
概括内容要点Teaching aims: 结合广东省模拟试题的读写任务的具体分析,本节课讨论读写任务写作中的概括短文的内容要点的做法。Procedures:1.Introduction:  Rating criteria:概括部分(即文章的第一段)占5分,要求"按要求概括了全部主要信息,没有增加与原文无关的信息,没有照抄原文句子。语言结构正确,行文规范。"  好的开头是成功的一半。文章的第一段甚至第一个句子往往影响了评卷老师的主观印象。若想应试作文拿高分,第一段在很大程度上奠定了这篇文章的档次。2. How to write summary(1) Examine the topic  题目要求概括全文的内容要点最为常见:"请用30个词概括短文的要点";但也有更具体的。如,2007年广东卷读写任务,要求概括父母对"我"的希望;佛山二模,要求概括作者喜欢与朋友共处的原因等等。因此,审清楚题目要求是非常重要的。A: 注意关键词(题眼)并使用适当的英文词汇表达。Passage 1
阅读下面的短文,然后按照要求写一篇150词左右的英语短文。Dear Ari,  As you sleep in my arms, I'm amazed at how light you feel. I stare at your tiny body, so fragile that a sudden wind could lift you up into the air. I love this feeling of protecting you and dreaming of all I have in store for you.  I intend to bring you up to be brave and successful in an often difficult society. That's why your mommy and I have named you Ari, which means "lion".It's our hope that you will grow strong and eagerly grasp every opportunity to do well for yourself and others.  Before you came into the world, we had spent months imagining what you'd be like. Would you be a boy or a girl? Would you look like Mommy, Daddy or your elder brothers? Anyway, we would find out soon.  Finally your mother's labor came. And several hours later, we met the first time. I held you high up in the air. I then was able to cut your umbilical cord(脐带) and put you in your mother's arms. She still had enough energy to radiate the love while she pressed you to her face.  And here we are tonight. As I hold you close, you sleep so peacefully. I press my ear to your chest and hear your strength. I am listening to the first beats of a lion's heart. Welcome to the world, Ari.  Love,  Daddy  [写作内容]  假设你就是信中的Ari,父亲在你出生的时候写了这封信。今天是父亲50岁生日,你准备以写信的方式,祝贺他的生日。以下是信的内容(信的开头和结尾已经为你写好):  1.以约30个词概括父亲在他信中对你的期望;  2.以约120个词表达你对父亲的感恩,并包括如下要点:  (1)读信后的感受;  (2)以你自己成长的经历说明你的感受;(3)表达你对父亲的感激和祝福。Dear Daddy,  Tonight is your 50th birthday, and I haven't really got the chance to say all of my thanks I want to tell you.      如上述2007广东卷,关键词是__________,因此必须要用_________________表达出来;同理,Passage 2(佛山二模),关键词是__________________-.用________________表达出来。Passage 2
阅读下面短文,然后按照要求写一篇150词左右的英语短文。Some people prefer to spend most of their time alone.Others like to be with friends most of the time.Do you prefer to spend your time alone or with friends?I prefer to spend most of my time with friends, because friends offer excitement and new ideas,they can comfort me when something bad happens,and spending too much time by myself can be boring.Friends can offer excitement and flesh ideas to a situation.For example,if I am shopping,a friend makes the experience more fun.We can look at things together, and explore our likes and dislikes.Friends Can also comfort me if something bad happens.If I get bad news.and a friend is around,I do not have to feel bad by myself.A friend will try and cheer me up,and attempt to take my mind off whatever negative things happened.For example.1ast year I broke my leg and was in a cast all summer I had friends around me to cheer me up and distract me from the misfortune.Overall.I think having friends around me is the best way for me to spend my time.【写作内容】1.以约30个词概括作者喜欢与朋友共处的原因;2.然后以约120个词写一篇短文,包括以下要点:(1)你愿意独处还是与朋友共处?(2)请简要说明原因,并以你的经历来支持你的观点。又如,新闻报道类,__________________________________Passage 3
(Xinhua)-The country's
Ministry of Education on They announced a pilot program to teach students in primary and secondary schools its traditional Peking Opera. Deemed one of
the nation's unique cultural treasures, the opera will be added into music courses for 200 schools in 10 provinces,municipalities and autonomous regions throughout China.  The move,immediately drew heated reaction from the public. ''I support this project wholeheartedly", said Zhu Shihui,a renowned Peking Opera performer. "Interest should be fostered since childhood. I myself began to get fascinated with Peking Opera while in primary schoo1. It eventually became my lifetime career", he told Xinhua. The general public, however, are not enthusiastic. Nearly 70 percent of voters were against the project. In another opinion poll by China's leading web portal Sina. com,of over 21,000 respondents,only 27 percent believe setting,up the course will help promote traditional Chinese culture. Nearly 38. Percent think the course should not be compulsory as students' choices should be respected,and the remaining 35 percent propose different local operas be taught in different areas since China boasts a huge reservoir of local operas  【写作内容】  l. 以约30个词概括该则新闻报道的主要内容;  2. 以约120个词对"是否应该在中小学开展京剧必修课"表达你的观点,并包括以下要点:  (1)简述在中小学开展京剧必修课这一做法的意义;  (2)你是否同意将京剧定为中小学的必修课并说明你的理由。    B. 找出文章的主题句(topic sentences)或关键词(Key words)  文章的主题句往往出现在首段或末段,或各个段落的首句末句,然具体情况却不能一概而论。以下是常见文体的主题句及主要内容的概括的方法和技巧。(A)
新闻报道类(News report/ News Story)。中心内容往往在_________  练习:Please find out the topic sentence in Passage 3  类似的还有公告类(Announcement),如08广州二模。(B) 叙事性的记叙文(Narration), 写人的记叙文(Description),散文, 寓言故事  叙事性的记叙文的主要内容的概括主要抓住记叙文的几个要素:时间、地点、人物、事件和影响或后果。如上文所述的深圳二模。  写人的记叙文总结要点主要抓住人物的主要特点或事迹。如广州一模读写任务要求概括同学们眼中李华的特点和优点。关键词有:intelligence/intelligent, hard-working, easy to co-operate with, helpful等。正如中国文学一样,散文的特点是___________,因此在总结概括主要内容时要抓住
____即作者的思想感情。Please find out the topic
in Passage寓言故事类(Moral)。  概括寓言故事的要点包括两个部分,一是寓言故事的内容梗概,二是它说明了什么道理。  但是,如果内容梗概词数太多,可以把寓意放在第二个段落。如"狼来了"(Here Come the Wolves):  A shepherd played tricks on the villagers by shouting, "Here come the wolves!" Having been cheated twice, no villagers believed him, so the boy's sheep were finally eaten by wolves.(30 words)  The story has taught us a good lesson that those cheating others by telling lies won't be trusted.(C.) 议论文(Argumentation)。  1.在概括议论文的主要内容时要注意作者的观点及对立观点的提炼。  作者的观点(在首或末段)  而对立的观点(在文中议论的过程中出现,常见有提示语)  2. topic----explain the topic---- sum upPassage 4阅读下面的短文,然后按照要求写一篇150词左右的英语短文。It is necessary to develop some skills to increase one's chances of success in today's competitive world.Many skills,for example,leadership,a second language,and technical skills such as computer programming,are very useful today.However,the most useful skill is the ability to communicate well with others。It is impossible to overstate the importance of good communication skills.A good communicator finds it easier to put forth his ideas clearly.In this way there will be fewer misunderstandings,which can lead to bad feelings as well as lost time and effort.In addition,a person with good communication skills is a good mediator and negotiator.He or she can play a valuable role in resolving disputes and enhancing cooperation.This means that a good communicator is often a natural leader.Finally, with good communication skills,it is easier to persuade others to accept your point of view, which is a vital step on the way to success.For all the above reasons,it is my belief that strong communication skills are the most important to have.Good communication is important in all situations,SO a skillful communicator will always be in high demand.【写作内容】1)以约30个词概括短文的要点:2)然后以约l20个词就"如何进行有效的沟通"发表看法,并包括以下要点:a)沟通的作用:b)有效沟通的方法:C)你自己是如何与他人进行沟通的;d)标题自拟。                  因此:辨认文章体裁,快速找出中心句和关键词;要求写什么就总结什么。     抓准主要内容,剔除不必要的次要内容。(2)
进行句型转换及句式简化。  评分标准要求(1)约30个词;(2)不能照抄原文的句子,对中心句(topic sentences)进行简化和句型转换训练。主动句与被动句的转换:例如,茂名二模读写任务首段原文:  A total of 31 people were killed in two separate fires in China on Wednesday, and 11 others were injured.原文中心句用的是 _________,可改成________.  第一个段落就把新闻报道的几个要素包括在内:发生了两起火灾,时间、地点及后果。    练习:Please give the summery of passage 3B
保留关键词,用同义词替换非关键词。  练习: Please find out the topic sentence in Passage 2,  Find out key words(关键词) and underlined them(下划线词汇)。保留所有关键词后,同义词或句式进行替换如下:  C
此外,掌握以下的三种方法也是必要的。1.分词结构及名词短语的使用。  如,《狼来了》("Here Come Wolves"),having been cheated twice动词-ing做原因状语代替了原文的after the villagers were cheated twice。  又例如,茂名一模Do We Need To Fear the Popularity of Christmas? 原文内容要点如下:  Christmas is the day to celebrate the birth of Jesus. Christmas is a public holiday and is celebrated with religious services. It is, however, becoming a phenomenally popular holiday both to the young and businessmen.  三个主题句,内容多且散,Christmas,day有重复出现。    2.
运用非限定性定语从句使句子更加紧凑。例如深圳二模原文内容要点(在首段)如下:Title: Thirteen farmers Moved China13 farmers from Yutian County, Tangshan City, have formed a rescue team to the snowstorm stricken areas in South China. On the Eve of the Spring Festival...... On the spot of a Chenzhou's emergency repair, the farmers worked hard in the village.要点总结范例如下:A rescue team, consisting of 13 farmers from Tangshan, voluntarily offered help to the snowstorm hit areas on the Eve of the Spring Festival, which moved the whole China. (29 words)  在这个范例中,非限定性定语从句which moved the whole China 的使用代替了and their act moved the whole China。从句子的结构来看,非限定定语从句的使用使的句子更加紧凑,而且更能显示出学生的语言驾驭能力。3. 运用连词或副词使句子更加紧凑。  例如深圳一模,原文中心句如下:  I feel crazy about football. It has disturbed my normal study. I feel depressed and want to know how to deal with the contradiction between my studies and hobbies.  要点总结范例如下:  Dear LiMing,  Thank you for your letter, I've known something about your situation.(题目已经给出)  You are so crazy about football that your normal studies have already been disturbed, which makes you very depressed, upset and contradictory.  在这个范例里,连词
的使用恰当地把原文的两句中心句连接起来,使得句子更加的紧凑。  又例如,广州一模,要求总结李华的特点和优点,用一个and把所有的关键词都连接起来固然可以,但运用
层次就更高了。范例如下:  Dear Principal,  I am writing this letter to support my good friend Li Hua's application to study at your university.(开头已经给出)  In my classmates' eyes, LiHua is not only intelligent but also hard-working, who is helpful in addition to being co-operative. Therefore, he is very popular and deserves everyone's admiration. (30 words)Conclusion:3. Homework: Write the summaries for the following passages1.
China bans free plastic bags  CHINA began a crackdown on plastic bags, banning production of thin bags and forbidding supermarkets and shops from handing them out free, Tuesday, June 1, 2008.  Chinese people use up to 3 billion plastic bags a day and the country has to refine 5 million tons of oil every year to make plastics used for packaging, according to a report on the Website of China Trade News, and fails to get rid of them properly, wasting valuable oil and littering the country, the State Council said in a notice posted on the Central Government's Website."Our country consumes huge amounts of plastic bags every year. While providing convenience to consumers, they have also caused serious pollution, waste of energy and resources, because of too much use and inadequate recycling," it said.  Worries about pollution are growing among ordinary citizens, as years of breakneck growth has a very bad effect on the country's air and water, but the new ban may not be universally welcomed.[写作内容]1.
请用30个词概括短文的要点;2. 然后用约120个词就"'为了环保和节能,禁止商场免费提供塑料袋'的禁令与方便老百姓日常生活的矛盾"这一中心发表看法,并包括如下要点:  a) 你对国家这一禁令的看法,并说明你的理由;  b) 禁令实施后,消费者该怎么办?        阅读下面的短文,然后按照要求写一篇150词左右的英语短文。  In addition to teaching here, I also teach at a smaller high school 17 miles down the freeway from where I live. One day a few weeks ago I was driving to that school when my car broke down just after I exited the freeway. I was only about a quarter of a mile away from the school so I grabbed my books, and started walking."  "As soon as I got there I called a repairman to meet me at my car after class. One of my colleagues asked me what had happened. 'This is my lucky day,' I replied, smiling."  "Your car breaks down and today is your lucky day?' She was puzzled. 'What do you mean?'"  "I live 17 miles from here.' I replied. "My car could have broken down anywhere along the freeway. It didn't. Instead, it broke down in the perfect place: off the freeway, within walking distance of here. I'm still able to teach my class, and I've been able to arrange for the repairman to meet me after class. If my car was meant to break down today, it couldn't have been arranged in a more convenient fashion."  I once
read somewhere before that every morning when you get up, you have a choice about how you want to approach life that day. And this is what I choose --- to be cheerful.[写作内容]最近你经常感觉学习压力非常大。假设上文是你的外籍老师今天在课堂上所讲述的自己的亲身经历。你准备在今天的日记中表达自己的感受。以下是日记的内容(日记的开头已为你写好):1.以约30个词概括老师所讲述的这个故事的内涵;2.以约120个词表达你内心的感受,并包括如下要点:(1) 你听完这个故事的感受;(2) 在你成长过程中你自己或他人用积极的态度去面对问题的某个经历;(3) 激励你自己正确面对学习压力。Saturday,
Dec.22nd, 2007
Today in class the teacher told us a story阅读下面的公告,然后按照要求写一篇150词左右的英语短文。                   Announcement  The school board wishes to announce our plans to redevelop the Southern China International School. In order to build a new computer centre, expand the sporting fields and create enough classrooms for 500 additional students it has been decided that the school library building must be torn down.This decision has not been an easy one as the library is the oldest and most beautiful building in the school. For many people the library building is a symbol of the long and proud history of our school, the place where students were first taught and where all the important school records are stored. It is also one of the few remaining examples of Qing Dynasty building design in the city.However in order to modernize the school to the standard required by the government and to satisfy the educational demands of parents, students and teachers, we believe there is no other choice. The destruction of the library will not only free up more space needed for the new buildings but it will also allow us to save much money that we currently must spend to repair the library building.We trust our decision will have the full support of the school community.[写作内容]假设上文是你所在的国际学校最近发布的公告。请根据公告的内容向你校英文校刊投稿,稿件要求如下:1) 以约30个词概括公告的主要内容;2) 以约120个词表达你对这件事情的看法,并包括以下要点:①你对学校这一决定的看法;
②解释你的理由并提出你的建议。    Worrying about environmental issues and a severe waste of resources, China will ban the
free plastic bags, but it may not be universally welcomed while they provide convenience to consumers.    阅读下面的短文,然后按照要求写一篇150词左右的英语短文。  In addition to teaching here, I also teach at a smaller high school 17 miles down the freeway from where I live. One day a few weeks ago I was driving to that school when my car broke down just after I exited the freeway. I was only about a quarter of a mile away from the school so I grabbed my books, and started walking."  "As soon as I got there I called a repairman to meet me at my car after class. One of my colleagues asked me what had happened. 'This is my lucky day,' I replied, smiling."  " 'Your car breaks down and today is your lucky day?' She was puzzled. 'What do you mean?'"  " I live 17 miles from here.' I replied. "My car could have broken down anywhere along the freeway. It didn't. Instead, it broke down in the perfect place: off the freeway, within walking distance of here. I'm still able to teach my class, and I've been able to arrange for the repairman to meet me after class. If my car was meant to break down today, it couldn't have been arranged in a more convenient fashion."  I once read somewhere before that every morning when you get up, you have a choice about how you want to approach life that day. And this is what I choose --- to be cheerful.[写作内容]最近你经常感觉学习压力非常大。假设上文是你的外籍老师今天在课堂上所讲述的自己的亲身经历。你准备在今天的日记中表达自己的感受。以下是日记的内容(日记的开头已为你写好):1.以约30个词概括老师所讲述的这个故事的内涵;2.以约120个词表达你内心的感受,并包括如下要点:(1) 你听完这个故事的感受;(2) 在你成长过程中你自己或他人用积极的态度去面对问题的某个经历;(3) 激励你自己正确面对学习压力。  Saturday, Dec.22nd, 2007Dear diary,Today in class the teacher told us a story that really helped me deal with the pressures I often feel in my studies. The story described why it is important to be optimistic and maintain a positive attitude when facing difficulty. This way we can better cope with the problems we meet in life.      阅读下面的短文,然后按照要求写一篇150词左右的英语短文。  January 10, 2008Dear Editor,I am writing this letter to reflect some problems I came across recently and appeal to the improvement of the service industry.This weekend I bought an English dictionary in a bookstore near my home since its cover is elaborately designed. But when I went home and carefully, I found that several pages of the dictionary have been cracked and befouled. What is worse, the misprints spread everywhere in the dictionary and seriously affect my comprehension. Since there was such damage and misprints to the dictionary, I went to the bookstore to require for a replace. But to my surprise, the staff of the bookstore turns down my request rudely and even denied the poor quality of the dictionary.Today's fast-paced and market-oriented economy calls for much higher standard for service industry. However, to my regret, many of the commercials fail to achieve this standard and the quality of the staff needs to be improved. It's self-evident that the poor quality of practitioners in the service industry will not only deeply disappoint customers but also hamper the development of our country's economy. As a result, I expect your newspaper to appeal to the service industry to attach more importance to the service improvement.Thank you for you attention!Sincerely yoursMary[写作内容]1.以约30个词概括这封信中,作者与书店交涉的经过;2. 假如你是书店的经理John Harder, 请你以约120个词就以上顾客提出的问题给顾客一封回信,并包括下面要点:(1) 我们接受顾客的批评,并同情顾客的感受;(2) 我们同意上门道歉,并带另一本新的词典给顾客;(3) 我们同意顾客对改进服务的观点,并将努力改进服务。读写任务:Dear Mary,Thank you for your letter, which the editor sent to me yesterday. In your letter, I know that you bought a dictionary with a lot of problems, and our workers in charge of the department were so rude to you, which brought me lots of trouble.    阅读下面的公告,然后按照要求写一篇150词左右的英语短文。                   Announcement  The school board wishes to announce our plans to redevelop the Southern China International School. In order to build a new computer centre, expand the sporting fields and create enough classrooms for 500 additional students it has been decided that the school library building must be torn down.This decision has not been an easy one as the library is the oldest and most beautiful building in the school. For many people the library building is a symbol of the long and proud history of our school, the place where students were first taught and where all the important school records are stored. It is also one of the few remaining examples of Qing Dynasty building design in the city.However in order to modernize the school to the standard required by the government and to satisfy the educational demands of parents, students and teachers, we believe there is no other choice. The destruction of the library will not only free up more space needed for the new buildings but it will also allow us to save much money that we currently must spend to repair the library building.We trust our decision will have the full support of the school community.[写作内容]假设上文是你所在的国际学校最近发布的公告。请根据公告的内容向你校英文校刊投稿,稿件要求如下:1) 以约30个词概括公告的主要内容;2) 以约120个词表达你对这件事情的看法,并包括以下要点:①你对学校这一决定的看法;②解释你的理由并提出你的建议。[写作要求] 1.可以使用实例或其他论述方法支持你的论点,也可以参照阅读材料的内容,但不得直接引用原文中的句子; 2.标题自定。  Our school recently announced it is planning to tear down the old library building. They say although the building is historic and important, its removal is necessary for the modernization of the school.  阅读下面的短文,然后按照要求写一篇150词左右的英语短文。  This is a story that happened in a school campus. One day, after school was over Peter was taking a walk in the school campus, singing very happily. When he passed by a water tap, he found that water was still running. Someone forgot to turn it off! Although it was the easiest thing for him to turn it off, and he should have done so, he seemed not to have noticed it and went on walking as if nothing was happening there.  Just then,Mary was passing by and noticed that."Who led the water running after using it?"she thought to herself. She rushed to the tap and turned it off as quirkily as possible. When Mary was doing that, Peter was right there, standing beside her with a cold look. Mary turned to him and scolded him for not having turned off the tap. "It is none of your business!" Peter said coldly, "Beside, it was not I who had turned it on." Hearing this, Mary was very disappointed and she was at a great loss......[写作内容]1.以约30个词概括短文要点;2.然后以约120个词就Mary或Peter的行为,从"责任意识"、"行为习惯"或"节约资源"等方面,任选一个角度发表你的看法,内容包括:(1)简要评述Mary或Peter的行为并说明你的理由;(2)叙述你或你身边所发生的类似的故事;(3)谈谈你的感受与启发。Try to do the small things around you  Peter found water running out of a tap but turned a blind eye to it,while Mary, a girl of responsibilities, took a different attitude and rushed to turn it off. ( 31 )      }


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