密室逃脱3empty roomempty room怎么把棍子插到吸铁石里

逃出空荡大房 Empty Room Escape
你被锁在了一个空空荡荡的大房子里,没有人能来为你开门,现在只有靠自己的聪明脑力来挑战难关找到线索解开谜题才能逃出去。地址:这次的游戏不是很容易,因为有隐藏视角,而且有的提示不是很直接,要绕点弯路,但是一但解开了发现原来挺简单 画面很精致,但是要十分仔细呃 大家试试吧
2.右转,点右边地上,一块木板可以移动,先不管3.拉近墙上镜子,看到提示,如图2 4.右转,门上看到螺丝5.点地上密码箱后面,拿提示纸,查看用红色铅笔涂,看到提示,如图3 6.右转,点墙上深色处,撕下墙皮,位置如图4 7.地上捡起白纸,查看,如图5 8.转到密码箱画面,根据图2和图5提示,如图6 9.打开密码箱拿螺丝刀10.转到椅子画面,转到椅子底部,用螺丝刀卸下螺丝,拿椅子腿11.转到掉墙皮画面,拉近右边密码柜,根据图2提示调密码,打开柜子,拿吸铁石和密码桶,如图7 12.转到大镜子画面,拉近左边4个点儿处,放上椅子腿13.转到大门画面,点门右上角转视角,门梁上拿棍子14.查看吸铁石与棍子组合15.转到破墙纸画面,拉近右下角插盒,打开,放入吸铁石与棍子组合物,拿T头钥匙16.密码箱,取折线,点按键,打开箱子,拿I头钥匙和钳子,如图8 17.转到镜子画面,拉近左边架子,点画面上边缘,转视角,用钳子打开,点红色按钮18.转到2个保险柜画面,左边打开,拿圆头钥匙19.转到镜子画面,点镜子左下角转视角,看到钥匙孔,圆头钥匙打开,拿一字型螺丝刀20.转到活动地板处,一字型螺丝刀起开地板,拿X头钥匙,看到提示,如图9 21.查看密码桶,根据图3和图9提示,调字母:TRICK,拿E头钥匙22.转到大门画面,一字型螺丝刀打开把手上螺丝23.将钥匙按照E,X,I,T放好
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Total AG Ratings: 1,087
480 Reviews
Okay. So I finally got out. What got me stuck was the word lock. There is literally NO WAY I would have figured it out without scrolling through the comments.
it was sooooo boorrriinng!!!!
its fun and easy
Very challenging, but in a fun way! If anybody needs a walk through, just search &empty room escape walk through& :)
Challenging in a fun kind of way! I suggest this game to everyone :)
It took me a lot of time to find out how to combine itens, it was the only way to get past to get the last key. For those willing to know: you need to examine the item then drag another item over the one you're examining (exactly on the place where you want it be placed).
this game is very simple i solved it in about thirty minutes however very satisfying to watch the door swing open and read congratulations you have escaped
There has to be a walthrough! This is really impossible and got really stuck and didn'tknow what to do. I didn't like this game at all!
what do i do on the horse
it was ok it didn't take long though so that was the only problem that is my opinion.}


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