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Aerial Photography and Aerial Videography | Droid Cam
Droid Cam Network
Multi rotors, helicopters & fixed wing UAV pilots
Droid-cam is a group of BNUC-S qualified and highly experienced UAV pilots. With a combined experience of over 40 years of remote controlled flying you can rest assured that Droid Cam will get your
job done. We have a high level of technical ability in what is a relatively new technology. All our pilots have spent years in the model world before progressing to multi rotor drones and helicopters. The capabilities of our drones is truly remarkable. GPS technology now means we can position a drone in the sky or activate the drone to fly pre programmed ‘way points’.
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Aerial Photography & Videography
At droid-cam
we are happy to work alongside your production company or as a complete unit. There is very little we can’t provide. We do however operate under the Euro USC code of practice for good airmanship. Please be aware that we must operate with the manned world and be mindful of their presence at all time. It’s very important that droid-cam has one eye on safety at ALL times.
Frequently Asked QuestionsHow long can you fly?The different craft we use have different payload capabilities and different sized batteries. Typically 10-20 minutes flight time, with an average fight time of 6-8 minutes. How far away can you fly?Typically we are happy to fly 2-300m from the pilot horizontallyHow high can it fly?It can fly upwards until the air becomes too thin to give the propellers lift. Under the permission for aerial work from the CAA we are limited to 400ft which gives us 100ft of separation between us and full size aircraft. This 400ft ceiling can be extended with a NOTAM, the notice will require two to three weeks to obtain and will provide an no fly zone around our take-off and landing zone. This is not required for more aerial work and if plus 400ft is required a full size helicopter or fixed wing aircraft is probably more suited to the task.Can it fly in the rain?Light rain and drizzle but for most applications the rain spoils the shot. If we get caught in the rain it’s not the end of the world but it is always best to land ASAPWhat powers the craft?All our craft, big and small are powered by varying sizes of Lithium Polymer batteries.{list plist as item}当前位置: &
& Fruitcraft
系统要求:需要 iOS 4.3 或更高版本。与 iPhone、iPad、iPod touch 兼容。 此 App 已针对 iPhone 5 进行优化。
Collect hundreds of amazing cards, trade cards in online auction, team up with friends to form tribes, challenge thousands of other players online and become number one with the greatest card collection! Weekly rewards for top 50 players in every league.Fruitcraft combines elements from popular online strategy games such as Travian and Clash of Clans with traditional trading card games, creating an awesome engaging game that is easy to understand, play and enjoy! You can even play against players that are online at the same time as you and spark epic tribe battles!We love playing Fruitcraft ourselves and will regularly add new features and improvements throughout the upcoming year.Things that make Fruitcraft unique:o No lame 'energy' system that stops you from playing and forces you to payo No 'only paid' items that you need to pay to get. You can purchase everything with in game currency that you gain from quests and battleso Uncluttered, beautiful UI which is easy to use and navigateThings that you'll enjoy:o Loveable fruit warriors :)o Full help page covering all game conceptso Enhance your cards to make them more powerfulo Evolve cards to make new unique cardso Play for absolutely free and access all featureso Form tribes, chat and play with your friendso Fruitcraft is designed to work with a very weak internet connection, so will literally work ANYWHERE!WARNING: Fruitcraft can be very addicting, which is why it took us so long to make… we just couldn't stop playing the prototype… Please play in moderation.Fruitcraft is compatible with iPhone, iPod and iPad as well as mid range to high end droid devices. You can link your account to all of your devices and continue your game regardless of which device you're on.精彩资源,尽在PP助手()
版本 1.4.1587 中的新功能:
Massive update, adding in many new features and improvementso New live battle system: challenge other online players to battle and ask for help from your tribe members. Possibility to create epic tribe battles.o New league system: players are partitioned into leagues with weekly rewardso Improved tutorial o New cardso And many fixes and minor improvements


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