ps3ps2能玩ps3的游戏吗Kessen III吗

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Kessen III (決戦III) is the third and final known Kessen title by
for . The game is based on the life of .
The game's time frame is roughly between the years 1550 to 1590. Contrary to many stories and portrayals that depict him as a villain or demon,
is depicted in a more virtuous and ultimately tragic light, making Kessen III rather unusual in relation to other video games based in the same era. It is a heavily fantasized and romanticized depiction of his life, although unlike games such as the
series it goes into more specific historical details. For example, the existence of the
and Nobunaga's relationship is covered herein but completely omitted from the Samurai Warriors games.
The game paints a positive picture of Nobunaga's life, and then enters a "what if" scenario showing what might have happened if he had survived the betrayal by . It describes Nobunaga regaining his power base, and then defeating
forces led by the
and other clans of Western Japan on the shores of , with Nobunaga presumably becoming the new leader.
is in this game, presented as Nobunaga's mild mannered and dedicated ally, but is shown flying into a rage when he learns that Nobunaga survives his betrayal, believing that he was going to carry out Nobunaga's destiny.
is also shown, under the name of . His unlikely charisma inspires his troops after he is wrongly told of Nobunaga's death, which leads his friend to comment, "Maybe he would be the one to unite Japan, if Lord Oda was dead."
The game also allows battles against other notable , like
There is a certain level of inaccuracy, due not only to the fantasy element, but also due to the appearance of , who had not yet been born when Nobunaga committed .
Kessen III refines the mechanics of the previous games even further while introducing new core elements. The flow of the game begins with the player selecting a mission from those available on the map. After being briefed on the mission's details, the player then selects which units to bring into the battle before issuing basic marching orders. During the battle itself, the player is in control of an individual unit and can switch between friendly units at any time, while the other units are controlled by . Battle commences when friendly and enemy units encounter one another and unit health is measured by the number of troops remaining in the unit. Troops also have specific skills related to their particular type (cavalry, spearmen, ninja, etc.) and officers can learn powerful special skills and abilities such as defensive strategies or attack magic that can turn the tide of battle.
All officers have access to a special skill called "rampage." When used, the action zooms in around that officer, and the player enters a short, timed mini-battle against troops from an enemy unit. During a rampage, the player can earn bonus experience, gold, and restore lost troops to the unit by picking up the proper items dropped by defeated soldiers. After 100 soldiers are defeated, the enemy unit's officer appears, and if the player can defeat them, the officer under the player's control may receive even further bonuses.
Battles end when the primary objective has been achieved. These objectives may include wiping out all enemy units, destroying a specific target, escorting a unit to a particular location, or making an escape. Grades on performance in battle are given at the end of each stage, and are based on how many enemy officers were defeated, the number of friendly officers were kept in battle, and the effective use of troop skills. Better grades yield items that can be used to outfit friendly officers, or gold to buy such items from merchants between battles. Battles are typically lost when Nobunaga's unit is defeated, time runs out, or a special mission requirement could not be completed.
The storyline of Kessen III is very detailed and makes frequent use of cinematic sequences rendered using both the games own graphics engine and . These sequences are typically played at the start and end of each chapter, before and after battles, and during special events that take place during the course of a fight.
- The heroic protagonist.
- A mysterious savior turned enemy.
- Princess of
and Nobunaga's bride.
- Originally a peasant named 'Kinoshita Tokichiro', he eventually becomes one of Nobunaga's most loyal officers.
loyal friend, the daimyo of the .
- The greatest warrior of the Tokugawa .
- A family of loyal retainers to Nobunaga who serve him following their predecessor's death.
- A retainer who served under Nobunaga since the beginning. He acts as a comical .
- A retainer who served under Hideyoshi.
- Hideyoshi's longtime friend.
- A reserved, careful retainer of Oda. Often referred as 'Potato Samurai' by Toshiie.
- Former traitor to Oda who defects back and becomes one of Nobunaga's loyal retainers.
- At first an Oda officer, but was really helping the
from the start.
- A Shibata officer who joined with Oda after Katsuie was defeated.
- Former member of the
and former retainer of
now under Nobunaga.
- A master strategist comparable to
of three kingdoms-era China.
- An Iga ninja who serves Oda (historically he served the Tokugawa).
- Once an officer of
but betrayed him to join Nobunaga.
- A man who was rescued from the
by Nobunaga and offered his services to Oda.
- A Buddhist man from , he joined up with the Oda after he accepted Yoshino's offer of recruitment.
- A thief who was once having a connection to the Takeda and joined Oda in his hopes of being rich.
- A Matsunaga retainer that later joined the Oda forces.
- Former officer of
who later joins the Oda forces.
- Formerly an officer of
like Shima Sakon before him he joined Oda to conquer the world.
- Former advisor of
and now worked for Oda after Shingen died.
- Friend of
and he joined Oda after seeing Hideyoshi for the first time.
- Friend of
like his friend before him he joined Oda.
- An admirer of Kicho who joins Nobunaga.
- A pious women who joins Nobunaga's forces if Toshiie takes the field.
- A officer for Matsunaga who joined with Oda to help him take down Ashikaga.
- An Ashikaga officer who joined with Oda.
- A Mouri officer until he was stopped dead in his tracks from escaping from
by Nobunaga and joined with him to help take out the Osaka sects.
- The one-eyed dragon of ?shū who once helped
kill Tokugawa but then allied with the , his retainers also rebelled against Hōjō.
- Keiji is a character only available to those who own . He is a wild yet strong warrior.
(Ina) - Daughter to Honda Tadakatsu and a skilled archer. She is only available to players who own .
- Who was said to be the killer of Hattori.
- A ronin who joined Oda.
- A man who joined Oda after being rescued from the Asakura forces.
- The 14th
and main villain.
daimyo who aids Yoshiaki.
- A relentless enemy of Nobunaga and relative of Kicho.
- A daimyo who regularly defies and belittles Nobunaga's ambition.
daimyo, husband to Nobunaga's sister .
daimyo, like Takeda Shingen he is shown as a placid military genius.
- Cousin of .
- Nephew of
and close friend of .
- Retainer of
and later .
- Retainer of Takeda Clan.
- Retainer of Takeda Clan.
- Retainer of Takeda Clan.
- Younger Brother of .
- Retainer of Takeda Clan.
- Retainer of Takeda Clan, later betrays his clan to the Tokugawa
- The leader of the clan of
ninja, from where
came from.
- Member of the Ashikaga Shogunate and was always around Yoshiaki.
- A member of the Ashikaga Shogunate forever loyal to them.
- The Asakura Clan daimyo and the ally of
- Retainer of the Akechi and Mitsuhide's relative.
- Retainer of Saitō Tatsuoki, later serve Mitsuhide after the death of Tatsuoki.
- Son and heir of .
- The Hōjō Clan daimyo.
- The Miyoshi Clan daimyo.
- Retainer of Miyoshi Nagayuki, always agrees to whatever Nagayuki says.
- Retainer of Miyoshi Nagayuki.
- The Imagawa Clan daimyo.
- The head of the Hongan-ji.
daimyo who aids Yoshiaki.
daimyo who aids Yoshiaki.
- A Spanish general who aids Yoshiaki.
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PS2 决战3 Kessen JPN 日版
名称: PS2 决战3 Kessen JPN 日版
大型单机游戏 - PS2游戏
大小: 3.39 GB
语言: 简体中文
更新时间: 06-12
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PS2 决战3 Kessen JPN 日版简介:
PS2 决战3 Kessen JPN 日版,类型为PS2游戏。由[飞速资源网| ]提供下载交流学习,版权归原作者所有,
PS2 决战3 Kessen JPN 日版 3.39GB游戏介绍:
【天下共享BT原创】[PS2]决战3 Kessen [JPN 日版][3.39GB]
英文名称:Kessen III
游戏平台:Play Station 2
游戏版本:JPN 日版
  本系列作首度于 PS2 上建立了能控制并模拟大量游戏角色的“群体制御系统”,一代中最多能呈现 200 人的战争场面,二代则进步为 500 人,本代中所能呈现的人数与二代相同,但对系统作了改良与增强,玩家将能直接操控“群体制御系统”,来影响战争的进行。
  游戏中玩家将能动态切换所操控的部队,可达成像是先操作长枪兵部队对敌人进行攻击,再切换至弓兵部队,迂回至敌人后方以弓箭进行攻击的多部队联合战术。不属于玩家直接操控的部队将会以玩家所下达的指示,由 AI(人工智**操作行动。
  《决战 III》将收录长达 130 分钟,深入刻画描写武将经历的 CG 剧情影片,并由名电影配乐家 小六礼次郎 担任游戏配乐的作曲,预定今年底于日本地区发行,明年初于海外市场发行,销售目标为全球 100 万套。
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