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Play The Banner Saga: Factions
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$42.96 USD
&A mixture of ocean-like tactical depth and frantic mid-match pacing that feels impressively different.&
&When you first boot it up, you'll probably find yourself just... staring.&
&In The Banner Saga you feel the cost of every unit weighing on you... Factions might be the Saving Private Ryan of RPGs.&
About This Game
The Banner Saga: Factions is the premiere multiplayer role-playing strategy game on PC and Mac. It brings the feeling of beloved tactical games to a high-definition era with gorgeous hand-animated artwork and a degree of depth unprecedented in the realm of free games. Fight, learn, and lead your clan of vikings to glory!
System Requirements
OS:Windows XP
Memory:512 MB RAM
Memory:1024 MB RAM
Other Requirements:Broadband Internet connection
Memory:1GB RAM
Memory:2GB RAM
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290.7 hrs on record
The Banner Saga: Factions is the premiere multiplayer role-playing strategy game on PC and Mac. It brings the feeling of beloved tactical games to a high-definition era with gorgeous hand-animated artwork and a degree of depth unprecedented in the realm of free games. Fight, learn, and lead your clan of vikings to glory!
Posted: 27 October
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152.1 hrs on record
Beautiful, excellent sound design, skill-based, unforgiving.
Posted: 25 October
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0.4 hrs on record
Matches take forever because you are required to do more actions/confirmations each turn, animations are slow and opponents intentionally wait for turn to end.So, just play the single player game because multiplayer isn't fun when you have so long matches and you get so little rewards. Upgrades cost too much so you can Pay To Advance if you feel like it (you probably don't).
Posted: 12 October
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0.2 hrs on record
Factions is a great game for those who really want to perfect their tactics. It is not for me, because I played Banner Saga exclusively for the story, but for those tactically-minded gamers among us this game will be a charm.
Posted: 8 October
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2.3 hrs on record
I dont see the appeal of this game, there is just nothing to it once you played a few games its already boring. There needs to be more elements to the game, calling it factions suggest you can take part in guild wars but nope! Might aswell just play some facebook games.
Posted: 5 October
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5.0 hrs on record
This game does its best it can as a Turn-Based chesslike game. It has some fun little mechanics nothing is buggy or laggy or stuff. Seems metacritic does not count the perfectness of the game.
Posted: 9 October
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0.6 hrs on record
highly anticipating the single-player version!
Posted: 18 October
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0.8 hrs on record
Love the tactics concept and the artwork. But the tutorial got unfun really fast, and my game froze trying to authorize a purchase I didn't even intend to make. I've also been playing for only 20 minutes and I've seen two misspellings, which demonstrates a lack of polish and QA.After the initial tutorial, I had trouble finding anything I wanted to do. And then my game froze. Game over.
Posted: 18 October
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1.0 hrs on record
Posted: 3 October
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2.1 hrs on record
boring as hell bs for slowpokes
Posted: 26 October
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1.0 hrs on record
boring and slow
Posted: 12 October
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17.2 hrs on record
SLOW and painful, dont bother
Posted: 12 October
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12.5 hrs on record
it's a fun strategic arena game. It's the FTP multiplayer addition to a single player game which was highly recommended to me by all of the 'Factions' players (the community is mostly really nice and helpful btw). Due to the very unique minimalistic and yet detailed design which feels very 'complete' and atmospheric I'm gonna give the SP a try.I definetely recommend having a few matches in 'Factions' to learn how 'The Banner Saga' feels. I'm gonna buy the SP soon.
Posted: 28 September
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1.2 hrs on record
One thing I noticed when playing this is that the game looks noticeably better in-game than in the screenshots. The colors are more vibrant and there are some visual effects whereas in the screenshots it looks old and washed out. Like other tactical games, the ones that stand out as one of the 'good ones', Banner Saga: Factions is easy to learn and hard to master. The file size is small so you don't have to wait very long for the download in order to try it. Also, it's not pay-to-win.
Posted: 8 October
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0.7 hrs on record
It's a good game if you're into strategy and skyrim.
Posted: 13 October
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45.1 hrs on record
The potential in the game is vast as this game is amazing! If your into turn based games this is a must have! at first i wasn't familiar with the theme and it was far from what i was used to. But i learned to love it and the community that comes along with it! Who know's, i might see you around on it if you give it a try.
Posted: 20 October
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0.5 hrs on record
Only the tutorial part is good, then became clueless & boring...need more contents....
Posted: 26 October
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7.7 hrs on record
I liked it.
Posted: 29 September
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8.7 hrs on record
Really fun multiplayer turn-based game. Beautiful artstyle, neat combat system and so far a well designed game. While there are microtransactions it is NOT a pay to win title. You can accelerate your ingame currency income, but as your team is matched against enemies of the same team strengh it is not a problem.Worth a try. You might just
love it. Now I will have to try the singleplayer Banner Saga.
Posted: 3 October
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3.4 hrs on record
Truly, an excellent turn-based strategy game, especially considering that it's free. However, the game hasn't the critical mass or numbers in the fanbase to make a venture such as this a massive success, and it was therefore not met with the love that such masterwork deserves.
Posted: 27 September
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Includes 42 Steam Achievements
Title: The Banner Saga: Factions
Genre: , , ,
Release Date: 25 Feb, 2013
VAT included in all prices where applicable.&&
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