在哪在哪里能买到安眠药3D reprinter

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科幻电影里描绘的未来要么很可怕,要么很美好。我们到底会看见怎样的画面?做什么?吃什么?微波让我们知道食物不一定直接来源于自然,我们发明了各种烹制食物的方式。3D打印技术也势必会用于食物制作,让烹饪过程更简单,或者更诡异。食品3D打印技术尚属新领域,但是想到可以定制自己的伙食着实令人兴奋。因此,时值年底,总结下现如今已经上市的11款不同的食品打印机。科幻小说般的未来并不遥远。1、3D System旗下ChefJet在去年1月的CES(电子消费展)上,ChefJet 3D打印机首次亮相,能打印出美味的3D作品。而且机器外形也异常美观。ChefJet起初是一家小公司Sugar Lab(糖果实验室)的研发项目,由同为建筑师的Hasseln夫妇发起。为了成全这个甜蜜计划,3D Systems收购这家企业,将项目重新定位,目标成为餐饮业、厨师、消费者所需的理想工具,打印出色香味。ChefJet分为标准版和专业版。专业版可全彩打印。而且ChefJet不仅能打印常规的糖果味,还能以巧克力、酸苹果等为原料。原定“2014年下半年上市”,售价$5,000以下,可惜直到现在还没发布。根据3D Systems发布的第三季度财政报告,许多原计划今年发布的机器都未能准时登场,可能要到明年才能在市场上见到ChefJet了。2、 Natural Machines旗下 Foodini凭借时尚营销和可口食品,Natural Machines 推出的Foodini 3D打印机是倡导健康饮食者的不错选择,可以预制饭菜。 Foodini用户可以准备新鲜的食材,创造出各种糊状,装入可重复使用的胶囊,然后3D打印成任何形状。用户可以选择健康、有机的新鲜食物制造,避免过度加工的食品。Natural Machines完成了第一轮融资,计划在2015年下半年大规模生产这款打印机,零售价约为$1,000。但Foodini打印后无烹煮环节,因此你要么打印可直接食用的糊状食物,要么后续再进行烹煮。3、几位英国学生研发的f3d 3D打印机f3d的原型是伦敦帝国学院的几位本科生设计的毕业项目。f3D打印机能够使用五种不同的挤出机,采用1400W卤素烤箱烹煮。学生们还能利用三种不同的打印材料——面团、番茄酱和奶酪, 做出一道菜:小披萨。所有组件的总成本约为1900美元。4、美国宇航局食品打印机提到美国宇航局时,大多数人第一时间想到是什么?食物。自1962年起,美国宇航局在食品科学领域不断革新。五十年后的今天,他们仍然致力于这一研究,与系统和材料研究公司(SMRC)签订了一份125,000美元的合同,正努力打造能登上火星为宇航员提供食物的打印机。将原材料预先装入胶囊中,然后由食品打印机混合不同的营养成分,3D打印出多种饭菜——这可比过去的现成食物多了不少选择。SMRC公司已经用这台机器打印了披萨,以证明可行性,打印后只用了70秒进行烹饪。接下来,SMRC将在食物中添加营养成分,为有朝一日的火星居民提供必需的维生素和矿物质。将来还能打印其他各种食物。5、巧克力制造者巧克力3D打印公司众多,包括专门打印巧克力的服务商以及专门销售巧克力3D打印机的制造商。Choc Creator(巧克力制造者)是Choc Edge(巧克力前沿)旗下的产品,据说是市场上第一台巧克力3D打印机。由Liang Hao博士在2012年设计而成。Choc Creator可以在蛋糕、饼干上绘制大多数平面图形。技巧好的话,甚至可以绘制3D立体图形。这台机器的折后价格是3,200欧元。6、ZMorph旗下的蛋糕和巧克力挤出机看到现在,你可能已经意识到并非易事。除了Choc Creator,还没有真正上市的商业级。所以,要么等它们上市,要么自己动手制作一台。自己制作的话是个不错的选择,只需要买一台普通的桌面级3D打印机,就能打印吃的东西。有生产商就开始动这个脑筋了,比如ZMorph,生产了一款多功能桌面3D打印机,支持可更换打印头,包括3D打印巧克力、蛋糕面糊的糊状挤出机。7、Discov3ry挤出机如果你已经有一台3D打印机,想要尝鲜接触食品级打印,那么可以考虑下Structur3D推出的Discov3ry挤出机。这款挤出机是通用型的糊状挤出机,可以实现各种打印,诸如巧克力、糖霜、或者其他粘稠但不能使用的材料(硅胶、粘土之类)。如果你没耐心等其上市,那么参照Richard “RichRap” Horne的设计指南,自制一只通用型糊状挤出机吧。网上还有很多开源的糊状挤出机。
8、水果3D打印机你可能正在抱怨“为什么只能吃糊状的食物?!”既然你不喜欢这种类型,那么水果3D打印机应该合你胃口吧。采用时下最流行的球化烹饪方式,将草莓调味混入富含钠的凝胶中,然后把凝胶小球浸在氯化钙的冷溶液中,创造出类似覆盆子一样的食物。关于Dovetailed这家公司的信息不多,而且打印效果看起来更像果冻而不像水果。不过,就食品打印而言,是不错的创新。9、TNO出品的全能3D打印机如果要说哪个机构在食品打印领域较为领先,那可能是TNO。荷兰研究机构TNO从2012年开始研究食品打印,将其视为重要的科技进步,而不仅仅是厨房新设备。TNO认为,食品打印应该为所有人量身定制三餐。通过分析历史数据、身体情况,食品打印机制作的食物正好包含了你一天所需的营养,并且能根据你的情绪调味。使用“另类材料,如藻类蛋白质、甜菜叶,甚至昆虫”进行烹饪。TNO目前正和百味来(Barilla,意大利面品牌)合作,每2分钟能15-20片通心粉。他们还与设计师Chloé Rutzerveld联手,用干水果、蔬菜、坚果、和藻类打印饼干。再配上酵母、菌类、真菌、种子和豆芽,增加饼干的口感。好吃!10、看起来挺美味的黏糊糊打印机德国Biozoon的独家技艺能将营养浓粥制作成各种美味的形状,尤其适合养老院的老人们。在欧盟的资助下,Biozoon将于2015年完成食品3D打印机的研发。使用48个喷嘴、流质食品和胶凝剂,3D打印机会重塑食品形状和口味。诸如鸡翅膀之类老人难以吞咽的食物,都能只融在口,保证摄入他们每天所需的营养。绿色食品,胶凝剂制造!11、Fab@Home的原创食品打印机如果没有Fab@Home的话,可能就没有如今的食品打印技术。作为两款原创开源3D打印机之一,是它开启了桌面级食品3D打印的风潮。康奈尔大学的Hod Lipson 和 Evan Malone发起了Fab@Home打印机项目,其目的在于向普通大众推广低成本的快速原型制造工艺。人们可以根据网上的操作指南自制打印机。2010年开始,该实验室与合作单位(如法国烹饪学院)开始尝试食品挤出:3D打印字母曲奇、形如火箭的扇贝、巧克力、糖霜、奶酪、火鸡糊等。如果没有那个火箭形的扇贝,我们现在就不可能看到3D打印的蛋糕裱花、形如鸡翅的鸡肉粥,或者普通小披萨。stay tuned for 3d printing
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3D Re-printer recycles plastic bottles and converts them into raw material for 3D printing
3D Re-printer recycles plastic bottles and converts them into raw material for 3D printing
Global warming, chemical and physical pollution and other environmental issues are no longer the far removed issues they once used to be. The world is changing quickly as a result of human life and people are finally starting to take note. In contrast to life fifty years ago, environmental issues have become such potential imminent threats that it seems everyone has a general awareness of their existence.
Companies are now morally obligated to conduct environmentally friendly business practices and include them in their code of ethics. Whether by recycling or using energy-saving electricity, everyone seems to be doing something to lessen the carbon footprint.
3D printing and the environment
3D printing has garnered some negative attention for the amount of plastic it wastes. To combat this many companies have attempted to reduce the environmental harm caused by 3D printing. There are companies like
and who kill two birds with one stone by employing underprivileged people to pick up and sort through plastic waste that is then converted into 3D printer filament. There are also people trying to steer away from plastic completely, like researchers at the
who are developing a way to produce printer filament from foods like spinach, cocoa and rice.
Leading 3D printer manufacturer 3D Systems even made a 3D printer called the
that extrudes recycled plastic bottles and uses them as filament to build products. Now, a team of designers has followed suit and created a 3D printer that has an automatic built-in plastic waste extruder.
Designers Yangzi Qin, Yingting Wang, Luckas Fischer and Hanying Xie have created what they call the . The machine works by recycling plastic bottles and converting it into raw material for 3D printing. The 3D Re-printer isn’t publicly released yet and there isn’t much information available online, but the designers revealed details of its basic functions.
3D Re-printer
“Plastic products and waste material are part of our daily lives, be it at home, in school or the office,” writes the team on its . “We don’t know where to put most of these products, or feel that it is such a waste. The quantity of plastic waste is constantly rising and thus affecting our lives in the future and causing damage to the environment due to huge landfills and the long time it takes to degrade. In addition it affects the overall beauty of our cities by creating “visual pollution.” 3D-Reprinter is a device design that allows the user to recycle the home waste plastic bottles into new products.”
From the little available information on the 3D Re-printer, it seems almost identical in functionality to 3D Systems’ $1,199 . The 3D Re-printer doesn’t have a listed price tag yet, but if its designers choose to sell it for a relatively reasonable cost then it may be worth looking into.
Shanie Phillips is a originally from the UK, but has spent many years in Singapore, the US and now Israel. In addition to writing for Inside3DP she writes for several news and innovation sites.
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Your submission was succesfully sent.Sina Visitor System3D打印个复制品:3D化石模型数据库上线
与数据库同步推出的还有 “全国寻宝”大赛,寻找在英国各地博物馆展出的化石。 8月22日开始,持续3周。
文章来源:Magicfirm (原文:《数据库上线,来个吧》)
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