你必须逃脱游戏攻略:他喜欢啤酒 求攻略,玩到罗马数字那里就玩不过去了

史上最难智力游戏第第七关攻略,这是史上最难智力游戏的最后一关,我们要为两个人把啤酒分好才能过关,下面请看详细的过关攻略。 第一关丨第二关丨第三关丨第四关丨第五关丨第六关丨第七关
8→5 5→3 3→8 5→3 8→5 5→3 3→8
http://www.19yxw.com/Article//246823.html 19游戏网整理报道编辑为您推荐的相关文章密室逃脱四重门第七关罗马数字怎么过?今天小编就来为大家介绍!感兴趣的小伙伴们快来看看吧!1.点击右边的书架,将书移开,获得两张图片和一个日历。2.点击左边的椅子,再次点击将椅子翻转,获得绿色日历。3.再看右边的纸篓,发现为大家带来了史上最难智力游戏第三关食人族攻略,这一关我们的任务是用船将所有人都移到对岸,保证探险者不被食人族吃了,下面请看详细的过关方法。第一关丨第二关丨第三关丨第四关丨第五关丨第六关丨第七关点击下载:史上最难智力游戏安史上最难智力游戏第四关怎么过?这一关中火炬是一个核心道具,想要通过这一关需要动不小的脑筋,下面请看详细的过关方法。第一关丨第二关丨第三关丨第四关丨第五关丨第六关丨第七关点击下载:史上最难智力游戏安卓版过关方法:首先选中上史上最难智力游戏第五关怎么过?这一关我们需要将穿在棍子上的圆环移动到另一根棍子上,并且有步数限制,要怎么做才能过关呢?请看小编为大家带来的史上最难智力游戏第五关攻略。第一关丨第二关丨第三关丨第四关丨第五关丨第六关丨第七关史上最难智力游戏第六关攻略,这一关的主题是火山,你需要把三对母女都带到河对岸,但是并没有那么简单,请看小编带来的史上最难智力游戏第六关火山攻略。第一关丨第二关丨第三关丨第四关丨第五关丨第六关丨第七关点击下载:史上最难智力
  comb form 构词成分 (forming ns 用以构成名词) 1 hundred 一百: centigrade * centipede. 2 (in the metric system) one hundredth part of (十进制中的)百分之一: centimetre. =&App 11 见附录11.
  / aI; aI/ n (pl I's, i's / aIz; aIz/) 1 the ninth letter of the English alphabet 英语字母表的第九个字母: `Idiot' begins with an I/`I'. `idiot'一字以i字母开始. 2 (idm 习语) dot one's/the i's and cross one's/the t's =& dot v.
  / aI; aI/ pers pron 人称代词 (used as the subject of a v 用作动词的主体) person who is the speaker or writer 我(说话者或写作者称自己): I think I'd like a bath. 我想洗个澡. * When he asked me to marry him I said yes. 他向我求婚, 我答应了. Cf 参看 me.
  abbr 缩写 = Island(s); Isle(s): CI, ie (the) Channel Islands, eg in an address 海峡群岛(如用於地址中) * I (ie Isle) of Man, eg on a map 马恩岛(如地图上的标记). Cf 参看 Is abbr 缩写.
  I (also i)
  symb 符号 Roman numeral for 1 罗马数字的1.
  / 9aI 5si:; 9aI `si/ abbr 缩写 = in charge (of); in command (of) 负责; 主管; 指挥: (infml 口) Who's i/c ticket sales? 谁是负责卖票的?
  comb form 构词成分 1 having four parts 有四部分的: quadrilateral * quadruped. 2 being one of four parts 四部分之一的: quadrant * quadruplet.
  comb form 构词成分 having or made up of seven of sth 有七个的; 由七个组成的: septuagenarian.
  / aId; aId/ contracted form 缩约式 1 I had =& have. 2 I would =& will1, would2.
  / aIl; aIl/ contracted form 缩约式 I will =& will.
  / aIm; aIm/ contracted form 缩约式 I am =& be.
  / aIv; aIv/ contracted form 缩约式 I have =& have.
  suff 後缀 (with ns forming adjs 与名词结合构成形容词) characteristic of 有...特性的: dictatorial * managerial* editorial.
  (forming advs 用以构成副词): officially.
  / aI5AmbEs; aI`AmbEs/ n (pl ~es or -bi / -baI; -baI/) (also iamb / 5aIAm, 5aIA `aI9Am, `aI9Amb/) metrical foot in poetry consisting of one short or unstressed syllable followed by one long or stressed syllable 抑扬格(诗的韵步, 每一短音节或非重读音节接以一长音节或重读音节组成一步).
  / aI5AmbIk; aI`AmbIk/ adj of or using iambuses 抑扬格的; 用抑扬格的: iambic feet 抑扬格的音步, 如 I `saw three `ships come `sailing `by. iambics n [pl] lines of poetry in iambic metre 用抑扬格律写的诗句.
  -ian (also -an)
  suff 後缀 1 (with proper ns formingns and adjs 与专有名词结合构成名词和形容词): Bostonian * Brazilian * Shakespearian * Libran. 2 (with ns ending in -ics forming ns 与-ics结尾的名词结合构成名词) specialist in 专长於...: optician * paediatrician.
  -iana (also -ana)
  suff 後缀 (with proper ns forming uncountable ns 与专有名词结合构成不可数名词) collection of objects (esp publications), facts, anecdotes, etc relating to 涉及...方面的事实、 轶事、 物品(尤指出版物)的收藏品; ...集选; ...文献汇编: Victoriana * Mozartiana * Americana.
  comb form 构词成分 (forming ns 用以构成名词) medical treatment of 对...的医疗: paediatrics.
  -iatric, -iatrical
  (forming adjs 用以构成形容词). Cf 参看 -iatry.
  comb form 构词成分 (forming ns 用以构成名词) healing or medical treatment of 对...的治疗: psychiatry.
  (forming adjs 用以构成形容词). Cf 参看 -iatrics.
  / 9aI bi: 5eI; 9aI bi `e/ abbr 缩写 = (Brit) Independent Broadcasting Authority 独立广播局. Cf 参看 BBC, ITV.
  / 5aI `aIbZks/ n (pl unchanged or ~es 复数或不变或作ibexes) type of mountain goat with long curved horns 巨角塔尔羊(角长而曲).
  / 5IbaI I`baIdZm/ adv (Latin 拉) (abbr 缩写 ibid) in the same book, article, passage, etc (previously mentioned) 在同一书、 同一文章、 同一段落等之中(同上或同前).
  / 5aIbIs; `aIbIs/ n wading bird like a heron with a long curved beak, found in warm climates  (涉禽, 似鹭, 喙长而曲, 产於温带).
  -able, -ible
  / E Ebl/ suff 後缀 1 (with ns forming adjs 与名词结合构成形容词) having or showing the quality of 具有或显示...性质或特点的: fashionable * comfortable. 2 (with vs forming adjs 与动词结合构成形容词) (a) that may or must be 可以...的; 必须...的: eatable * payable * reducible. (b) apt to 有...倾向的: changeable * perishable.
  -ability, -ibility
  (forming uncountable ns 用以构成不可数名词): profitability * reversibility.
  -ably, -ibly
  (forming advs 用以构成副词): noticeably * incredibly.
  =& -able.
  / 9aI bi: 5 9aI bi `Zm/ abbr 缩写 = International Business Machines (a large computer company) 国际商用机器公司(一家大型计算机公司): work for IBM 在国际商用机器公司工作.
  / -Ik; -Ik/ suff 後缀 1 (with ns forming adjs and ns 与名词结合构成形容词和名词) of or concerning ...的;关於...的: poetic * scenic * Arabic. 2 (with vs ending in -y forming adjs 与以y结尾的动词结合构成形容词) that performs the specified action 表示该动词所指动作或行为的: horrific * specific.
  / -I -Ikl/ (forming adjs 用以构成形容词): comical.
  / -IklI; -IklI/ (forming advs 用以构成副词): economically.
  NOTE ON USAGE 用法: Both -ic and -ical form adjectives from nouns *-ic和-ical型的形容词都是由名词派生的: scene/ sociology/sociological. Some nouns form pairs of adjectives with both -ic and -ical which have different meanings 有些名词可派生出成对的有-ic和-ical这两种词尾的形容词, 但意义各异: history/historic (of great significance 指有重大意义的)/historical (belonging to history 属於历史的); economy/economic (concerned with the economy 有关经济的)/economical (not wasteful 不浪费的). Other examples are 其他例子有 comic/comical, politic/political, classic/classical, poetic/poetical. Sometimes the pairs are almost synonymous 有时这成对的形容词几乎同义: rhythmic/rhythmical. Note that the adverb is derived from the -ical form 注意副词是由-ical型派生的: comically, poetically, rhythmically, etc.
  / 9aI si: bi: 5 9aI si bi `Zm/ abbr 缩写 = intercontinental ballistic missile 洲际弹道导弹. Cf 参看 IRBM, MRBM.
  / aIs; aIs/ n 1 [U] (a) water frozen so that it has become solid 冰: pipes blocked by ice in winter 冬天因结冰堵塞的管子. (b) sheet or layer of this 冰层: Is the ice thick enough for skating? 这冰的厚度能禁得住在上边滑冰吗? 2 [C] (a) = water ice (water): Can I have a strawberry-ice? 给我一份草莓雪糕行吗? (b) portion of ice-cream 一份冰激凌: Two `choc-ices, please. 请来两份巧克力冰激凌. 3 (idm 习语) be skating on thin ice =& skate1. ,break the `ice do or say sth to remove or reduce awkwardness or tension, esp at a first meeting or at the start of a party, etc 说或做某事以消除或缓解局促或紧张的气氛(尤指初次相会或聚会开始时). ,cut no `ice (with sb) have little or no be unconvincing 无作用; 无影响; 不足以令人信服: His excuses cut no ice with me. 他的辩解不足以说服我. on `ice (a) (of wine, etc) kept cold by being surrounded by ice (指果酒)冰镇的. (b) (fig 比喻) in reserve for later use or consideration 留待後用; 留待考虑. (c) (of entertainment, etc) performed by skaters (指娱乐等)由滑冰者表演的, 冰上进行的: Cinderella on ice 在冰上演出的灰姑娘. (d) (infml 口) absolutely certain 绝对肯定; 有绝对把握: The deal's on ice. 这项交易绝无问题.
  ice age
  period when much of the northern hemisphere was covered with glaciers 冰期; 冰川期; 冰河时代.
  ice-axe (also esp US ice-ax)
  n axe used by mountaineersfor cutting steps and holds in ice 冰镐(登山运动员用的). =&illus at axe 见axe插图.
  adj, n [U] (of a) very pale blue colour 淡蓝色(的).
  adj surrounded by ice or unable to function because of ice 被冰封住的; 因冰封受阻而不能运作的: an ice-bound ship, harbour 冰封的船、 港口.
  n (a) box with ice in, used f freezing compartment of a refrigerator (里面置冰以冷藏食物的)冰箱; (电冰箱中的)冷冻室. (b) (esp US) = refrigerator (refrigerate).
  n strong ship designed to break a passage through ice 破冰船.
  n permanent covering of ice, esp in polar regions 冰冠(尤指极地的).
   very cold 冰冷的; 极冷的: an ,ice-cold `drink 一份冷饮.
  / 9aIs5kri:m; esp ?@ 5aIskri:m; `aIs9krim/ n [C, U] (portion of) frozen food made from sweetened and flavoured cream or custard 冰激凌: a/some strawberry ice-cream 一份[些]草莓冰激凌.
  n small cube of ice made in a mould in the refrigerator, for drinks, etc (在电冰箱中制备, 加於饮料中用的)小冰块.
  ice dancing
  art or sport of dancing on ice-skates 冰上舞蹈.
  n very steep part of a glacier, like a frozen waterfall 冰川的陡峭部分(状如结成冰的瀑布).
  n large area of floating ice, esp in polar regions 冰原(浮於海面的大冰块, 尤指极地的).
  n large sheet of floating ice (大块的)浮冰: In spring the ice-floes break up. 春天浮冰碎裂了.
  adj (of a harbour) free from ice (指港口等)不冻的.
  ice hockey (US hockey)
  form of hockey played on ice by two teams of skaters, using long sticks to hit a hard rubber disc 冰球运动.
  ice lolly (US Popsicle)
  flavoured ice on a small stick 冰棍; 冰棒; 棒冰.
  n bag filled with ice, used medically to cool parts of the body, esp the head 冰袋(医疗上作局部降温用, 尤指敷於头部的).
  n tool for breaking ice 碎冰锥.
  n specially prepared sheet of ice, often indoors, for skating, playing ice hockey, etc 冰场(供滑冰、 打冰球等用的, 常指室内的).
  n variety entertainment performed by skaters on an ice-rink 冰上表演.
  n boot fitted with a thin metal blade for skating on ice 冰鞋. =&illus at skate 见skate插图. v [I] skate on ice 滑冰.
  n [U].
  n small tray divided into sections for making ice-cubes (冰箱内用以制小冰块的)冰格.
  n (esp US) water made very cold and used for drinking (供饮用的)冰水.
  / aIs; aIs/ v 1 [Tn] make (esp a liquid) very cold 使(尤指液体)凉; 冰镇: iced water/beer 冰水[冰镇啤酒]. 2 [Tn] cover (a cake) with sugar icing (在糕饼上)挂糖衣, 滚糖霜. 3 (phr v) ,ice (sth) `over/`up cover (sth) or become covered with ice 冰覆盖著(某物); 结冰: The pond (was) iced over during the cold spell. 寒流期间池塘都封冻了. * The wings of the aircraft had iced up. 机翼上结了一层冰.
  / 5aIsb\:g; `aIs9b[^/ n 1 huge mass of ice floating in the sea 冰山(海上飘浮的巨大冰块). =&illus 见插图. 2 (fig 比喻) unemotional person 冷若冰霜的人. 3 (idm 习语) the tip of the iceberg =& tip1.
  / Ik5nju:mEn; ?@ -5nu:-; Ik`numEn/ (also ichneumon-fly) n small insect that lays its eggs in or on the larva of another insect 姬蜂(小昆虫, 产卵於另一昆虫之蛹中或蛹上).
  / 9aI si: 5aI; 9aI si `aI/ abbr 缩写 = Imperial Chemical Industries 帝国化学工业公司: work for ICI 在帝国化学工业公司工作.
  / 5aIsI `aIsIkl/ n pointed piece of ice formed by the freezing of dripping water 冰柱, 冰锥, 冰溜(滴水凝成的冰条).
  / 5aIsIN; `aIsIN/ (US frosting) n [U] mixture of sugar,egg-white, flavouring, etc for covering and decorating cakes 用糖、 蛋白、 香料等混制的混合物(覆於糕饼上): chocolate icing 巧克力糖衣.
  icing sugar
  finely powdered sugar used esp for icing (制甜食用的)糖粉.
  icon (also ikon)
  / 5aIkCn; `aIkBn/ n (in the Orthodox Church) painting, carving, etc of a holy person, itself regarded as sacred (东正教的)圣像.
  / aI5kCnEklA aI`kBnE9klAst/ n 1 person who attacks popular beliefs or established customs反对传统信仰或习俗的人. 2 (formerly) person who destroyed religious images (旧时)破坏宗教偶像的人.
  / aI5kCnEklzEm; aI`kBnE9klAzEm/ n [U].
  / aI9kCnE5klstIk; aI9kBnE`klAstIk/ adj.
  suff 後缀 (forming ns 用以构成名词) science, art or activity of ...的学科、 艺术或活动: aesthetics * athletics * graphics * acrobatics * dramatics.
  / 5aIsI; `aIsI/ adj (-ier, -iest) 1 as cold as ice 寒冷的; 冰冷的: icy winds 凛冽的风. 2 covered with ice 结满冰的; 冰封的: icy roads 冰霜覆盖的道路. 3 (fig 比喻) very cold and unfriendly in manner (态度)冷漠的, 冷冰冰的, 不友好的: an icy welcome, voice, stare 冷淡的欢迎、 声音、 凝视.
  / 5aIsIlI; `aIsIlI/ adv.
  n [U].
  / Id; Id/ n (psychology 心) part of the mind relating to a person's unconscious instincts and impluses 伊德, 本我(指人的无意识的本能和冲动之源的那一部分精神). Cf 参看 ego 1, super-ego.
  / 9aI 5di:; `aI `di/ abbr 缩写 = (esp US) identity: an ID card 身分证.
  suff 後缀 (chemistry 化) (with ns 与名词结合) compound of a particular chemical element (某些化学元素的)化物: chloride * sulphide.
  / aI5dIE; aI`dIE/ n 1 [C] plan, et thought 构想; 思想; 主意: He's full of good ideas. 他足智多谋. * That's an (ie a good) idea. 那是个(好)主意. 2 [U, sing] mental impression 印象; 感想: This book gives you some idea/a good idea of life in ancient Greece. 这本书可以使你对古希腊人的生活有一些认识[有深入的了解]. 3 [C] belief 意见; 信念: He has some very strange ideas. 他有一些奇怪的想法. 4 [U, sing] v feeling that sth is likely 模糊的想法; 想像; 认为某事很有可能发生的感觉: He had no idea she was like that. 他万万没想到她是那样的. * Have you any idea what time it is? 你知道现在几点钟了吗? * I have an idea it's going to rain. 我看要下雨了. 5 the idea [sing] the aim or purpose 目的; 目标: The idea of the game is to get all your pieces to the other side of the board. 这个游戏的目标是要把所有的棋子全走到棋盘的另一边. 6 (used in exclamations to indicate that what has been suggested is stupid, shocking, etc 认为提出的事情愚蠢、 耸人听闻等而表示惊叹时用): The idea of it! 真糊涂! * What an idea! 这叫什麽主意呀! 7 (idm 习语) buck one's ideas up =& buck2. get the i`dea understand 理解: Do you get the idea? 你明白了吗? get the idea that... form the impression that... 形成...的印象: Where did you get the idea that she doesn't like you? 你是从哪儿得来的这个印象, 说她不喜欢你呢? give sb ideas give sb expectations or hopes which may not be realized 使某人抱不切实际的希望: Don't give her ideas you know how difficult it is to get into films. 别让她空抱希望吧--你知道跻身影界有多难哪. have no i` be incompetent 不知道; 无能力: He has no idea how to manage people. 他根本不知道如何做人事工作. not have the first idea about sth know nothing at all about sth 对某事一无所知. one's idea of sth what one thinks of as representing sth 对某事物的看法. run away with the idea that... (infml 口) (often used in the negative imperative 常用於否定的祈使句中) be misled by or accept a false idea 误以为; 接受某错误的想法: Don't run away with the idea that this job is going to be easy. 别以为这工作是轻而易举的. the young idea =& young.
  / aI5dIEl; aI`dIEl/ adj 1 satisfying one's id most suitable 理想的; 完美的; 最合适的: idealweather for a holiday 度假的理想天气 * He's the ideal husband for her. 他是她理想的丈夫. 2 existing only in the imagi unrealistic and so not likely to be achieved 想像的; 空想的; 不切实际的: ideal plans for reform 不切实际的改革计画 * ideal happiness 想像的幸福 * in an ideal world 在理想的世界里.
  n 1 [C usu sing 通常作单数] person or thing regarded as perfect 完美的人或事物: She's looking for a job, but hasn't found her ideal yet. 她在找工作, 但还未找到最理想的. 2 [C usu pl 通常作复数] standard of perfection 完美境界的标准: He finds it hard to live up to his ideals. 他认为很难按自己的理想办事.
  / aI5dIElI; aI`dIElI/ adv: She's ideally suited to the job. 她最适合做这项工作. * Ideally, everyone would be given equal opportunities. 最理想的是, 人人都能有平等的机会.
  idealize, idealise
  / aI5dIElaIz; aI`dIEl9aIz/ v [Tn] consider or represent (sb/sth) as perfect or ideal 将(某人[某事物])理想化; 将(某人[某事物])视为理想的; 作理想化的反映或描述: an idealized account of village life 对乡村生活作理想化的描述.
  idealization, idealisation
  / aI9dIElaI5zeIFn; US -lI5z-; aI9dIElE`zeFEn/ n [U, C].
  / aI5dIElIzEm; aI`dIEl9IzEm/ n [U] 1 forming,pursuing or believing in ideals (ideal n 2), esp unrealistically理想主义(尤指不切实际地追求或信奉的理想): Idealism has no place in modern politics. 在当代政治生活中, 理想主义根本行不通. 2 (esp in art and literature) imaginative treatment of objects or ideas in an ideal and often unrealistic way (尤指文艺方面的)观念主义(以理想的、 常为不现实的方法对待事物或思想). Cf 参看 classicism, romanticism (romantic). 3 (philosophy 哲) belief that ideas are the only things that are real or about which we can know anything 唯心论; 观念论; 理念论. Cf 参看 realism.
  / aI5dIElI aI`dIElIst/ n person who has high ideals and tries (often in an unrealistic way) to achieve them 理想主义者; 空想家; 唯心论者.
  / 9aIdIE5lIstIk; aI9dIEl`IstIk/ adj.
  / 9aIdIE5lIstIklI; aI9dIEl`IstIklI/ adv.
  / aI5dentI aI`dZntIkl/ adj 1 the ~ [attrib 作定语] the same 同一的: This is the identical room we stayed in last year. 这是我们去年住过的(同一间)房间. 2 ~ (to/with sb/sth) sim exactly alike 完全相同的; 一模一样的: They're wearing identical clothes. 他们穿著完全相同的衣服. * Their clothes are identical. 他们的衣服完全一样. * This picture is identical to one my mother has. 这张照片和我母亲的那张一模一样.
  / -klI; -klI/ adv.
  identical twins
  twins born from a single egg andtherefore of the same sex and very similar in appearance同卵双生(同性双胎)(由一个受精卵发育而成, 性别相同, 外貌酷似).
  / aI5dentIfaI; aI`dZntE9faI/ v (pt, pp -fied) 1 [Tn, Cn.n/a] ~ sb/sth as sb/sth show, prove, etc who or what sb/ recognize sb/sth (as being the specified person or thing) 确认、 证明某人[某事物]; 鉴别出(系某人或某物): Can you identify your umbrella among this lot? 你能在这些伞中认出你自己的那一把吗? * She identified the man as her attacker. 她认出那个男人就是袭击过她的人. 2 [Tn.pr] ~ sth with sth consider sth to b equate two things 认为某事物与另事物等同: One cannot identify happiness with wealth. 幸福和财富不能混为一谈. 3 (phr v) identify (oneself) with sb/sth give support to sb/ be associated with sb/sth 支持某人[某事物]; 与某人[某事物]有关联: He refused to identify himself/become identified with the new political party. 他拒绝与那个新政党来往. identify with sb regard oneself as sharing the characteristi take sb as a model 与某人认同; 以某人为模式: I found it hard to identify with any of the characters in the film. 我对这部影片里的任何角色都难以认同.
  / aI9dentIfI5keIFn; aI9dZntEfE`keFEn/ n [U] 1 (process of) identifying or being identified 验明; 鉴别: The identification of the accident victims took some time. 验明事故遇难者身分的工作费了不少时间. 2 (abbr 缩写 ID) means o official papers that do this 身分证明; 身分证明书: Can I see some identification, please? 请给我看看你的身分证件行吗? i,dentifi`cation parade number of people, including one suspected of a crime, arranged in a row for viewing by witnesses who may be able to identify the suspect 供辨认嫌疑犯的一排人(其一为嫌疑犯, 供目击者辨认).
  / aI5dentIkIt; aI`dZntIkIt/ n (propr 专利名) set of pictures of different features that can be fitted together to form the face of a person (esp sb wanted by the police) with the help of descriptions given by people who have seen him 容貌拼具(一整套各种类型的口、 鼻、 眼等图片, 可根据亲眼见过的人之描述, 用以拼制出某人的面部像, 尤指警方欲寻找者).
  / aI5dentEtI; aI`dZntEtI/ n 1 [C, U] who or what sb/sth is 本身; 本体; 身分: There is no clue to the identity of the thief. 没有确定窃贼身分的线索. * The cheque will be cashed on proof of identity. 这张支票凭身分证件兑现. * This is a clear case of mistaken identity, eg when the wrong person is arrested by mistake. 这显然是个误认的案例(如捕错人). 2 [U] (state of) exact likeness or sameness 相同(性); 一致(性).
  identity card (also ID card / 9aI5di: kB:d; 9aI `di9kBrd/)
  identity disc card or disc, often with a photograph, carried or worn by sb to show who he is 身分卡, 身分证章(通常有相片, 供本人携带或佩带).
  / 5IdIEgrAm; `IdIE9^rAm/ (also ideograph / 5IdIEgrB:f; US - `IdIE9^rAf/) n 1 symbol used in a writing system that represents the idea (rather than the sounds forming the name) of a thing, eg Chinese characters 表意文字(不表声)(如汉字). 2 any sign or symbol for sth 表意的符号或标志: In this dictionary the ideogram &!& is used to mean `taboo'. 在本词典中, 用&!&符号表示避讳语.
  / 9IdIE5grfIk;9IdIE`^rAfIk/ adj.
  / 9aIdI5ClEdVI; 9aIdI`BlEdVI/ n [C, U] (set of) ideas that form the basis of an economic or political theory or that are held by a particular group or person 思想(体系); 思想意识: Our ideologies differ. 我们的思想不同. * according to Marxist, bourgeois, monetarist, etc ideology 根据马克思主义的、 资产阶级的、 货币主义等的思想体系.
  / 9aIdIE5lCdVI 9aIdIE`lBdVIkl/ adj.
  / -klI; -klI/ adv.
  / 5IdIEsI; `IdIEsI/ n 1 [U] (a) extreme stupidity 极端愚蠢: It's sheer idiocy to go climbing in such bad weather. 在这样恶劣的天气里去爬山简直是愚蠢到家了. (b) sta imbecility 白痴; 极度低能. 2 [C] extremely stupid act, remark, etc 极端愚蠢的行为、 言论等.
  / 5IdIE `IdIE9lZkt/ n (linguistics 语言) total amount of a language that any one person knows and uses 个人言语(个人所认识和使用的某语言的总汇): Is the word `psychosis' part of your idiolect? 在你的个人言语中使用psychosis这个词吗?
  / 5IdIEm; `IdIEm/ n 1 [C] phrase or sentence whose meaning is not clear from the meaning of its individual words and which must be learnt as a whole unit 习语; 成语; 惯用语, 如 give way, a change of heart, be hard put to it: The English language has many idioms. 英语有很多惯用语. 2 [U] (a) language or dialect of a people or country某民族或某国家之语言或方言: the French idiom 法语. (b) use of language that is typical of or natural to speakers of a particular language (操某语言者典型的或自然的)语言用法. (c) use of language peculiar to a period or an individual (某时期或某人特有的)语言用法: Shakespeare's idiom 莎士比亚的语言风格.
  / 9IdIE5mAtIk; 9IdIE`mAtIk/ adj (a) in accordance with the particular nature or structure of a language, dialect, etc 符合某一语言或方言等的习惯或特点的: She speaks fluent and idiomatic French. 她说得一口又流利又地道的法语. (b) containing an idiom or idioms 含有习语的: an idiomatic expression, language 固定词组、 成语多的语言.
  / -klI; klI/ adv.
  / 9IdIE5sINkrEsI; 9IdIE`sINkrEsI/ n person's particular way of thinking, behaving, etc that is clearly different from that of others (个人独有的)习性、 癖好、 气质: One of her little idiosyncrasies is always washing in cold water. 她有个怪习惯, 就是洗什麽都爱用冷水.
  / 9IdIEsIN5krAtIk; 9IdIosIN`krAtIk/ adj.
  / 5IdIEt; `IdIEt/ n 1 (infml 口) fool 蠢人; 笨蛋; 傻瓜: What an idiot I was to leave my suitcase on the train! 我真笨, 竟把手提箱落在火车上了! 2 person with very limited intelligence who cannot think or behave normally 白痴; 呆子: an idiot since birth 天生的白痴.
  / 9IdI5CtIk; 9IdI`BtIk/ adj stupid 十分愚蠢的; 白痴般的: Don't be idiotic! 别那麽傻了!
  / -klI; -klI/ adv.
  / 5aI `aIdl/ adj (-r, -st) 1 (a) doi not employed 闲散的; 不工作的或没有工作的: Many people were idle during the depression. 在那萧条时期, 很多人都无事可做. (b) not active or in use 闲置的: The factory machines lay idle during the workers' strike. 在工人罢工期间, 工厂的机器都闲置著. 2 (of time) not spent in doing sth (指时间)空闲的: We spent many idle hours just sitting in the sun. 我们在太阳地里呆呆坐了好几个钟头. 3 (of people) lazy (指人)无所事事的, 懒散的, 懒惰的: an idle, useless student 懒散、 不成器的学生. 4 [usu attrib 通常作定语] worthless or having no speci useless 无价值的; 徒然的; 无效的; 无用的: an idle threat/promise 说说而已的恐吓[允诺] * idle curiosity/gossip/speculation 无聊的好奇[闲言碎语/胡思乱想] * It's idle to expect help from him. 指望他帮助只会是一场空. 5 (idm 习语) the devil makes work for idle hands =& devil1.
  v 1 [I, Ip] ~ (about) be idle 无所事事; 浪费时光; 闲荡: Stop idling and help me clean up. 别游手好闲的, 来帮我打扫打扫吧. 2 [I] (of an engine) run slowly in neutral gear or without doing work (指发动机)挂空挡, 空转. 3 (phr v) idle sth away waste (time) 虚度(光阴): idle away the hours watching TV 把时间浪费在看电视上.
  / 5aIdlE(r);`aIdlL/ n.
  n [U].
  / 5aIdlI; `aIdlI/ adv.
  / 5aI `aIdl/ n 1 image of a god, often carved in stone, wood, etc and used as an object of worship 神像(常为石雕、 木刻等供顶礼膜拜用). 2 person or thing that is greatly loved or admired 受崇拜与热爱的人或物: As an only child he was the idol of his parents. 他是独生子, 是父母的宠儿. * The Beatles were the pop idols of the 60's. 披头士乐队是六十年代人们崇拜的偶像.
  / aI5dClEtE(r); aI`dBlEtL/ (fem 阴性作 idolatress / aI5dClEtrIs; aI`dBlEtrIs/) n person who worships an idol or idols 偶像崇拜者.
  / aI5dClEtrEs; aI`dBlEtrEs/ adj (a) worshipping idols 崇拜偶像的. (b) of or like the worship of idols (似)偶像崇拜的: an idolatrous love of material wealth 对物质财富极度的爱慕.
  / -lI; -lI/ adv.
  / aI5dClEtrI; aI`dBlEtrI/ n [U] (a) worship of idols 偶像崇拜. (b) too much devotion or admiration 盲目崇拜: He supports his local team with a fervour that borders on idolatry. 他是本地队的球迷, 狂热得到了近乎盲目崇拜的程度了.
  idolize, idolise
  / 5aIdElaIz; `aIdl9aIz/ v [Tn] (a) treat (sb/sth) as an idol 将(某人[某物])当作偶像崇拜. (b) love or admire (sb/sth) very much 极度喜爱或仰慕(某人[某事物]): idolize a pop group 十分喜爱某流行乐团.
  idolization, idolisation
  / 9aIdElaI5zeIFn; 9aIdlaI`zeFEn/ n [U] idolizing or being idolized 偶像化; 奉为神圣; 盲目崇拜.
  / 5IdIl; ?@ 5aI `aIdl/ n 1 short piece of poetry or prose that describes a happy and peaceful scene or event, esp of country life 描述欢愉恬静情景的短诗或短文; (尤指)田园诗. 2 simple pleasant scene or event 轻松欢乐的情景或事情.
  / I5dIlIk; ?@ aI5d-; aI`dIlIk/ peaceful and pleasant 田园诗般的; 田园风光的; 平和欢畅的: an idyllic setting, holiday, marriage 田园风光的环境、 恬静愉快的假日、 和谐美满的婚姻.
  /-klI; -klI/ adv: idyllically happy 悠然自得.
  / 9aI 5i:; 9aI `i/ abbr 缩写 = in other words (Latin id est) 亦即, 也就是, 换言之(源自拉丁文id est): Hot drinks, ie tea and coffee, are charged for separately. 热饮, 即茶和咖啡, 另计. =&Usage at viz 用法见viz.
  =& -y.
  / If; If/ conj 1 supposing 假如; 如果; 倘若; 要是. (a) (used with the present and present perfect tenses for highly predictable situations 与现在时态和现在完成时态连用表示预料到的情况): I'll only stay if you offer me more money. 假若你肯多给钱, 我就留下. * If you have finished eating you may leave the table. 你要是吃完了, 就可以离席了. * If (it is) necessary I will come at 6. 如有必要, 我6点钟来. * You can stay to dinner if you like. 你愿意的话, 可以留下一起吃饭. * If anyone calls tell them I'm not at home. 有人来电话, 就说我不在家. * (fml 文) If the patient should vomit, turn him over with his head to the side. 倘若病人要呕吐, 就帮他翻过身来, 头侧向一边. (b) (used with a past tense for imaginary situations 与过去时态连用表示假想的情况): If you learned to type you would easily find a job. 假使你学过打字, 就容易找工作了. * If he were here I could explain to him myself. 要是他在这里, 我就可以亲自向他解释了. * If I was a man they would have given me the job. 我要是男的, 这份工作就准给我了. * Would she tell us the truth if we asked her? 我们问她, 她会告诉我们实情麽? * If you liked (ie With your approval) I could ask my brother to look at your car. 你要同意的话, 我可以叫我弟弟来给你检查一下汽车. * They would have been here by now if they'd caught the early train.他们要是赶上了早班火车, 现在都该到这儿了. * I wouldn't have believed it possible, if I hadn't seen it happen. 要不是亲眼目睹, 我决不会相信能有这种事. =&Usage at unless 用法见unless. 2 when(ever) 无论何时; 当: If metal gets hot it expands. 金属遇热则膨胀. * She glares at me if I go near her desk. 我一走近她的办公桌, 她就瞪我. 3 (used with will and would as the first part of a sentence when making a polite request 与will和would连用, 作复合句的前部, 用以提出请求显得客气): If you will sit down for a few moments (ie Please sit down and) I'll tell the manager you're here. 请稍坐, 我这就通知经理说您来了. * If you would care to leave your name, we'll get in touch as soon as possible. 请留下您的名字, 我们尽快和您联系. 4 (used after ask, know, find out, wonder, etc to introduce alternatives 用於ask、 know、 find out、 wonder等之後, 以引导含不同可能性的情况) whether 是否: Do you know if he's married? 他结婚没结婚, 你知道吗? * I wonder if I should wear a hat. 我不知道该不该戴帽子. * He couldn't tell if she was laughing or crying. 他弄不清她是笑还是哭. * Listen to the tune see if you can remember the words. 请听这曲子--看你能不能想得起歌词来. 5 (used after vs or adjs expressing feelings 用於表示情感的动词或形容词之後): I am sorry if I'm disturbing you. 很抱歉, 打搅您了. * I'd be grateful if you would keep it a secret. 如予保密, 无任感激. * Do you mind if I switch the radio off? 我可以关掉收音机吗? 6 (also even if) (used when admitting that sth may be true or may happen 用於承认某事可能属实或可能发生) although 即使; 纵然; 虽然: If he said that, he didn't expect you to take it personally. 即使他是那样说的, 他也并不是针对你个人而言的. * Even if you saw him pick up the money, you can't be sure he stole it. 就算你看见是他拾起的钱, 你也不能肯定钱就是他偷的. 7 (used before an adj to introduce a contrast 用於形容词之前, 以引导一对比情况) although also 虽然; 尽管: It was thoughtless if well-meaning. 用意虽好, 考虑欠周. * He's a real gentleman, if a little pompous at times. 他可是个正人君子, 虽然有时略显得傲慢了些. 8 (used to express surprise, astonishment, dismay, etc 用以表示意外、 惊奇、 沮丧等): If it isn't my old friend Bob Thomson what a coincidence! 这不是我的老朋友鲍勃·汤姆森吗--真巧哇! * If that's not the best idea I've heard in a long time! 很久没听到过这麽好的意见了啊! * If he hasn't gone and got into trouble with the police! 他竟然跟警方惹上了麻烦! 9 (used before you think, ask, remember, etc to invite sb to listen to one's opinion 用於you think、 ask、 remember等之前, 请对方听自己的意见): If you ask me, she's too scared to do it. 依我说, 她是吓得不敢去做. * If you think about it, those children must be grown-up by now. 想想吧, 那些孩子现在一定都长大成人了. * If you remember, Mary was always fond of animals. 记得吗, 玛丽一向喜欢动物. 10 (idm 习语) ,if and `when (used to express uncertainty about a possible event in the future 用以表示怀疑将来的事能否发生): If and when we ever meet again I hope he remembers to thank me. 倘若我们再有见面之时, 希望他不会忘记谢我. if ,I were ` if ,I was/were in `your shoes/place (used to introduce a piece of advice to sb 用以引导出劝告某人的话): If I were you I'd start looking for another job. 我要是你, 就去另找工作了. * If I were in your shoes, he'd soon know what I thought of him. 若是我处在你的地位, 他很快就会知道我对他的看法了. if `anything (used to express a tentative opinion or after a negative statement to say that the opposite is true 用以表达无把握的看法, 或用於否定的话语之後, 表示所说的是反话) if anything definite can be said, this is it 若能稍有把握地说出来, 其实是这样: I'd say he was more like his father, if anything. 若非要说出像谁不可来, 我倒认为他略微像他父亲. * He's not thin if anything he's rather on the plump side. 他可不瘦--按说还算有点胖呢. if `not (a) (used after if and a v in the present or present perfect tense 用於if +动词(现在时态或现在完成时态)之後) otherwise 要不; 不然: I'll go if you're going if not I'd rather stay at home. 你去我就去, 否则我宁可待在家里. * If you've finished we can have a coffee if not, you'd better keep working. 你要是完事了, 咱们可以喝杯咖啡--不然的话, 你最好接著干下去. (b) (used after a yes/no question to give a promise, warning, etc 用於yes/no疑问句之後, 表示许诺、 告诫等): Are you ready? If not, I'm going without you. 准备好了吗? 要不, 我就自己去了. if `only (a) (used to express a wish with reference to present or future time 用以表示对现时或未来的愿望): If only I were rich. 但愿我很富. * If only I could swim. 要是我会游泳该多好. * If only I knew her name. 我要是知道她的名字就好了. * If only it would stop raining. 真希望雨能停. * If only they would tell me what they've decided. 但愿他们能把决定告诉我. (b) (used to express a wish that past events had been different 用以表示与过去事实相反的愿望): If only he'd remembered to buy some fruit. 他当时要是记得买些水果来该多好. * If only I had gone by taxi. 假若我是乘计程车去的就好了. only if (when used at the beginning of a sentence, making the v in the following clause precede its subject 用於句首, 後接从句主谓倒装) only on condition that 只要; 只有: Only if a teacher has given permission is a student allowed to enter this room. 只有得到教师的允许, 学生才可以进这间屋. * Only if the red light comes on is there any danger to employees. 只要红灯一亮, 就表示有危及职工的险情.
  n (infml 口) 1 uncertainty 不确定的事; 无把握的事: If he wins and it's a big if he'll be the first Englishman to win for twenty years. 假使他赢了--是否能赢还是一大疑问--他将是二十年来第一个获胜的英国人. 2 (idm 习语) ,ifs and ` arguments against sth 保留意见; 对某事物的辩解: Now I'm not having any ifs and buts it's cold showers for everyone before breakfast tomorrow. 好了, 不要跟我讨价还价--明天早饭前大家都要用冷水淋浴.
  NOTE ON USAGE 用法: Both if and whether are used in reporting questions which invite yes/no answers or offer a choice between alternatives *if和whether均用於间接疑问句, 要求回答yes/no或提供选择: (`Do you want a drink?') He asked whether/if we wanted a drink. (`你们想喝点东西吗?')他问我们是否要喝点东西. * He didn't know whether/if we should write or phone. 他不知道我们是写信好呢还是打电话好. Whether (NOT if) can be followed by an infinitive *whether後面可接不定式(if不可这样用): I'm not sure whether to resign or stay on. 我拿不准主意是辞职还是留任. After a preposition whether must be used 在介词之後只能用whether: It depends on whether the letter arrives in time. 这取决於信是否来得及时. Whether is also used when the clause it begins is the subject of a sentence *whether还可用以引导主语从句: Whether they win or lose is all the same to me. 他们是赢是输於我都一样. Whether (NOT if) can be immediately followed by `or not' *whether後面可直接用or not(if不可这样用): I'll be happy whether or not I get the job (compare 试比较: I'll be happy whether/if I get the job or not 我能不能得到那份工作都一样高兴).
  -ify (also -fy)
  suff 後缀 (with ns and adjs forming vs 与名词和形容词结合构成动词) make or become 使得; 变成: solidify * speechify.
  / 5Iglu:; `I^lu/ n (pl ~s) small dome-shaped housebuilt by Eskimos from blocks of hard snow as a temporaryshelter (爱斯基摩人用坚硬雪块砌成的临时栖身用的)拱形圆顶小屋.
  / 5IgnIEs; `I^nIEs/ adj (geology 地质) (of rocks) formed by molten matter (esp from volcanoes) that has become solid (指岩石)火成的(尤指火山喷出的).
  / Ig5naIt; I^`naIt/ v [I, Tn] (cause sth to) catch fire (使某物)燃烧, 著火; 点火; 点燃: Petrol ignites very easily. 汽油易燃. * He struck a match and ignited the fuse. 他划了根火柴, 点著了导火索.
  / Ig5nIFn; I^`nIFEn/ n 1 [U] causing sth to catch fire 著火; 点火; 发火. 2 [C] electrical mechanism that ignites the mixture of explosive gases in a petrol engine (汽油发动机的)发火装置, 点火装置, 点火开关: switch/turn on the ignition 打开点火开关.
  / Ig5nEU I^`nobl/ adj not honourable in
shameful 卑鄙的; 不光彩的; 可耻的: an ignoble person, action 卑鄙的人、 行为.
  /-nEUblI; -`noblI/ adv.
  / 5IgnEmInI; `I^nE9mInI/ [U] (esp public)
disgrace (尤指公开的)耻辱, 污辱, 不名誉, 不体面, 丑行: the ignominy of defeat 战败的耻辱.
  / 9IgnE5mInIEs; 9I^nE`mInIEs/ adj sha causing disgrace 耻辱的; 屈辱的; 丢脸的: an ignominious defeat 可耻的失败.
  / 9IgnE5reImEs; 9I^nE`remEs/ n (pl ~es /-sIz; -sIz/) ignorant person 无知的人.
  / 5IgnErE `I^nErEns/ n [U] ~ (of sth) lack of knowledge or information (about sth) (对某事物)无知: We are in complete ignorance of your plans. 我们对你的计画一无所知. * If he did wrong it was only through ignorance. 要是他做错了, 那也只是出於无知.
  / 5IgnErE `I^nErEnt/ adj 1 (a) ~ (of sth)knowi lacking educ unaware 无知的; 愚昧的; 没有学识的; 不知道的: He's not stupid, just ignorant. 他并不蠢, 只是无知罢了. * To say you were ignorant of the rules is no excuse. 说自己不知道规则是不能成为藉口的. (b) showing or resulting from lack of knowledge 显示无知的; 由无知而产生的: an ignorant stare, look, etc 茫然的凝视、 样子等. 2 (infml 口) rude through lack of knowledge about good manners 不识礼的; 粗野的; 没有礼貌的: His ignorantbehaviour at the dinner table caused much embarrassment.他在餐桌上举止粗鲁, 在座的人颇为难堪.
  / Ig5nR:(r); I^`nRr/ v [Tn] 1 take no notice of (sb/sth) 忽视(某人[某事物]): You've been ignoring me. 你一直不把我放在眼里. * I can't ignore his rudeness any longer. 他粗暴无礼, 我再也不能不闻不问了. * ignore criticism 忽视批评. 2 deliberately refuse to greet or acknowledge (sb) 对(某人)故意不打招呼、 不予承认或不予理睬: I said hello to her, but she ignored me completely! 我向她打招呼, 可她根本不理我!
  / 5IgwB:nE; I`^wBnE/ n type of large tree-climbing lizard of tropical America  鼠鳞蜥(产於热带美洲的攀木大蜥蜴).
  = icon.
  =& in-.
  / 5aI `aIlZks/ n (pl ~es) 1 (botany 植) (plant of the) genus of trees that includes holly 冬青属; 冬青属植物. 2 (also holm-oak) type of evergreen oak-tree with leaves like holly 圣栎(一种常青栎树, 叶似冬青).
  / I Ilk/ n (idm 习语) of that/the same/his, her, etc ilk (infml joc 口, 谑) of that, the same, his, etc kind, sort or type 那一类[同一种/他、 她...那类]: I can't stand him, or any others of that/his ilk. 他这类人的行为我无法忍受.
  / Il; Il/ adv (esp in compounds 尤用以构成复合词) 1 wrongly 坏; 恶劣地: an ,ill-written `book 写得很差劲的书 * Their children are ill `cared for, ie neglected.他们的孩子疏於照料. Cf 参看 well3 1a. 2 unkindly 不利地; 不友好地; 坏: speak/think ill of sb 说某人坏话[对某人不怀好感]. Cf 参看 well3 1b. 3
scarcely 困难地; 几乎不: We can ill afford the time or money for a holiday. 我们简直连度假的时间或金钱都没有. 4 (idm 习语) augur well/ill for sb/sth =& augur. bode well/ill =& bode. deserve well/ill of sb =& deserve. ,ill at ` embarrassed 不舒服; 困窘; 局促. wish sb well/ill =& wish v.
  adj unwise 不明智的; 考虑欠周的: an ,ill-advised `meeting 考虑欠周的会晤.
  / 9IlEd5vaIzIdlI; `IlEd`vaIzIdlI/ adv.
   mixed 不配合的; 不相称的: an ill-assorted collection of shoes 杂七杂八的一堆鞋 * They make an ,ill-assorted `couple, ie don't seem well suited to each other. 他们俩不很般配.
   rude 教养不好的; 粗野的; 无礼的: an ,ill-bred `child 没有教养的孩子. Cf 参看 well-bred (well3). ,ill `breeding bad manners 恶劣的教养; 粗野; 无礼.
  adj not carefully or sufficiently thoughtabout 考虑欠周的; 不谨慎的; 不妥的: an ,ill-considered `act 不明智的举动.
  adj 1 not accurately described 不清楚的; 含混的; 不分明的; 不明确的: an ,ill-defined `job 内容不明确的工作. 2 not distinct in outline 轮廓不鲜明的: an ill-defined lump of rock on the horizon 天边一处轮廓不清的岩影.
  adj ~ (towards sb/sth) (fml 文) not
not favouring 不友好的; 不喜欢的; 无好感的: She's very ill-disposed towards her neighbours.她对左邻右舍概无好感. Cf 参看 well-disposed (well3).
  adj bringing or having bad luck or misfortune 带来不幸的; 注定倒霉的: an ill-fated expedition 运气不佳的远征.
  adj (fml 文) (esp of people) unattr ugly (尤指人)丑陋的, 其貌不扬的, 难看的.
  adj not based on fact or truth 无根据的; 凭空的; 毫无理由的: ,ill-founded `claims, assumptions, suspicions, etc 毫无理由的索赔、 凭空的臆断、 无根据的怀疑.
  adj (dated or joc 旧或谑) obtained dishonestly非法得来的; 来路不正的: ,ill-gotten `gains 不义之财.
   unwise 判断不当的; 不合时宜的; 不明智的: an ,ill-judged `rescue attempt 时机选择不当的营救行动.
  ad rude 无礼貌的; 举止粗鲁的.
  adj bad- unkind 脾气坏的; 粗暴的; 不厚道的; 不仁慈的: an ,ill-natured `person, `comment脾气恶劣的人、 恶意的评语.
  ill-omened, ,ill-starred
  adjs (rhet 修辞) unlucky 不吉利的; 倒霉的; 不幸的.
  adj done or happening at a wrong or unsuitable time 不合时宜的; 不适时的: Our visit was ill-timed my mother had guests already. 我们探望母亲很不是时候--她家里已经来了客人. Cf 参看 well-timed (well&3).
  ill-treat, ill-use
  vs [Tn] treat or use (sb/sth) unkindly or badly 虐待, 折磨(某人[某物]): ill-treat one's dog 虐待自己的狗.
  ill-treatment, ill-usage
  ns [U].
  / Il; Il/ adj 1 (US usu 美式英语通常作 sick) [usu pred 通常作表语] physicall sick (身体上或精神上)不适, 不健康, 有病: He's been ill for two weeks. 他病了两个星期了. * She fell ill/was taken ill suddenly. 她突然病了. =&Usage at sick 用法见sick. 2 [attrib 作定语] (a) bad 不好的; 不良的; 坏的; 糟糕的: ill health 不健康 * people of ill repute, ie with a bad reputation 名声不好的人. (b) intending harm 有害的; 邪恶的: suffer no ill effects 未受坏影响. (c) resentful 不友好的; 敌意的; 怨恨的: bear sb no ill will 对某人不存恶意 * You ought to apologize and show there is no ill feeling between you. 你应当道歉, 表明你们之间并无恶感. 3 [attrib 作定语] not favourable 不利的; 不吉的: ill luck 恶运 * a bird of ill omen, ie one thought to bring bad luck 不祥之鸟. 4 (idm 习语) it's an ,ill `wind (that blows nobody any good) (saying 谚) few things are so bad that they don't offer some good to sb 世上鲜有绝对的坏事; 害於此者利於彼.
  n (fml 文) 1 [U] evil 伤害; 恶行; 邪恶: I wish him no ill. 我对他并无恶感. 2 [C usu pl 通常作复数] misfortune 困难; 不幸; 苦恼: the various ills of life 人生种种苦难.
  / I5li: I`li^l/ not legal 不合法的; 违法的.
  / 9IlI5gAlEtI; 9IlI`^AlEtI/ n 1 [U] state of being illegal 不合法; 违法. 2 [C] illegal act 非法行为.
  / -gElI; -^lI/ adv: an illegally parked car 违章停放的汽车.
  / I5ledVE I`lZdVEbl/ (also unreadable) adj difficult o not legible 难以辨认的; (字迹)模糊的; 不能辨识的: an illegible signature 难以辨认的签字.
  / I9lEdVE5bIlEtI; I9lZdVE`bIlEtI/ n [U].
  / -EblI; -EblI/ adv.
  / 9IlI5dVItImEt; 9IlI`dVItEmEt/ adj 1 born of parents not m not legitimate by birth 非婚生的; 私生的: an ,illegitimate `child 私生儿 * She's illegitimate. 她是私生女. 2 not allowed by the law or by the rules 法律不容的; 规则不许可的; 非法的: illegitimate use of company property 对公司财产的盗用. 3 (of a conclusion in an argument, etc) not logical (指辩论等的结论)不合逻辑的, 不合理的.
  / 9IlI5dVItImEsI; 9IlI`dVItEmEsI/ n [U].
  / I5lIbErEl; I`lIbErEl/ adj (fml 文) 1 (a) narrow-minded 不能容让的; 心胸狭 益的: illiberalattitudes 偏执的看法. (b) lacking culture 缺乏文化素养的; 粗鄙的: an illiberal upbringing 不良的教养. 2 not generous 吝啬的; 小气的; 不大方的: illiberalhelpings of food 添加的分量少的食物.
  / I9lIbE5rlEtI; I9lIbE`rAlEtI/ n [U].
  / -rElI;-rElI/ adv.
  / I5lIsIt; I`lIsIt/ adj (a) illegal 法律不许可的; 违禁的; 非法的: the illicit sale of drugs 毒品的非法贩卖. (b) not approved by the normal rules ofsociety 违反社会规则的; 不正当的: an illicit relationship不正当的关系.
  / I5lItErEt; I`lItErEt/ adj 1 (a) not able to read or write 不会读或不会写的; 不识字的: an illiterate child 不识字的孩子. Cf 参看 unlettered. (b) showing such ignorance 文字不通的: an illiterate letter, ie one that contains many mistakes of spelling and grammar 文字不通的信. 2 (a) showing little or no education 缺乏教育的; 教育程度很低的: You must be illiterate if you've never heard of Marx. 要是你连马克思这个人都从未听说过, 那麽你一定是没有受过教育的了. (b) ignorant in a particular field (对某一领域)无知的, 外行的: be scientifically illiterate 科盲.
  / I5lItErEsI; I`lItErEsI/ n [U] state of being illiterate 文盲; 缺乏教育; 无知: Illiteracy is a major problem in some developing countries. 在一些发展中国家, 文盲是个大问题.
  n illiterate person 文盲; 无知的人.
  / 5IlnIs; `IlnIs/ n 1 [U] state of being lack of health 病; 疾病; 不健康: We've had a lot of illness in the family. 我们家的人患过很多病. 2 [C] type or period of illness 患的病; 患病期间: serious illnesses 重病 * recovering after a long illness 久病之後逐渐康复.
  / I5lCdVI I`lBdVIkl/ adj 1 wit not sensible 没有道理的; 不合逻辑的; 悖於理的; 乖戾的: It seems illogical to change the timetable so often. 时间表变动得如此频繁, 似乎没有什麽道理. 2 contrary to the rules of logic 与逻辑相违的: an illogical conclusion 不合逻辑的结论.
  / I9lCdVI5klEtI; I9lBdVI`kAlEtI/ n [C, U].
  / -klI; -klI/ adv.
  / I5lu:mIneIt; I`lumE9net/ v [Tn] 1 provide (sth) with light 照明, 照亮, 照射(某物): a football pitch illuminated with floodlights 用泛光灯照亮的足球场. 2 decorate (sth) with bright lights for a special occasion 用灯装饰(某物): illuminate a street, building, etc 用彩灯装饰街道、 建筑物等. 3 (esp formerly) decorate (a book) with gold, silver and bright colours, usu by hand (尤指旧时)用金色、 银色或鲜艳色彩装饰(书)(通常为手工制作): an illuminated manuscript 装饰过的手稿. 4 (fml 文) make (sth) help to explain 阐明(某事物); 解释清楚; 启发: illuminate a difficult passage in a book 解释书中难懂的段落.
  adj particularly revealing or helpful 富有启发性的; 很有助益的: an illuminating analysis, talk, etc 很有启发的分析、 谈话等.
  / I9lu:mI5neIFn; I9lumE`neFEn/ n 1 [U] illuminating
(source of) light 照明; 照度; 光(源). 2 illuminations [pl] (Brit) bright colourful lights used to decorate a town for a special occasion 彩灯; 灯饰: the Christmas illuminations in the high street 大街上的圣诞节彩灯. 3 [C usu pl 通常作复数] coloured decoration, usu painted by hand, in an old book (旧书上的)彩饰, 图案花饰(通常为手工制作的).
  / I5lu:Vn; I`luVEn/ n 1 (a) [C] false idea,
delusion 错误的观念; 幻觉; 错觉: I have no illusions about my ability, ie I know that I am not very able. 我对自己的能力如何颇有自知之明(我知道自己的能力不很强). * We're left with few illusions about ourally. 我们的处境已不容我们对盟友再存多少幻想了. (b)[U] state of mind in which one is deceived in this way 幻觉; 错觉: You think that, do you? Pure illusion! 你是那麽想的吗? 纯粹是错觉! 2 [C] thing that a person wrong false perception 幻想中的事物; 错觉: an optical illusion 光幻视 * In the hot sun the surface of the road seems wet, but that is only an illusion. 路面在烈日之下像是湿的, 然而这仅仅是错觉. 3 (idm 习语) be under an/the illusion (that...) believe wrongly 误信: I was under the illusion that he was honest until he was caught stealing some money. 他偷钱当场被人抓住, 在此之前我一直误以为他是个老实人.
  / -VEnI -VEnIst/ n person who does clever tricks on stage that
conjurer 魔术师; 幻术师.
  / I5lu:sIv; I`lusIv/, illusory / I5lu:sErI; I`lusErI/ ad deceptive 幻觉的; 虚假的; 骗人的.
  / 5IlEstreIt; `IlEstret/ v [Tn] 1 supply (sth) with pictures, diagrams, etc 为(某物)作插图或图表: illustrate a book, magazine, lecture 给书、 杂志、 讲义作插图 * a well-illustrated textbook 有精美插图的教科书.2 (a) explain or make (sth) clear by examples, diagrams, pictures, etc (用示例、 图表等)说明, 阐明(某事物): To illustrate my point I have done a comparative analysis. 为说明我的观点, 我做了对比分析. (b) be an example of (sth) 表明或显示为(某事物)的例证: This behaviour illustrates your selfishness. 你的行为说明你很自私.
  / 9IlE5streIFn; 9IlEs`treFEn/ n 1 [U] illustrating or being illustrated 作插图; 图解; 图示; 示例; 举例说明: the art of book illustration 书籍的插图艺术 * Illustration is often more useful than definition for showing what words mean. 用图解或示例解释词义往往比用定义解释更清楚. 2 [C] drawing, diagram or picture in a book, magazine, etc 书或杂志上的图画、 图表、 照片: colour illustrations 彩色插图. 3 [C] example used to explain sth (说明某事物用的)示例, 实例, 例证.
  / 5IlEstrEtIv; ?@ I5lQs-; I`lQstrEtIv/ adj servingas an example or illustration 作为例证或图解的; 作说明用的; 解说性的: an illustrative quotation 说明性的引文 * That outburst was illustrative of her bad temper. 这一通发作适足说明她脾气坏.
  n person who draws and paints pictures for books, etc 为书制作插图的人.
  / I5lQstrIEs; I`lQstrIEs/ adj very famous anddistinguished 著名的; 杰出的; 卓越的.
  / 9aI el 5EU; 9aI Zl `o/ abbr 缩写 = International Labour Organization 国际劳工组织.
  =& in-.
  / 5ImIdV; `ImIdV/ n 1 (a) [C] copy of the shape of a person or thing, esp one m statue 像, 肖像, 偶像(尤指木、 石雕刻的): carved images 雕像. (b) [sing] (arch 古) close likeness 极相像: According to the Bible, God created man in his image. 据《圣经》所叙, 上帝按自己的形象创造了人. 2 [C] mental picture or idea 心目中的形象或概念: I have this image of you as always being cheerful. 在我的心目中, 你的样子总是兴高采烈的. 3 [C] general impression thata person, firm, product, etc reputation(人、 公司、 产品等给公众的)总印象; 形象; 声誉: How can we improve our (public) image? 我们怎样才能改善自己(在公众心目中)的形象? 4 [C] metaphor 意象; 比喻; 明喻; 隐喻: a poem full of startling images 充满惊人意象的诗. 5 [C] appearance of sb or sth when seen in a mirror or through the lens ofa camera 映像; 影像; 镜像. 6 (idm 习语) be the (very/living/spitting) image of sb/sth (infml 口) be or look exactly like sb/sth 极像某人[某事物]: She's the (spitting) image of her mother. 她长得活像她妈妈.
  / 5ImIdVErI; `ImIdVErI/ n [U] 1 use of figurative language to produce pictures in the minds of readers or hearers 形象化的描叙; 意象: poetic imagery 诗的意象. 2 images as a group 像, 画像, 塑像, 雕像, 偶像(总称).
  / I5mAdVInE I`mAdVInEbl/ adj that can be imagined 可想像的; 想像得到的: We had the greatest difficulty imaginable getting here in time. 我们为了及时赶到此地, 经历了可能想见的最大的困难.
  / I5mAdVInErI; ?@ -EnerI; I`mAdVE9nZrI/ adj existing only in the not real 想像中的; 假想的; 虚构的; 幻想的: imaginary fears 想像中的恐惧.
  / I9mAdVI5neIFn; I9mAdVE`neFEn/ n 1 (a) [U, C] ability to form mental images or pictures 想像力: He hasn't much imagination. 他缺乏想像力. * Her talk captured (ie gripped and stimulated) the imagination of the whole class. 她的谈话吸引了全班的同学, 激发了他们的想像力. (b) [C] part of the mind that does this 想像: In my imagination, I thought I heard her calling me. 我在想像中彷佛听到她在呼唤我. 2 [U] use of this ability in a practical or creative way 想像力的运用: His writing lacks imagination. 他的写作缺乏想像力. * Use your imagination to find an answer. 运用你的想像力来寻找答案. 3 [U] thing experienced in the mind and not in reality 想像出来的事物; 幻想物: I can't have seen a ghost it must have been imagination. 我看到的不可能是鬼--一定是幻想的东西吧. * Is it my imagination or have you lost a lot of weight? 是我的错觉呢, 还是你真的瘦了许多? 4 (idm 习语) the mind/imagination boggles =& boggle. not by any/by no stretch of the imagination =& stretch n.
  / I5mAdVInEtIv; ?@ -EneItIv; I`mAdVE9netIv/ adj having or showing imagination 富於想像力的; 爱想像的: an imaginative child, writer, production 有想像力的孩子、 富於想像力的作家、 体现出想像力的产品.
  / I5mAdVIn; I`mAdVIn/ v 1 [Tn, Tf, Tw, Tg, Tsg, Cn.a, Cn.pr, Cn.t] form a mental image of (sth) 想像, 设想(某事物): Imagine a house with a big garden. 设想有一所带大花园的房子. * Imagine that you are in London. 想像一下你正在伦敦吧. * Can you imagine what it would be like to live without electricity? 你能想像出生活中没有电会是一幅什麽样的情景吗? * She imagined walking into the office and telling everyone what she thought of them. 她想像自己走进办公室, 对每个人都说出自己对他们的看法. * Imagine yourself (to be) rich and famous. 想像一下你又有钱, 又有名的情况. 2 [Tf, Tw, Tg, Tsg] think of (sth) as probable or possible 料想, 设想, 想到(某事物): I can't imagine that anyone cares what I do. 我想不出谁会关心我的所作所为. * I can't imagine living (ie don't think I shall ever live) anywhere but England. 我很难设想能到英国以外的地方去生活. * Would you ever have imagined him/his becoming a politician? 你怎能料想到他竟当上政治家了? 3 [Tn, Tf] suppose (sth); assume 猜想(某事物); 认为: I imagine (that) he'll be there. 我猜他会到那儿去.
  / I5mB:m; I`mBm/ n 1 person who leads the prayers in a mosque 伊玛目(清真寺内率领伊斯兰教徒作礼拜的人). 2 Imam title of various Muslim religious leaders 伊玛目(伊斯兰教领袖的头衔).
  / 9Im5bAlE Im`bAlEns/ n lack of b inequality 不平衡; 不均衡; 失衡; 失调: The current trade deficit indicates a serious imbalance between our import and export trade. 当前的贸易赤字表明我们的进出口贸易严重失调.
  / 5ImbEsi:l; ?@ - `ImbEsl/ n (a) (esp adult) person with abnormally low intelligence (尤指成年人)低能者, 弱智者. (b) (infml 口) st fool 蠢人; 傻瓜.
  imbecile, imbecilic
  adjs [usu attrib 通常作定语] foolish 愚蠢的; 傻的: an imbecile remark 愚蠢的言语 * imbecile behaviour 愚笨的举止.
  / 9ImbE5sIlEtI; 9ImbE`sIlEtI/ n 1 [U] stupidity 愚蠢. 2 [C] stupid act, remark, etc 愚蠢的行为、 言语等.
  / Im5baIb; Im`baIb/ v 1 [I, Tn] (fml or joc 文或谑) drink (sth, esp alcohol) 喝, 饮(尤指酒类): Are you imbibing? 你正在喝酒吗? 2 [Tn] (fig 比喻) take in or absorb (sth) 吸收或接受(某事物): imbibe fresh air, knowledge 吸入新鲜空气、 接受知识.
  / Im5brEUlIEU; Im`broljo/ n (pl ~s / -z; -z/) complicated, confused or embarrassing situation, esp a political or an emotional one 错综复杂的局面, 纠缠不清的关系, 尴尬的处境(尤指政治上的或感情上的).
  / Im5bju:; Im`bju/ v [Tn.pr esp passive 尤用於被动语态] ~ sb/sth with sth (fml 文) fill or inspire sb/sth with (feelings, etc) 使(某人[某事物])充满或激起(感情等): imbued with patriotism, ambition, love, etc 充满爱国主义精神、 雄心勃勃、 满怀爱心 * politicians imbued with a sense of their own importance 自以为举足轻重的政治家们.
  / 9aI em 5 9aI Zm `Zf/ abbr 缩写 = International Monetary Fund 国际货币基金组织.
  / 5ImIteIt; `ImE9tet/ v [Tn] 1 copy the behaviour of (sb/sth); take or follow as an example 学(某人[某物])的样; 仿效: Decide don't just imitate others. 想做什麽自己决定, 不要一味学别人的样. 2 copy the speech, actions, dress, etc of (sb); mimic 模仿(某人的言谈、 举止、 衣著等): He's very clever at imitating his friends. 他非常擅长於模仿朋友的言行. 3 be like (sb/sth); look like 与(某人[某事物])相似; 好像: The stage was designed to imitate a prison cell. 舞台设计成牢房的样子.
  n person who imitates (esp other people) 模仿(尤指他人)的人.
  / 9ImI5teIFn; 9ImE`teFEn/ n 1 [C] thing produced as a copy of the real thing 仿制品; 仿造品; 膺品: That's not an original Rembrandt, it's an imitation. 这不是伦勃朗的真品, 是件膺品. * [attrib 作定语] imitationleather, jewellery, etc, ie material made to look like leather, jewellery, etc 人造革、 假珠宝. 2 [U] imitating 仿; 效: learn sth by imitation 通过模仿学习某事物 * The house was built in imitation of a Roman villa. 这所房子是仿罗马别墅式的建筑. 3 [C] impersonation or mimicking of a person's speech or behaviour 扮演或模仿某人的言谈举止: an entertainer who does hilarious imitations of politicians' voices 专门学政治家讲话作滑稽模拟表演的演员.
  / 5ImItEtIv; ?@ -teItIv; `ImE9tetIv/ adj copying or following a model or example 模仿的; 仿效的; 模拟的: His style of public speaking is imitative of the prime minister. 他的演讲风格是模仿首相的. * Sculpture is an imitative art, ie it copies people, things, etc from real life. 雕刻是模仿的艺术(模刻真实生活中的人、 物等).
  / I5mAkjUlEt; I`mAkjElEt/ adj (approv 褒) 1 perf spotless 整洁的; 无污迹的; 无瑕的: an immaculate uniform 整洁的制服. 2 r having no mistakes 精确的; 无误的: animmaculate performance 完美的演出.
  adv: immaculately dressed 衣著整洁.
  the Immaculate Conception
  Roman Catholic teaching that the Virgin Mary was without sin from the moment of her conception 无原罪始胎, 始胎无玷(天主教会信条, 谓圣母马利亚自怀孕之始即无原罪).
  / 5ImEnE `ImEnEnt/ adj ~ (in sth) 1 (fml 文) (of qualities) inherent (指特性)天生的, 内在的, 固有的: He believed that beauty was not something imposed, but something immanent. 他认为美丽不是外在的而是内在的. 2 (of God) permanently present throughout the whole universe (指上帝)无处不在的.
  / -E -Ens/ n [U].
  / 9ImE5tIErIEl; 9ImE`tIrIEl/ adj 1 ~ (to sb) irrelevant 不重要的; 不相干的: The cost is immaterial. 成本微不足道. * It is immaterial (to me) whether he stays or leaves. 他的去留(对我)无所谓. 2 without physical form or substance 非物质的; 非实体的; 无形的: as immaterial as a ghost 虚无如鬼魂.
  / 9ImE5tjUE(r); ?@ -tUEr; 9ImE`tJr/ adj 1 not sensible in behaviour or in controlling one' less mature than one would expect (行为或控制感情)不成熟的, 不够老练的: He's very immature for his age. 就他的年龄来说, 他还很不成熟. 2 not (yet) fully developed or grown (尚)未充分成长的; 发育(尚)未完全的: immature plants 幼嫩的植物.
  / 9ImE5tjUErEtI; US -tUEr-; 9ImE`tJrEtI/ n [U].
  / I5meVErE I`mZVErEbl/ adj that cannot be measured, esp because of largeness in size or extent 不可计量的, 无限的, 无比的(尤指因体积或程度之大): the immeasurable depths of the universe 宇宙的无限深广.
  / -blI; -blI/ adv: Your presence has enriched our lives immeasurably. 有你在, 我们的生活无比丰富. * The task seems immeasurably difficult. 任务似乎极为艰巨.
  / I5mi:dIEt; I`midIEt/ adj 1 (a) happening or done at once 立即的; 即刻的: I want an immediate reply. 我要求立即答覆我. * The response of the people to the famine appeal was immediate. 人们对救济饥荒的吁求立刻作出了回应. * take immediate action 立刻采取行动. (b) [usu attrib 通常作定语] existing at the present time 目前的; 当前的: Our immediate concern is for/with the families of those who died. 我们当务之急是安抚死者的家属. 2 [attrib 作定语] nearest in time, space or relationship (在时空上、 关系上)最接近的, 紧接的: What are your plans for the immediate future? 你最近有什麽计画? * There's no post office in the immediateneighbourhood. 附近没有邮局. * his immediate predecessor他的前任 * one's immediate family, ie parents, children, brothers and sisters 直系亲属(父母、 子女、 兄弟、 姐妹). 3 [attrib 作定语] with nothi direct 直接的: The immediate cause of death is unknown. 造成死亡的直接原因不明.
  / -EsI; -EsI/ (also immediateness) n [U] closeness or reality of sth, so that one feels directly involved or has to deal with it at once 直接性; 即时性; 直观性; 实感性; 迫切性: the immediacy of the war, as seen on television 战争的实感, 一如电视上所见 * the immediacy of the problem 问题的紧迫性.
  adv 1 without delay 立刻; 马上; 当即; 毫不耽搁: She answered almost immediately. 她几乎当下就答覆了. * The purpose may not be immediately evident. 这种目的不一定显而易见. 2 being near directly (在时空上)最接近地, 直接地: in the years immediately after the war 战後最初的几年 * fix the lock immediately below the handle 把锁直接安在把手下方. 3 directly or very closely 直接地; 紧接地: the houses most immediately affected by the motorway 最直接受高速公路影响的房子. conj (esp Brit) the moment that 即刻; 一...就...: I recognized her immediately I saw her. 我一看见她就立刻认出她来了.
  / 9ImE5mR:rIEl; 9ImE`mRrIEl/ adj (fml or rhet 文或修辞) 1 going back beyond the reach of human memory or written records (因年代久远)人类无法追忆的或文字记录所不及的. 2 (idm 习语) from/since time immemorial =& time.
  / I5 I`mZns/ adj extremely large 巨大的; 广大的: immense difficulties, problems, possibilities, etc 巨大的困难、 问题、 可能性等 * of immense importance 极为重要的.
  adv to extremely极大地; 无限地; 极端地: immensely popular, rich, successful, etc 极其流行、 富有、 成功等 * They enjoyed the film immensely. 他们非常喜欢这部影片.
  / I5mensEtI; I`mZnsEtI/ n [U] great size 巨大; 广大: the immensity of the universe 宇宙的浩瀚无垠.
  / I5m\:s; I`m[s/ v [Tn, Tn.pr] 1 ~ sth (in sth) put sth under the surface of a liquid 使某物浸没於液体中: Immerse the plant (in water) for a few minutes. 把那棵植物(在水里)浸泡几分钟. 2 ~ oneself (in sth) involve oneself deeply (in sth); absorb oneself 使自己沉浸(於某事物); 使自己深陷於或专心於: be immersed in thought, one's business, a book 沉思、 埋首事务、 专心读书 * He immersed himself totally in his work. 他埋首於工作.
  / I5m\:Fn; ?@ -Vn; I`m[VEn/ n [U] 1 being immersed 沉浸; 浸沉. 2 baptism by putting the whole body under water 洗礼; 浸礼. immersion heater electric heater fixed inside a hot-water tank in a home 浸入式加热器(家庭用的).
  / 5ImIgreIt; `ImE9^ret/ v [I, Ipr] ~ (to/into...) enter a foreign country in order to live there permanently 移入(外国定居). Cf 参看 emigrate.
  / 5ImIgrE `ImE^rEnt/ n person who has come to live permanently in a foreign country (自外国移入的)移民: Irish immigrants 来自爱尔兰的移民 * illegal immigrants 非法移民 * [attrib 作定语] the immigrant population 外来的移民人口.
  / 9ImI5greIFn; 9ImE`^reFEn/ n 1 [U, C] (instance of) moving of people from one country to come to live in another country permanently 移民: restrictions on immigration 对外来移民的限制 * [attrib 作定语] immigration officials (处理外来移民的)移民局官员 * immigration controls (对外来的)移民管制. 2 [U] (also immi`gration control) control point at an airport, sea terminal, etc at which the passports and other documents of people wanting to come into a country are checked (设於机场、 港口等的)移民局检查站(负责检查入境者的护照及有关文件): go/pass through immigration 通过移民局检查.
  / 5ImInE `ImEnEnt/ adj (esp of unpleasant events) likely to happen very soon (尤指不愉快的事件)即将发生的, 临近的, 逼近的: no warning of imminent danger 没有即将发生危险的警告 *An announcement of further cuts in government expenditureis imminent. 最近将发布进一步削减政府开支的公告.
  / -E -Ens/ n [U]: the imminence of nuclear war 核战迫近的危险.
  / I5mEUbaIl; ?@ - I`mobl/ adj 1 unable to move or be moved 不能活动的; 不能移动的: Her illness has made her completely immobile. 她病得完全失去了活动能力. 2 not moving 不活动的; 静止的: The deer stood immobile among the trees. 那只鹿一动不动地站在树丛里.
  / 9ImE5bIlEtI; 9Imo`bIlEtI/ n [U] state of being immobile 静止(状态); 固定; 不能动.
  immobilize, immobilise
  / I5mEUbElaIz; I`mobl9aIz/ v [Tn] 1 prevent (sth) from moving or operating normally 使(某物)不动、 固定或不能正常运作: A whole tank regiment was completely immobilized by enemy air attacks. 敌军的空袭将整个坦克团完全钳制住了. * This alarm immobilizes the car. 这种警报一发出, 汽车就停止不动了. * The firm has been immobilized by a series of strikes. 公司因一连串的罢工而陷於瘫痪. 2 keep (a patient, abroken limb, etc) completely still, in order to help recovery固定(病人、 断肢等)以助复元.
  immobilization, immobilisation
  / I9mEUbElaI5zeIFn; ?@ -lI5z-; I9moblE`zeFEn/ n [U].
  / I5mCdErEt; I`mBdErEt/}


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