 小时评议0
Lv.5游侠白银会员, 积分 1183, 距离下一级还需 817 积分
帖子精华0积分1183金钱2061 荣誉0 人气0 评议0
他是说影子问题 其实不仔细看是没感觉的
UID635542主题阅读权限20帖子精华0积分128金钱728 荣誉0 人气0 在线时间57 小时评议0
Lv.2游侠会员, 积分 128, 距离下一级还需 72 积分
帖子精华0积分128金钱728 荣誉0 人气0 评议0
其实他自己也没看出来是啥 纯属YY帖啊 哈哈
UID1091319主题阅读权限50帖子精华0积分1187金钱1277 荣誉0 人气0 在线时间0 小时评议0
Lv.5游侠白银会员, 积分 1187, 距离下一级还需 813 积分
帖子精华0积分1187金钱1277 荣誉0 人气0 评议0
UID988647主题阅读权限0帖子精华0积分972金钱716 荣誉1 人气0 在线时间0 小时评议0
帖子精华0积分972金钱716 荣誉1 人气0 评议0
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UID704805主题阅读权限30帖子精华0积分345金钱252 荣誉0 人气0 在线时间57 小时评议0
Lv.3游侠中级会员, 积分 345, 距离下一级还需 155 积分
帖子精华0积分345金钱252 荣誉0 人气0 评议0
UID1417803主题阅读权限60帖子精华0积分5023金钱11281 荣誉12 人气90 在线时间8583 小时评议0
Lv.6游侠黄金会员, 积分 5023, 距离下一级还需 977 积分
帖子精华0积分5023金钱11281 荣誉12 人气90 评议0
UID655319主题阅读权限40帖子精华0积分958金钱400 荣誉1 人气0 在线时间0 小时评议0
Lv.4游侠高级会员, 积分 958, 距离下一级还需 42 积分
帖子精华0积分958金钱400 荣誉1 人气0 评议0
UID1404103主题阅读权限30帖子精华0积分271金钱395 荣誉0 人气0 在线时间2 小时评议0
Lv.3游侠中级会员, 积分 271, 距离下一级还需 229 积分
帖子精华0积分271金钱395 荣誉0 人气0 评议0
UID504501主题阅读权限30帖子精华0积分432金钱1096 荣誉0 人气0 在线时间35 小时评议0
Lv.3游侠中级会员, 积分 432, 距离下一级还需 68 积分
帖子精华0积分432金钱1096 荣誉0 人气0 评议0
UID1921159主题阅读权限20帖子精华0积分68金钱1015 荣誉0 人气0 在线时间178 小时评议0
Lv.2游侠会员, 积分 68, 距离下一级还需 132 积分
帖子精华0积分68金钱1015 荣誉0 人气0 评议0
影子的确有点寒[害怕] [害怕]
UID743994主题阅读权限30帖子精华0积分385金钱1215 荣誉2 人气0 在线时间72 小时评议0
Lv.3游侠中级会员, 积分 385, 距离下一级还需 115 积分
帖子精华0积分385金钱1215 荣誉2 人气0 评议0
无视& && && && && && && && && && && && && & .
S.W.A.T☆久经沙场の巨蟒9毫米猎兵系 海克力斯之眼 
UID1692305主题阅读权限70帖子精华1积分9037金钱19555 荣誉59 人气125 在线时间13831 小时评议0
Lv.7游侠白金会员, 积分 9037, 距离下一级还需 5963 积分
帖子精华1积分9037金钱19555 荣誉59 人气125 评议0
& && &《暗黑3》亚服&&小魚仔#3812
UID1253309主题阅读权限30帖子精华0积分372金钱3036 荣誉1 人气0 在线时间575 小时评议0
Lv.3游侠中级会员, 积分 372, 距离下一级还需 128 积分
帖子精华0积分372金钱3036 荣誉1 人气0 评议0
UID1526328主题阅读权限20帖子精华0积分25金钱82 荣誉0 人气0 在线时间7 小时评议0
Lv.2游侠会员, 积分 25, 距离下一级还需 175 积分
帖子精华0积分25金钱82 荣誉0 人气0 评议0
UID497413主题阅读权限40帖子精华0积分574金钱3948 荣誉0 人气2 在线时间1450 小时评议0
Lv.4游侠高级会员, 积分 574, 距离下一级还需 426 积分
帖子精华0积分574金钱3948 荣誉0 人气2 评议0
原帖由 dde 于
00:00 发表
所以~DIABLO 3和SC2用此技术只是时间问题~
Powered by求一个星际争霸2人族的那个标准图片(就是那个鹰头人身那个)_百度知道
出门在外也不愁[我来转贴]twitter上暴雪最新消息:星际二问答,cata最新截图一张,暗矛部族的荣耀 - 艾泽拉斯国家地理论坛 - [2339][f7]
:: [我来转贴]twitter上暴雪最新消息:星际二问答,cata最新截图一张,暗矛部族的荣耀 ::
[color=blue]Warcraft Check out latest #WoW #Cataclysm Screenshot of the Day! [url]http://cot.ag/aEtAFZ[/url]39 minutes ago via CoTweet[/color]下图中很明显看到cata的水面光影和倒影的效果[img]/downloads/ssotd/images/screens/ss1309.jpg[/img][color=blue]StarCraft Our next #SC2 #BlizzChat focusing on gameplay and art design is about to begin! All answers will be posted here: [url]http://cot.ag/cvb8wE[/url]about 1 hour ago via CoTweet[/color][quote]Q: There has been talks about possibly changing the queen a bit, can you elaborate if that is indeed true? A: We have no current plans to change the queen, bearing possible balance changes. Q: Are there plans to release a chat utility to be used outside of game, similar to say how steam/xfire currently works? A: Eventually we would like an external client for chat and other Battle.net related features, but we don't have anything firmly planned at this point. Q: What unit do you feel is completely different from when it was first designed [in both art and gameplay] within SC2? A: The Corruptor has changed many times in his life cycle, though he was always designed as an anti-air unit. The Mothership has had a long list of different abilities that have changed substantially over the years.Q. Currently, FPS UMS maps are viable but prevented by lag. Are there any plans to reduce Battle.net 2.0's minimum latency from 250ms? A. In the newest patch latency network turns have been reduced to125ms latency. We'd love to see an FPS-like custom map in the beta as soon as publishing is available! Q. Any plans to allow allies to see one another's resource and supply totals as was possible in past Blizzard RTS games? If not, why? A. We had talked about this and felt that the additional complexity was not worth it in our current UI. It was also a tool that was largely used by players in random games to give grief to their less-skilled allies. But we don't hate the feature and could get enthusiastic about if we saw a need while playing. Q. Any UI improvements in the works for commentators, such as the ability to hide the replay bar? A. Yes, we're currently looking at this and will likely have some additional features when the game launches for hiding some of the interface.Q: Which unit was the hardest/most time consuming to work on aesthetically? Are you proud of certain unit? Does one still haunt you? A: Thor is still difficult. We want to make him big and bad ass but then there are issues with him clipping or hiding units. We're still polishing the God of Thunder. Favorite unit would be the Stalker, Reaper and Baneling. Simple design-wise but they add a cool newness to there armies. None haunt me. Though zergling with wings and certain dark templar have haunted our fans. :) Q: How does the dev team accomplish making StarCraft II units and maps &blend& together, despite three distinct races? A: The races are pretty simple as we follow basic guidlines. Terrans are grey, bulky and grimy. Protoss are gold, smooth surfaced and regal. Zerg are brown, purple and spiny. With maps we usually try to make the textures more simplistic to help the units pop out. Sometimes when the texture gets too busy or dark (i.e. Creep) we lose units on them. We are still working on that issue. Q: Will Real ID have more privacy controls for people nervous about sharing their real name/what they're playing? A: There will be parental controls available to prevent accounts from using real ID. Other than that players should create Real ID friends with people that they feel comfortable sharing their name with.Q: Last Dev Chat, Terran was behind in all 1v1 and 2v2 matchups. How do the racial matchup numbers look now? Any outlier matchups? A: We have several tools to measure race balance. The simplest is the win loss by race, factored by leagues. In Platinum and Gold leagues the numbers look like this. Terrans vs. Protoss 46% - 54% Protoss vs. Zerg 51% - 49% Terrans vs. Zerg 51% - 49% I do not have the more interesting numbers that factor for player skill. The last time I saw these numbers Zerg were ahead of Protoss, Protoss were ahead of Terrans and Terrans and Zerg were fairly even. Obviously there is a lot more work to be done and more beta time in front of us but we are very pleased with the current numbers. Q: Are there any plans to allow creep to spill over the edge of cliffs? A: We do not plan to have creep spread down cliffs. We like that there are some restrictions to creep movement. Q: Do you think you will add any new units (or take any out) before release or is the current unit roster definite? A: I doubt we will cut units but I expect that we will make some changes to current units. The Phoenix and Corruptor are currently being evaluated and may see some changes in the next few weeks.Q. Currently the Map Editor has a small variety of unit/item models for mappers to use. Will there be additions to usable models? A. Yes. Currently the beta is limited to objects ONLY in the beta, which is a limited number of tilesets and no campaign units or objects. There will be a much larger set of models and assets for mappers to use at launch. Q. The Hydralisk attack animation has gotten a lot of complaints in beta. Will it get its acid back as a part of its attack? A. The Hydra attack was always meant to be spines. In the original game you couldn't see that so we gooped it up. Now with Banelings exploding goop and the Roach attack's looking all gooby, we thought that the Hydras would look more unique having the original spine idea incorporated back in. FYI: Goop and gooby are Samwise trademarks. Q. Do you plan to implement 3v3 and 4v4 match-ups at some point during the beta? If so, when? A. We do intend to release 3v3 and 4v4 matchmaking in the beta around the middle of May. We will likely limit the number of maps because we still want players to primarily focus on 1v1 games to continue to help test balance.Q: With the large discussion on Zerg changes, is there any planned? Or do you believe that they're not being used fully? A: We are looking at changes to the Corruptor. We are looking at the balance on Ultralisk and Infestor. We are not planning to introduce new units at this time, though we shall see as Beta progresses. =) Q: Will be be able to use original units for the map editor before release? A: No. The beta editor will not include campaign units prior to release. Q: Do you feel that micro needs to play more of a role in SC2? Will moving shot be re-introduced? A: I don't that we need MORE micro in SC2. We have a ton of it. But we are always looking to make the game more fun. A large number of units do drift in SC2 as they shoot (I assume that is what you are asking about). However our engine is a lot more precise than the original StarCraft so when you tell a unit to do something, it does it. We did find a few units this week that we felt were less responsive than we wanted (Hellion for example) and we will be making some changes to make them more responsive in a future patch. It is a different game, we did make a new engine. We will never be able to dupblicate the controls of the original StarCraft exactly.Q. Will you be adding a timer in-game so we can stop using stop watches/clocks ? A. We know a stop watch is desired in-game by the community and are currently discussing the feature. This is not likely to happen by launch, but is definitely something we'll consider for a patch shortly after we've shipped the game. Q. Any plans to implement a clan system that automatically adds &clan tags& in front of your ID? A. Clans are definitely something we plan to implement in the future. No specific date has been identified yet. They will likely correspond with the first expansion or a future patch. Q. Are there plans for a &Do Not Disturb& option that prevents incoming messages from showing? A. Yes. You will have options when StarCraft II officially launches to turn off incoming messages and prevent toasts while playing the game. This may not be available in the beta prior to release.Q: Do you plan on rework/rebalance of the Forcefield or are you already statisfied with it. A: We are never &happy& about anything in the game.=) We are always looking at everything and trying to see if it works or it is broken. We think Force Field is a fun ability that has a lot of great uses that introduces a ton of new strategy into the game. We worry that it might be a little powerful. We are looking at some nerfs to the Sentry to create a higher cost for Protoss players who choose to bring too many Sentrys to a fight. We will continue to evaluate the ability as we do all abilities during the beta and beyond. Q: Art direction in beta looks great so far. Will the Star Map make an appearance of some kind or has it been cut completely? A: On behalf of the StarCraft II art team, thank you. We use the star map in the single player alot but it isn't like what we have shown previously. A big galactic map is something I really want to use for future expansions. Q: The damage modifiers have been slowly weeded out through the patches, have you thought about getting rid of them completely? A: StarCraft had a damage system that was similar to ours only it was more complicated and a lot less clear. We are very happy with our damage system as a significant improvement over the original StarCraft and will continue to use it as a balance tool to try to create the best strategy game we can. There are no plans to cut it.Q. Will multiple building selection for Terran stay like it is now and why is it so? (e.g. 2 barracks with different add-ons in one control group requiring the Tab key to switch between them seems odd) A. We are changing the way Terrans build from their buildings with different add-ons. I get confused about what is live and what is in the version I played at the office today. =) If it isn't out now you'll see it in a future patch. Q. Will you ever give the Medvac a follow command that does not force it to pick up units ? A. We hadn't planned on it, but I can look into it. =) Q. Are there any plans to giving Reapers more of a late-game viability, similar to the Zealot charge? A. If we need to we can always add upgrades that make units more powerful in the late game. We have no current plans for the Reaper. Frankly the meta-game has not settled down enough yet for us to know what is and is not really useful in the end game. But I would worry about the Reaper and your suggestion is interesting.Q: How far in the 'long term' are those plans which allow for swapping to U.S. servers on an E.U. account - or a global account? A: Jumping to the region you want is definitely in the long term plan for Battle.net, although we do have some concerns about communicating properly to the player what's happening if they choose this because it WILL affect the latency of the game. As far as a date on when, I don't have one yet. There are a number of features that we want to make sure get out their first and jumping to different servers is lower on the priority list at the moment. Q: Will there be cross-game communication options for people who don't want to use RealID? A: There are no plans for cross-game/realm communication without Real ID. Q: Would you ever bring back the cobra for the thor? Seems like it would be a much better fit and fix mech.A: The Cobra was not that fun. He is OK for solo but he does not have the precise control with his &fire-on-the-move& ability for multi. There are no plans to cut the Thor.[/quote][color=blue]Warcraft With so much under development these days, we'd like to break down for you all of the #WoW updates on the horizon: [url]http://cot.ag/dfha6q[/url]about 5 hours ago via CoTweet[/color]
[quote][b]Wrath of the Lich King: On the Horizon[/b]Soon an invasion on two fronts will take place, as Vol'jin of the Darkspear trolls seeks to reclaim Echo Isles from the witch doctor Zalazane, and High Tinker Mekkatorque of the Gnomeregan Exiles calls for an assault on his former city.Read about the glory of the Darkspears here.Check out Mekkatorque's call for the liberation of Gnomeregan here.A breaking report of the strategies behind Operation: Gnomeregan has been released to mobilize the Alliance.More information to come.[/quote][quote][b]Patch 3.3.5: Defending the Ruby Sanctum[/b]The Ruby Sanctum is attacked by a surprise strike force of Deathwing's fierce allies and must be defended. Do you have what it takes to defeat Halion the Twilight Destroyer and his three destructive lieutenants, or will the Ruby Sanctum be forever lost? Patch Features:The Ruby Sanctum, a 10- and 25-player raid offering both normal and Heroic challenges, will feature all-new encounters and rewardsMore information to come.[/quote][quote][b]World of Warcraft: Cataclysm[/b]The third major World of Warcraft expansion, Cataclysm, is now deep in development. We continue to release previews of some of the major gameplay and content features in store for players on our forums and the official Cataclysm website.For a list of all of the major expansion features we've examined thus far -- including first looks at level 78-82 zones Mount Hyjal and Vashj'ir -- check out our Features page.You can find an assortment of gameplay and systems changes on our Cataclysm forum. To see our development plans for each World of Warcraft class, item stat and systems changes, updated dispel mechanics, rage normalization, and our all-new Mastery system preview, visit our forum compendium here.[/quote]
[quote][b]Vol'jin:The Glory of the Darkspears[/b]Most of Azeroth's savage trolls are infamous for their extreme hatred of other races, but the Darkspear tribe and its leader, Vol'jin, are an exception. Over the years, the Darkspears have proven to be invaluable members of the Horde. Vol'jin in particular is known to offer strategic advice to Warchief Thrall on a regular basis, and the cunning troll played a role in retaking the Undercity after it was overthrown by the rebel forces of Varimathras and Putress.Yet for all of the tribe's accomplishments, the Darkspears are still plagued by a tragic history of exile. Long ago they were driven from Stranglethorn Vale's mainland by the more powerful trolls of the Gurubashi empire and then settled on a remote island. The Darkspears later sought refuge with the Horde when their isle was destroyed by a mysterious sea witch, and Thrall granted the trolls new lands on the Echo Isles off the coast of Durotar. Aside from a brief exodus when Daelin Proudmoore's fleet arrived to hunt down orcs, the Darkspears enjoyed relative stability until one of their own, Zalazane, drove his brethren from their latest home.The witch doctor Zalazane had been one of the tribe's leading mystical instructors when he was inexplicably driven to insanity by the powers under his control. Utilizing dark magic, he enslaved many of his fellow tribespeople and amassed an army of mindless Darkspear trolls. Fearing that all of his tribe would come under Zalazane's sway, Vol'jin ordered the remaining free Darkspears to abandon the Echo Isles.Vol'jin's Darkspears settled in nearby Sen'jin Village, which they have since used as a staging point to attack Zalazane. Over the years, members of the Horde looking to test their worth have braved the Echo Isles to confront Zalazane, and many of them even returned seemingly victorious with his severed head. These victories, however, proved to be nothing more than illusions created by the twisted witch doctor's dark magic. Days after these trophies were taken to Sen'jin Village, they reverted to their true forms: painted rocks and coconuts adorned with wooden tusks, or even the heads of Zalazane's enslaved trolls.Despite these setbacks and his preoccupation with advising Thrall on Horde-related matters, Vol'jin has spent considerable time formulating a strategy to recapture the Echo Isles. Now he believes that the time to strike at Zalazane has come. As the Darkspear leader and his close allies Vanira and Champion Uru'zin await approval of their plan from the ancestral spirits, they have begun rounding up new troll recruits and staging reconnaissance missions to learn about Zalazane's minions.Yet Vol'jin's trolls are short on forces, and the enslaved Darkspears on the Echo Isles outnumber them. The Darkspears are well-known for being among Azeroth's bravest combatants, however, and fortunately many non-trolls have expressed interest in assisting Vol'jin, perhaps hoping that restoring the Echo Isles will eventually bolster the Horde's strength.Vol'jin is also aware of the strategic importance that a Darkspear homeland offers his allies, but he is motivated by more personal reasons. Zalazane's betrayal was an affront against Vol'jin's dream of a better life for his tribe, a destiny that his late father, Sen'jin, envisioned years ago. Only by retaking the Echo Isles will Vol'jin be able to honor his father and at long last secure a permanent homeland for the long-exiled Darkspear tribe.[/quote]
[quote][pid=][b]Post by 越越色 ( 09:01):[/b][/pid]等翻译= =[/quote]我星际接触的少,翻译不了
那张图我以为是电影场景。。。若真是wow, 可怜我的小本本啊
我的天。那图要是ctm,我真要换个外星人的本本了 [s:34]
完了 电脑绝对跑不起来sc2了
[quote][pid=][b]Post by yofair ( 09:56):[/b][/pid]那是星际2的图,用滚轮推近看的效果[/quote]
谷歌浏览器威武问:有位谈了可能改变王后,你能解释,如果这确实是真的吗? 答:我们目前没有计划改变王后,轴承的平衡变化。 问:是否有计划推出一个聊天工具用于游戏以外,类似说如何蒸汽/ Xfire公司目前工程? 答:我们最终想Battle.net外部客户相关的功能和其他的聊天,但我们没有任何计划在此坚决点。 Q :你觉得什么单位是完全SC2的不同游戏时,首次设计[在艺术和]之内? 答:腐蚀改变生命周期多次在他,但他始终单位设计为一个防空。母船已一岁。早就名单不同能力大幅更改过的 问目前,新鲜粮食店的系统是否是可行的,但地图滞后阻止。是否有任何计划,以减低Battle.net 2.0的最低从250ms的延迟? 答在最新的修补程序延迟网络变化,已经减少to125ms延迟。我们很愿意看到一个FPS类的测试自定义地图,尽快出版可用! 问任何计划让盟国看到彼此的资源和供应总量的游戏可能是暴雪在过去的废物转运站?如果没有,为什么? 答我们曾谈到这一点,认为额外的复杂性并没有在当前的UI值得我们。这也是一个盟国的工具,在很大程度上是随机的游戏玩家使用,让他们悲痛不太熟练。但是,我们不恨的功能,并可以得到热心,如果我们认为有需要,而玩。 问:对于评论家,在UI的任何改善工程,如能够隐藏重播栏? 答是的,我们目前正在观察这一点,将可能有一些接口。附加功能的游戏时,一些发射隐藏 问:哪些单位是最难/最耗时的工作美观?你自豪的某部?是否现在仍困扰着你吗? 答:索尔仍然很困难。我们希望让他大,但随后坏屁股问题上与他有剪报或隐藏单位。我们还在抛光雷霆神。收藏单位将追猎者,死神和毒爆虫。简单的设计,聪明,但他们补充,以有一个很酷的新奇军。无困扰着我。虽然圣殿小狗的翅膀,一直困扰着我们的某些黑暗的球迷。 :) 问:如何使开发团队完成星际二单位和地图“融合”在一起,尽管三个截然不同的种族? 答:比赛是非常简单,因为我们遵循的基本guidlines。人族是灰色的,笨重,肮脏。神族是黄金,光滑及富豪浮出水面。虫族是棕色,紫色和刺。我们通常尝试了地图,使纹理更加简单,帮助部队弹出。有时,当纹理过于繁忙或暗(即蠕变)我们失去了他们单位。我们仍在努力解决这个问题。 问:请问真实身份,其真实姓名分享更多的隐私控制人们紧张/他们是怎么玩? 答:将有真正的ID可以使用家长控制,以防止应收。除了那个球员应该创造名称与。真实身份的朋友与他们的人民,他们觉得舒服共享 问:上开发聊天,人族是落后于所有单挑和二对二交手。如何在种族对决数字看起来现在?任何异常交手? 答:我们有几个工具来衡量比赛中的平衡。最简单的是通过比赛赢得损失,由联盟的因素。在白金和黄金联赛的人数这个样子。 神族人族主场迎战46% - 54% 虫族神族主场迎战51% - 49%的 人族虫族主场迎战51% - 49%, 我没有更有趣的数字这个因素对球员技能。我最后一次看到这些数字分别提前虫族神族,神族被提前和人族和虫族人族相当均匀。 显然是有很多工作要做,更多的测试时间在我们面前,但我们很高兴数字。当前 问:是否有任何计划,让蠕变蔓延在悬崖边缘? 答:我们没有计划到悬崖下的蠕变蔓延。我们喜欢,有一些限制,蠕变运动。 问:你认为你会添加任何单位(或采取任何新的)前释放,还是现时的单位名册确定了吗? 答:我怀疑我们将削减单位,但我期望我们将改变目前的一些单位。凤凰与腐蚀,目前正在评估,可能会看到一些变化在几个星期未来。 问:目前,地图编辑器有一个小品种的单位/使用项目模型映射器。将有模式,以增加可用? 答是。目前仅限于测试对象的对象仅在测试阶段,这是一个数量有限tilesets,没有运动单位或。将有一个更大的模型和映射器一套资产使用的发射。 问:刺蛇攻击动画已经得到了很多测试版的投诉。它可以将其腰酸作为攻击的一部分的? 答九头蛇的攻击总是意味着是棘。在原来的游戏中你不能看到,因此我们gooped它。现在有了毒蛉爆炸Big5转为GBK和罗奇攻击的所有gooby看,我们认为九头蛇会看起来更具有独特的理念纳入回到原来的脊椎英寸 供参考:Big5转为GBK和gooby是Samwise商标。 问:你是否计划实施3对3和UPS在一些测试点在4对4比赛,?如果是这样,什么时候? 答我们打算释放3人制和5月中旬在4对4配对的测试周围。我们的地图可能会限制人数,因为我们仍想比赛的球员主要集中在1对1,继续帮助测试平衡。 问:随着虫族的变化大讨论,有没有计划?或者你认为他们没有被使用的吗? 答:腐蚀我们正在寻找在变化。我们期待在殖染虫平衡Ultralisk和。我们不打算推出新的单位在这个时候,虽然我们将要看到的测试进展。 =) 问:将能够使用原单位发布前的地图编辑器的? 答:不需要测试编辑活动的单位将不包括之前发布。 问:你觉得,微型需要发挥更多的作用SC2的?将移动镜头重新推出? 答:我不认为我们需要更多的SC2的微观研究。我们有一个它吨。但是,我们一直在寻找使游戏更加有趣。一个单位多不SC2的漂移,因为他们拍(我假设这是你所要求的)。然而,我们的引擎是一个星际争霸精确得多比原来的,所以当你告诉一个单位办的事,它。我们确实发现一些单位在本周,我们觉得不太反应比我们希望(例如坏人的),我们将进行一些改革,使他们更在未来的补丁反应。 这是一个不同的游戏,我们曾经以一种新的发动机。我们将永远无法dupblicate星际争霸准确的控制了。 问:你会加入一个计时器在游戏中,所以我们可以停止使用秒表/时钟? 答我们知道,一个秒表是社会期望的游戏中,目前正在讨论的功能。这是不会发生的推出,但肯定是值得我们会考虑一个游戏补丁后不久,我们已经发运。 问:任何计划实施氏族系统,自动补充道:“你的身份证族前标签”吗? 答氏族是绝对值得我们计划在未来实施。没有具体的日期尚未确定。它们很可能会扩大符合第一或未来的补丁。 问是否有计划,显示了“不要打扰”选项,邮件从防止传入? 答是。当您将有选择星际争霸2正式推出关闭传入的邮件和防止敬酒而玩游戏。这可能无法使用在测试之前发布。 问:你计划在返工/重新平衡的力场,还是你已经是服气的。 答:我们从来没有“快乐”对游戏中任何的.=)我们一直在寻找的一切,试图看看是否有用,或者它被打破了。我们认为力场是一个有趣的游戏能力具有很多进入大的战略吨的新用途,介绍。我们担心,这可能是有点强大。我们正在寻找一些哨兵nerfs到创建一个争取更高的成本神族选手谁选择带来太多Sentrys来。 我们会继续评估的能力,因为我们做以后。都在测试能力和 问:艺术方向在第二个看起来非常至今。请问星图进行实物外观部分,还是已被完全切断? 答:在团队代表星际争霸II艺术,谢谢你。我们使用了很多的球员在单星图,但它不是像我们前面显示。一个大星系地图是我真的想用于未来的扩展。 问:损坏修饰符补丁已经慢慢淘汰了通过,你有没有想过让他们彻底摆脱? 答:星际争霸有一个损坏的系统,类似于我们只是它更复杂,很多不太清楚。我们很高兴与我们原来的星际争霸破坏系统比作为一个重大的改善,将继续使用它作为一个平衡的工具,试图创造最佳的战略游戏我们能做到。有没有计划削减它。 问:会选择留出人类多种建筑像现在,为什么会这样呢? (比如2营房与他们之间的不同添加组件需要在一个控制组的Tab键切换似乎很奇怪) 答:我们改变了人族组件建立补充从大厦的不同。我弄不清楚什么是生活,什么版本是在我的办公室在今天发挥。 =) 如果不是出于现在你会看到它在未来的补丁。 问:请问你曾经给Medvac后续命令,不强迫它拿起单位? 答我们没有计划的钱,但我可以看看它。 =) 问:是否有任何计划给予里珀斯更晚场的可行性,类似于狂热者负责? 答如果我们需要,我们可以随时添加的升级,使游戏更加强大的后期单位在。现在我们已经拥有收割机目前尚无计划。坦白元游戏并没有安顿下来,我们还没有足够的认识是什么,是不是真的有用的比赛结束。不过,我担心收割机和您的建议很有趣。 问:如何在不远的'长期'是这些计划的占允许就欧盟交换到美国的服务器-或全球的帐户? 答:你跳的地区想肯定是在长期Battle.net计划,虽然我们有一些关切选择这个适当地沟通球员发生的事情,如果他们因为这样会影响游戏的延迟。对于一个尚未日期时,我还没有一个。有1。号码的功能,我们想确保得到他们的第一个跳跃到不同的服务器上是较低的清单上的优先时刻 问:是否有不想使用跨游戏的人谁通信选项RealID? 答:有沟通。没有真实身份没有计划cross-game/realm 问:难道你会带回雷神眼镜蛇的?好像这会是一个更好的适应和解决机械。 答:眼镜蛇是不是乐趣。他是单独确定的,但他没有多精确的控制他的“火上的,移动的能力”。目前没有计划减少索尔。魔兽 有这么多的发展在这些日子里,我们希望打破记录下你所有的地平线#魔兽世界的最新资料: [ [url]http://cot.ag/dfha6q[/url] ]约5小时前通过CoTweet 巫妖王之怒了:在地平线 不久,一两个方面的入侵将会发生,作为暗矛巨魔Vol'jin的目的是回收医生Zalazane回音群岛的巫婆,高廷克Mekkatorque诺姆瑞根流亡者的袭击,就是要求他的前任的城市。 阅读有关Darkspears荣耀的位置。 退房Mekkatorque在这里呼吁解放诺姆瑞根。 一个突破的战略行动背后的报告:诺姆瑞根已被释放,动员联盟。 更多的信息来。3.3.5补丁:保卫红宝石密室 的红宝石密室是一个攻击的猛烈突击罢工迫使盟国死亡之翼,必须得到捍卫。你有什么需要打败音色曙光驱逐舰和他的三名助手破坏性,或将Ruby的密室永远失去了什么? 补丁特点: 密室的红宝石,10 -和25人副本提供正常和英雄的挑战,将功能全新的经历,并奖励 更多信息来。魔兽世界:灾难 的第三个主要魔兽世界扩张,灾难,现在是发展的深研究。我们将继续在网站上发布06.7储存在我们的球员的官方论坛和预览游戏的一些主要特点和内容。 对于一个级别列表在所有主要的扩展功能,我们已经研究迄今首先查找-包括78-82区海加尔山和Vashj'ir -看看我们的功能页面。 您可以找到各种各样的游戏论坛,我们的灾难和系统的变革对。要看到,我们的发展力学愤怒正常化计划每个魔兽世界一流,项目消除统计和系统的变革,更新,和我们的所有新通达系统预览,请访问我们的论坛汇编这里。Vol'jin: 该Darkspears荣耀的 巨魔大部分艾泽拉斯的野蛮是臭名昭著的其他种族仇恨的极端,但暗矛部族及其领导人,Vol'jin,是一个例外。多年来,该Darkspears已被证明是非常宝贵的部落成员。特别是在被称为Vol'jin提供萨尔定期战略咨询酋长,和狡猾的巨魔Putress发挥了作用,并夺回它的地下城后瓦瑞玛萨斯叛乱部队被推翻的。 然而,为了成就的所有部落中,Darkspears仍然困扰的流亡的悲惨历史。很久以前,他们被赶出荆棘谷的古拉巴什大陆的帝国更强大的巨魔,然后一个偏远岛屿上定居。后来的Darkspears寻求庇护与海巫婆的部落时,他们的神秘小岛被炸毁,和萨尔授予回波杜隆塔尔岛离海岸的巨魔新的土地。除了简短的出走时Daelin普罗德摩尔的舰队抵达兽人追捕,在Darkspears享有自己的相对稳定,直到1,Zalazane,开着最新的家庭他的弟兄们从他们的。 巫婆医生Zalazane了导师的一个部落的领导神秘的时他不知何故却被送到他的精神错乱的权力控制之下。利用黑魔法,他被奴役的部落,他的很多同事和积聚了盲目暗矛巨魔军队。怕他的部落都将受到Zalazane的摇摆,Vol'jin下令剩余的可用Darkspears放弃回音群岛。 Vol'jin的Darkspears定居在森金村附近的村,这是他们自Zalazane作为一个中转站攻击。多年来,该部落的成员希望测试自己的价值已经冒着回声岛面对Zalazane,和他们很多甚至产生头颅似乎与他的胜利。这些胜利,但是,被证明是没有什么魔术更黑暗的比幻想创造了扭曲的巫医。村天奖杯后,这些被带到森金村,他们恢复了自己的真正形式:画岩和巨魔奴役象牙椰子木装饰,Zalazane的甚至首长。 尽管有这些挫折,他的当务之急与建议萨尔部落有关事项,Vol'jin花了相当长的时间制定一项战略,以夺回回音群岛。现在,他认为,时间Zalazane打击已经到来。由于暗矛领袖和他的盟友瓦尼拉密切和冠军Uru'zin等待批准计划的从祖灵,他们已经开始搜捕新巨魔新兵和分期侦察任务,以了解Zalazane的宠臣。 然而Vol'jin的巨魔是短期的力量,被奴役的回音群岛Darkspears上多于他们。该Darkspears是众所周知的战斗中被艾泽拉斯的最勇敢的,然而,幸运许多非巨魔都表示Vol'jin兴趣协助,或许希望恢复回音群岛,最终增强部落的实力。 Vol'jin也知道该战略的重要性,一个暗矛家园提供他的盟友,但他更多的是出于个人的原因。 Zalazane的背叛是一种侮辱反对Vol'jin年以前的梦想,设想一个更美好的生活森金村的部落,一个是他的命运,已故的父亲。只有反攻回音群岛将Vol'jin能够履行他的父亲,终于取得暗矛部落的永久家园的长期流放。
谷歌的机翻插件还不错 居然翻出来的意思很连贯


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