
→ 上古卷轴5去除阴影补丁 v3.0
上古卷轴5去除阴影补丁 v3.0
上古卷轴5去除阴影补丁 介绍
低配老滚5玩家的福音来啦!这个补丁将移除所有阴影,包括玩家和其他NPC,树木,草地以及任何阴影。并且保留了不同的光照,阴影方位,聚光情况,各种光线情况还是有效果的。大部分照明是使用默认灯光效果。移除了所有阴影包括室内和室外,但保留了光线,并能提高大量帧数,推荐低配机子适用。使用说明1. 在 Documents\My Games\Skyrim\SkyrimPrefs.ini
iBlurDeferredShadowMask=20 (Optional, this smooths out the shadow mask on some lights. Set between 0 and 20 as you like. 20 is
recommended) fInteriorShadowDistance= (Required, set this as you wish. Set between 1000 and
is recommended)
fShadowDistance=0.0000 (Required, Ensures exterior shadows are off. Can be used by itself to only turn off exterior shadows)
iShadowMapResolution=1 (Required, turns off exterior and interior shadows)
iShadowMaskQuarter=4 (Required. set between 3 and 4)
2. Now just add the esp file to the skyrim data folder.
上古卷轴5去除阴影补丁 运行截图
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发布时间: 12:08 () 作者:3DM-raistlinwang 编辑:Ghost
Speech Trainers 口才
Journeyman Trainer(新手级): Revyn Sadri, 地点:风盔城 Windhelm.
Journeyman Trainer(新手级): Dro’marash, 地点:虎人商队 The Khajiit Caravans. 貌似每个城外面都有它们身影)
Expert Trainer(专家级): Ogmund ..
Speech Trainers 口才
Journeyman Trainer(新手级): Revyn Sadri, 地点:风盔城 Windhelm.
Journeyman Trainer(新手级): Dro&marash, 地点:虎人商队 The Khajiit Caravans. 貌似每个城外面都有它们身影)
Expert Trainer(专家级): Ogmund the Skald, 地点:马卡斯城 Markarth.
Master Trainer(大师级): Geraud Gemaine, 地点:孤独城 吟游诗人学院 The Bards College,Solitude.
Alchemy Trainers 炼金
Journeyman Trainer(新手级): Lami, 地点:莫萨尔 Morthal.
Expert Trainer(专家级): Arcadia, 地点:雪漫城 Whiterun.
Master Trainer(大师级): Babette, 地点:黑暗 The Dark Brotherhood.
Enchanting Trainers 附魔
No Journeyman Trainer(没有新手级)
Expert Trainer(专家级): Sergius Turrianus, 地点:冬堡学院 the College,Winterhold.
Master Trainer(大师级): Hamal, 地点:马卡斯城 Markarth.
Smithing Trainers 铁匠
Journeyman Trainer(新手级): Ghorza, 地点:马卡斯城 Markarth.
Expert Trainer(专家级): Balimund, 地点:裂谷城 Riften.
Master Trainer(大师级): Eorlund Gray-Mane, 地点:雪漫城 Whiterun.
Light Armor Trainers轻甲
Journeyman Trainer(新手级): Scouts-Many-Marshes, 地点:雪漫城 Whiterun.
Expert Trainer(专家级): Grelka, 地点:裂谷城 Riften.
Master Trainer(大师级): Mazir, 地点:黑暗兄弟会 The Dark Brotherhood.
Heavy Armor Trainers 重甲
Journeyman Trainer(新手级): Hermir Strongheart, 地点:风盔城 Windhelm.
Expert Trainer(专家级): Gharol of Dushnikh Yal, 地点:瑞驰 The Reach.
Master Trainer(大师级): Farkas, 地点:雪漫城战友团 The Companions, Whiterun.
Block Trainers 格挡
No Journeyman Trainer(没有新手级)
Expert Trainer(专家级): Njade Stonearm, 地点:雪漫城战友团 The Companions,Whiterun.
Master Trainer(大师级): Larak of Mor Khazgur, 地点:瑞驰 The Reach.
Two-Handed Trainers 双手
No Journeyman Trainer(没有新手级)
Expert Trainer(专家级): Torbjorn Shatter-Shield, 地点:风盔城 Windhelm.
Master Trainer(大师级): Vilkas, 地点:雪漫城战友团 The Companions, Whiterun.
One-Handed Trainers 单手
Journeyman Trainer(新手级): Amren, 地点:雪漫城 Whiterun.
Expert Trainer(专家级): Athis, 地点:雪漫城战友团 The Companions, Whiterun.
Master Trainer(大师级): Burguk of Dushnikh Yal, 地点:瑞驰 The Reach.
Archery Trainers 弓箭
Journeyman Trainer(新手级): Faendal, 地点:溪木镇 Riverwood.
Expert Trainer(专家级): Aela the Huntress, 地点:雪漫城战友团 The Companions,Whiterun.
Master Trainer(大师级): Niruin, 地点:裂谷城盗贼公会The Thieves Guild, Riften.
Alteration Trainers 变幻
Journeyman Trainer(新手级): Melaran, 地点:孤独城 Solitude.
Expert Trainer(专家级): Dravynea of esgrove, 地点:Eastmarch.
Master Trainer(大师级): Tolfdir, 地点:冬堡学院 the College, Winterhold.
Conjuration Trainers 咒法
Journeyman Trainer(新手级): Runil, 地点:佛克瑞斯 Falkreath.
Expert Trainer(专家级): Phinis Gestor, 地点:冬堡学院 the College,Winterhold.
Master Trainer(大师级): Falion, 地点:莫萨尔 Morthal.
Destruction Trainers 毁灭
Journeyman Trainer(新手级): Wuunferth the Unliving, 地点:风盔城 Windhelm.
Expert Trainer(专家级): Sybille Stentor, 地点:孤独城 Solitude.
Master Trainer(大师级): Faralda, 地点:冬堡学院 the College,Winterhold.
Illusion Trainers 幻术
No Journeyman Trainer(没有新手级)
Expert Trainer(专家级): Atub, 地点:Largoshbur in The Rift.
Master Trainer(大师级): Drevis Neloren, 地点:冬堡学院 the College,Winterhold.
Restoration Trainers 恢复
No Journeyman Trainer(没有新手级)
Expert Trainer(专家级): Keeper Carcette, 地点:The Hall Of The Vigilant.
Expert Trainer(专家级): Colette Marence, 地点:冬堡学院&&the College,Winterhold.
Master Trainer(大师级): Danica Pure-Spring, 地点:雪漫城 Whiterun.
Sneak Trainers 潜行
Journeyman Trainer(新手级): Khayla, 地点:虎人商队 The Khajiit Caravans.
Expert Trainer(专家级): Garvey, 地点:马卡斯城 Markarth.
Master Trainer(大师级): Delven Mallory, 地点:裂谷城盗贼公会 the Thieves Guild,Riften.
Lockpicking Trainers开锁
No Journeyman Trainer(没有新手级)
Expert Trainer(专家级): Majhad, 地点:虎人商队 The Khajiit Caravans.
Master Trainer(大师级): Vex 地点:裂谷城盗贼公会 the Thieves Guild,Riften.
Pickpocket Trainers 扒手
Journeyman Trainer(新手级): Ahkari, 地点:虎人商队 The Khajiit Caravans.
Expert Trainer(专家级): Silda the Unseen, 地点:风盔城 Windhelm.
Master Trainer(大师级): Vipir, 地点:裂谷城盗贼公会 the Thieves Guild,Riften
Speech Trainers 口才
Journeyman Trainer(新手级): Revyn Sadri, 地点:风盔城 Windhelm.
Journeyman Trainer(新手级): Dro&marash, 地点:虎人商队 The Khajiit Caravans. 貌似每个城外面都有它们身影)
Expert Trainer(专家级): Ogmund the Skald, 地点:马卡斯城 Markarth.
Master Trainer(大师级): Geraud Gemaine, 地点:孤独城 吟游诗人学院 The Bards College,Solitude.
Alchemy Trainers 炼金
Journeyman Trainer(新手级): Lami, 地点:莫萨尔 Morthal.
Expert Trainer(专家级): Arcadia, 地点:雪漫城 Whiterun.
Master Trainer(大师级): Babette, 地点:黑暗 The Dark Brotherhood.
Enchanting Trainers 附魔
No Journeyman Trainer(没有新手级)
Expert Trainer(专家级): Sergius Turrianus, 地点:冬堡学院 the College,Winterhold.
Master Trainer(大师级): Hamal, 地点:马卡斯城 Markarth.
Smithing Trainers 铁匠
Journeyman Trainer(新手级): Ghorza, 地点:马卡斯城 Markarth.
Expert Trainer(专家级): Balimund, 地点:裂谷城 Riften.
Master Trainer(大师级): Eorlund Gray-Mane, 地点:雪漫城 Whiterun.
Light Armor Trainers轻甲
Journeyman Trainer(新手级): Scouts-Many-Marshes, 地点:雪漫城 Whiterun.
Expert Trainer(专家级): Grelka, 地点:裂谷城 Riften.
Master Trainer(大师级): Mazir, 地点:黑暗兄弟会 The Dark Brotherhood.
Heavy Armor Trainers 重甲
Journeyman Trainer(新手级): Hermir Strongheart, 地点:风盔城 Windhelm.
Expert Trainer(专家级): Gharol of Dushnikh Yal, 地点:瑞驰 The Reach.
Master Trainer(大师级): Farkas, 地点:雪漫城战友团 The Companions, Whiterun.
Block Trainers 格挡
No Journeyman Trainer(没有新手级)
Expert Trainer(专家级): Njade Stonearm, 地点:雪漫城战友团 The Companions,Whiterun.
Master Trainer(大师级): Larak of Mor Khazgur, 地点:瑞驰 The Reach.
Two-Handed Trainers 双手
No Journeyman Trainer(没有新手级)
Expert Trainer(专家级): Torbjorn Shatter-Shield, 地点:风盔城 Windhelm.
Master Trainer(大师级): Vilkas, 地点:雪漫城战友团 The Companions, Whiterun.
One-Handed Trainers 单手
Journeyman Trainer(新手级): Amren, 地点:雪漫城 Whiterun.
Expert Trainer(专家级): Athis, 地点:雪漫城战友团 The Companions, Whiterun.
Master Trainer(大师级): Burguk of Dushnikh Yal, 地点:瑞驰 The Reach.
Archery Trainers 弓箭
Journeyman Trainer(新手级): Faendal, 地点:溪木镇 Riverwood.
Expert Trainer(专家级): Aela the Huntress, 地点:雪漫城战友团 The Companions,Whiterun.
Master Trainer(大师级): Niruin, 地点:裂谷城盗贼公会The Thieves Guild, Riften.
Alteration Trainers 变幻
Journeyman Trainer(新手级): Melaran, 地点:孤独城 Solitude.
Expert Trainer(专家级): Dravynea of Kynesgrove, 地点:Eastmarch.
Master Trainer(大师级): Tolfdir, 地点:冬堡学院 the College, Winterhold.
Conjuration Trainers 咒法
Journeyman Trainer(新手级): Runil, 地点:佛克瑞斯 Falkreath.
Expert Trainer(专家级): Phinis Gestor, 地点:冬堡学院 the College,Winterhold.
Master Trainer(大师级): Falion, 地点:莫萨尔 Morthal.
Destruction Trainers 毁灭
Journeyman Trainer(新手级): Wuunferth the Unliving, 地点:风盔城 Windhelm.
Expert Trainer(专家级): Sybille Stentor, 地点:孤独城 Solitude.
Master Trainer(大师级): Faralda, 地点:冬堡学院 the College,Winterhold.
Illusion Trainers 幻术
No Journeyman Trainer(没有新手级)
Expert Trainer(专家级): Atub, 地点:Largoshbur in The Rift.
Master Trainer(大师级): Drevis Neloren, 地点:冬堡学院 the College,Winterhold.
Restoration Trainers 恢复
No Journeyman Trainer(没有新手级)
Expert Trainer(专家级): Keeper Carcette, 地点:The Hall Of The Vigilant.
Expert Trainer(专家级): Colette Marence, 地点:冬堡学院&&the College,Winterhold.
Master Trainer(大师级): Danica Pure-Spring, 地点:雪漫城 Whiterun.
Sneak Trainers 潜行
Journeyman Trainer(新手级): Khayla, 地点:虎人商队 The Khajiit Caravans.
Expert Trainer(专家级): Garvey, 地点:马卡斯城 Markarth.
Master Trainer(大师级): Delven Mallory, 地点:裂谷城盗贼公会 the Thieves Guild,Riften.
Lockpicking Trainers开锁
No Journeyman Trainer(没有新手级)
Expert Trainer(专家级): Majhad, 地点:虎人商队 The Khajiit Caravans.
Master Trainer(大师级): Vex 地点:裂谷城盗贼公会 the Thieves Guild,Riften.
Pickpocket Trainers 扒手
Journeyman Trainer(新手级): Ahkari, 地点:虎人商队 The Khajiit Caravans.
Expert Trainer(专家级): Silda the Unseen, 地点:风盔城 Windhelm.
Master Trainer(大师级): Vipir, 地点:裂谷城盗贼公会 the Thieves Guild,Riften
Speech Trainers 口才
Journeyman Trainer(新手级): Revyn Sadri, 地点:风盔城 Windhelm.
Journeyman Trainer(新手级): Dro&marash, 地点:虎人商队 The Khajiit Caravans. 貌似每个城外面都有它们身影)
Expert Trainer(专家级): Ogmund the Skald, 地点:马卡斯城 Markarth.
Master Trainer(大师级): Geraud Gemaine, 地点:孤独城 吟游诗人学院 The Bards College,Solitude.
Alchemy Trainers 炼金
Journeyman Trainer(新手级): Lami, 地点:莫萨尔 Morthal.
Expert Trainer(专家级): Arcadia, 地点:雪漫城 Whiterun.
Master Trainer(大师级): Babette, 地点:黑暗 The Dark Brotherhood.
Enchanting Trainers 附魔
No Journeyman Trainer(没有新手级)
Expert Trainer(专家级): Sergius Turrianus, 地点:冬堡学院 the College,Winterhold.
Master Trainer(大师级): Hamal, 地点:马卡斯城 Markarth.
Smithing Trainers 铁匠
Journeyman Trainer(新手级): Ghorza, 地点:马卡斯城 Markarth.
Expert Trainer(专家级): Balimund, 地点:裂谷城 Riften.
Master Trainer(大师级): Eorlund Gray-Mane, 地点:雪漫城 Whiterun.
Light Armor Trainers轻甲
Journeyman Trainer(新手级): Scouts-Many-Marshes, 地点:雪漫城 Whiterun.
Expert Trainer(专家级): Grelka, 地点:裂谷城 Riften.
Master Trainer(大师级): Mazir, 地点:黑暗兄弟会 The Dark Brotherhood.
Heavy Armor Trainers 重甲
Journeyman Trainer(新手级): Hermir Strongheart, 地点:风盔城 Windhelm.
Expert Trainer(专家级): Gharol of Dushnikh Yal, 地点:瑞驰 The Reach.
Master Trainer(大师级): Farkas, 地点:雪漫城战友团 The Companions, Whiterun.
Block Trainers 格挡
No Journeyman Trainer(没有新手级)
Expert Trainer(专家级): Njade Stonearm, 地点:雪漫城战友团 The Companions,Whiterun.
Master Trainer(大师级): Larak of Mor Khazgur, 地点:瑞驰 The Reach.
Two-Handed Trainers 双手
No Journeyman Trainer(没有新手级)
Expert Trainer(专家级): Torbjorn Shatter-Shield, 地点:风盔城 Windhelm.
Master Trainer(大师级): Vilkas, 地点:雪漫城战友团 The Companions, Whiterun.
One-Handed Trainers 单手
Journeyman Trainer(新手级): Amren, 地点:雪漫城 Whiterun.
Expert Trainer(专家级): Athis, 地点:雪漫城战友团 The Companions, Whiterun.
Master Trainer(大师级): Burguk of Dushnikh Yal, 地点:瑞驰 The Reach.
Archery Trainers 弓箭
Journeyman Trainer(新手级): Faendal, 地点:溪木镇 Riverwood.
Expert Trainer(专家级): Aela the Huntress, 地点:雪漫城战友团 The Companions,Whiterun.
Master Trainer(大师级): Niruin, 地点:裂谷城盗贼公会The Thieves Guild, Riften.
Alteration Trainers 变幻
Journeyman Trainer(新手级): Melaran, 地点:孤独城 Solitude.
Expert Trainer(专家级): Dravynea of Kynesgrove, 地点:Eastmarch.
Master Trainer(大师级): Tolfdir, 地点:冬堡学院 the College, Winterhold.
Conjuration Trainers 咒法
Journeyman Trainer(新手级): Runil, 地点:佛克瑞斯 Falkreath.
Expert Trainer(专家级): Phinis Gestor, 地点:冬堡学院 the College,Winterhold.
Master Trainer(大师级): Falion, 地点:莫萨尔 Morthal.
Destruction Trainers 毁灭
Journeyman Trainer(新手级): Wuunferth the Unliving, 地点:风盔城 Windhelm.
Expert Trainer(专家级): Sybille Stentor, 地点:孤独城 Solitude.
Master Trainer(大师级): Faralda, 地点:冬堡学院 the College,Winterhold.
Illusion Trainers 幻术
No Journeyman Trainer(没有新手级)
Expert Trainer(专家级): Atub, 地点:Largoshbur in The Rift.
Master Trainer(大师级): Drevis Neloren, 地点:冬堡学院 the College,Winterhold.
Restoration Trainers 恢复
No Journeyman Trainer(没有新手级)
Expert Trainer(专家级): Keeper Carcette, 地点:The Hall Of The Vigilant.
Expert Trainer(专家级): Colette Marence, 地点:冬堡学院&&the College,Winterhold.
Master Trainer(大师级): Danica Pure-Spring, 地点:雪漫城 Whiterun.
Sneak Trainers 潜行
Journeyman Trainer(新手级): Khayla, 地点:虎人商队 The Khajiit Caravans.
Expert Trainer(专家级): Garvey, 地点:马卡斯城 Markarth.
Master Trainer(大师级): Delven Mallory, 地点:裂谷城盗贼公会 the Thieves Guild,Riften.
Lockpicking Trainers开锁
No Journeyman Trainer(没有新手级)
Expert Trainer(专家级): Majhad, 地点:虎人商队 The Khajiit Caravans.
Master Trainer(大师级): Vex 地点:裂谷城盗贼公会 the Thieves Guild,Riften.
Pickpocket Trainers 扒手
Journeyman Trainer(新手级): Ahkari, 地点:虎人商队 The Khajiit Caravans.
Expert Trainer(专家级): Silda the Unseen, 地点:风盔城 Windhelm.
Master Trainer(大师级): Vipir, 地点:裂谷城盗贼公会 the Thieves Guild,Riften
Speech Trainers 口才
Journeyman Trainer(新手级): Revyn Sadri, 地点:风盔城 Windhelm.
Journeyman Trainer(新手级): Dro&marash, 地点:虎人商队 The Khajiit Caravans. 貌似每个城外面都有它们身影)
Expert Trainer(专家级): Ogmund the Skald, 地点:马卡斯城 Markarth.
Master Trainer(大师级): Geraud Gemaine, 地点:孤独城 吟游诗人学院 The Bards College,Solitude.
Alchemy Trainers 炼金
Journeyman Trainer(新手级): Lami, 地点:莫萨尔 Morthal.
Expert Trainer(专家级): Arcadia, 地点:雪漫城 Whiterun.
Master Trainer(大师级): Babette, 地点:黑暗 The Dark Brotherhood.
Enchanting Trainers 附魔
No Journeyman Trainer(没有新手级)
Expert Trainer(专家级): Sergius Turrianus, 地点:冬堡学院 the College,Winterhold.
Master Trainer(大师级): Hamal, 地点:马卡斯城 Markarth.
Smithing Trainers 铁匠
Journeyman Trainer(新手级): Ghorza, 地点:马卡斯城 Markarth.
Expert Trainer(专家级): Balimund, 地点:裂谷城 Riften.
Master Trainer(大师级): Eorlund Gray-Mane, 地点:雪漫城 Whiterun.
Light Armor Trainers轻甲
Journeyman Trainer(新手级): Scouts-Many-Marshes, 地点:雪漫城 Whiterun.
Expert Trainer(专家级): Grelka, 地点:裂谷城 Riften.
Master Trainer(大师级): Mazir, 地点:黑暗兄弟会 The Dark Brotherhood.
Heavy Armor Trainers 重甲
Journeyman Trainer(新手级): Hermir Strongheart, 地点:风盔城 Windhelm.
Expert Trainer(专家级): Gharol of Dushnikh Yal, 地点:瑞驰 The Reach.
Master Trainer(大师级): Farkas, 地点:雪漫城战友团 The Companions, Whiterun.
Block Trainers 格挡
No Journeyman Trainer(没有新手级)
Expert Trainer(专家级): Njade Stonearm, 地点:雪漫城战友团 The Companions,Whiterun.
Master Trainer(大师级): Larak of Mor Khazgur, 地点:瑞驰 The Reach.
Two-Handed Trainers 双手
No Journeyman Trainer(没有新手级)
Expert Trainer(专家级): Torbjorn Shatter-Shield, 地点:风盔城 Windhelm.
Master Trainer(大师级): Vilkas, 地点:雪漫城战友团 The Companions, Whiterun.
One-Handed Trainers 单手
Journeyman Trainer(新手级): Amren, 地点:雪漫城 Whiterun.
Expert Trainer(专家级): Athis, 地点:雪漫城战友团 The Companions, Whiterun.
Master Trainer(大师级): Burguk of Dushnikh Yal, 地点:瑞驰 The Reach.
Archery Trainers 弓箭
Journeyman Trainer(新手级): Faendal, 地点:溪木镇 Riverwood.
Expert Trainer(专家级): Aela the Huntress, 地点:雪漫城战友团 The Companions,Whiterun.
Master Trainer(大师级): Niruin, 地点:裂谷城盗贼公会The Thieves Guild, Riften.
Alteration Trainers 变幻
Journeyman Trainer(新手级): Melaran, 地点:孤独城 Solitude.
Expert Trainer(专家级): Dravynea of Kynesgrove, 地点:Eastmarch.
Master Trainer(大师级): Tolfdir, 地点:冬堡学院 the College, Winterhold.
Conjuration Trainers 咒法
Journeyman Trainer(新手级): Runil, 地点:佛克瑞斯 Falkreath.
Expert Trainer(专家级): Phinis Gestor, 地点:冬堡学院 the College,Winterhold.
Master Trainer(大师级): Falion, 地点:莫萨尔 Morthal.
Destruction Trainers 毁灭
Journeyman Trainer(新手级): Wuunferth the Unliving, 地点:风盔城 Windhelm.
Expert Trainer(专家级): Sybille Stentor, 地点:孤独城 Solitude.
Master Trainer(大师级): Faralda, 地点:冬堡学院 the College,Winterhold.
Illusion Trainers 幻术
No Journeyman Trainer(没有新手级)
Expert Trainer(专家级): Atub, 地点:Largoshbur in The Rift.
Master Trainer(大师级): Drevis Neloren, 地点:冬堡学院 the College,Winterhold.
Restoration Trainers 恢复
No Journeyman Trainer(没有新手级)
Expert Trainer(专家级): Keeper Carcette, 地点:The Hall Of The Vigilant.
Expert Trainer(专家级): Colette Marence, 地点:冬堡学院&&the College,Winterhold.
Master Trainer(大师级): Danica Pure-Spring, 地点:雪漫城 Whiterun.
Sneak Trainers 潜行
Journeyman Trainer(新手级): Khayla, 地点:虎人商队 The Khajiit Caravans.
Expert Trainer(专家级): Garvey, 地点:马卡斯城 Markarth.
Master Trainer(大师级): Delven Mallory, 地点:裂谷城盗贼公会 the Thieves Guild,Riften.
Lockpicking Trainers开锁
No Journeyman Trainer(没有新手级)
Expert Trainer(专家级): Majhad, 地点:虎人商队 The Khajiit Caravans.
Master Trainer(大师级): Vex 地点:裂谷城盗贼公会 the Thieves Guild,Riften.
Pickpocket Trainers 扒手
Journeyman Trainer(新手级): Ahkari, 地点:虎人商队 The Khajiit Caravans.
Expert Trainer(专家级): Silda the Unseen, 地点:风盔城 Windhelm.
Master Trainer(大师级): Vipir, 地点:裂谷城盗贼公会 the Thieves Guild,Riften更多精彩尽在 专题:}


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