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& Ah=高兴、松一口气,Aha=惊喜、嘲笑,Aw=失望,Blah=无聊,Boo=吓人,Eh=反问,Ew=讨厌,Ha=高兴、惊喜,Ha-ha=笑,Hee-hee=调皮的笑,heh-heh=嘲笑,Hey=惊讶、引起别人注意,Hm=好奇、困惑、怀疑,Huh=不相信,Mmm=满意,Oops=糟糕,Ouch=痛,Phew=松一口气,Shh=嘘
水瓶座(1.21-2.19)You are the one I have been looking for.你就是我一直在追寻的人。(好直白哦)
双鱼座(2.20-3.20)Okay. Let us try to be the luckiest couple on earth.好!让我们试着成为世上最幸运的一对。(比较&西式&)
牡羊座(3.21-4.20)Baby, will you be my valentine ? I will make you the happiest girl on earth.宝贝,当我的情人吧?我将使你成为世上最快乐的女孩。&
金牛座(4.21-5.21)Would you like to go to movies, KTV, or just have a chat over a good meal at a nice restaurant ?你喜欢去看电影、唱KTV或是去餐厅聊聊天吃美食呢?(好现实哦)
双子座(5.22-6.21)I can think of nothing else but your dazzling smile.我的脑海中除了你那迷人的微笑甚么都没有。(有点儿小做作咩~)
巨蟹座(6.22-7.23)I will wait for you to come home to eat.等你回家吃饭哦!(巨蟹座就是这样会照顾别人哦~~)
狮子座(7.24-8.23)That&s the most romantic thing that anyone has ever done for me or said to me&你所为我作的事与对我说的话都是我经历过最浪漫的&(夸张了点儿,但很管用)
处女座(8.24-9.23)I love everything about you, especially the way you made me feel how special I am.我喜欢所有的你,尤其是你如何让我觉得我自己是多么特别的。(自恋的表达)
天秤座(9.24-10.23)I love your tender kisses and charming smiles.我爱上你那温柔的吻和迷人的微笑。(很美~)
天蝎座(10.24-11.22)To me, you are irreplaceable, because you are one of a kind.对我而言你是无法代替的,因为你是独一无二的。
射手座(11.23-12.22)If you need me, I am here for you. I am on your side.如果你需要我,我会在这等候,我一直会在你左右。(真爷们儿)
魔羯座(12.23-1.20)Oh, dear. I want you to know that being with you, it&s as good as it gets.亲爱的,世上没有比跟你在一起更幸福的了。
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No matter where you are today, or what you have done or not done in the past, you need to accept seven essential truths about you as a person:不管你如今身在何处,不管在过去你成就与否,你都需要接受下面关于自己的这7个事实:&&1. You are a thoroughly good
valuable and worthwhile beyond measure. No one is better than you or more gifted than you.你是一个非常优秀非常棒的人;无比珍贵,没有人比你更好,没有人比你更有天赋。&Only when you doubt your essential goodness and value do you begin to question yourself. The inability to accept that you are a good person lies at the root of much of your discontent.自我怀疑来自于你对自己优秀品质和价值的否定,诸多的不满则是你自我怀疑的根源所在。&&2. You are important, in many, many ways. To start with, you are important to yourself.在很多时候,你都很重要。首先对于你自己来说,你很重要。&Your personal universe revolves around you as an individual. You give meaning to everything that you see or hear. Nothing in your world has any significance except for the significance that you
to it.你的世界因你而独特,只有你才能将你所看到的或听到的赋予意义,意义靠你赋予,否则你的世界里任何事情都是毫无意义的。&&3. You have unlimited potential and the ability to create your life and your world as you desire.你拥有无限潜能和创造理想世界和生活的力量。&You could not use your entire potential if you lived one hundred lifetimes. No matter what you have accomplished up to now, it is merely a hint of what is truly possible for you. And the more of your natural talents and abilities you develop in the present, the more of your potential you can develop in the future.除非你活够一百次,否则你是不可能运用你所有的潜能的。到目前为止,无论你成就了什么,那可能只是你的潜能的一点点而已。你越是发展自己的天赋和能力,将来就能发掘更多的潜能。&&4. You create your world in every respect by the way you think and the depth of your .你的思维方式和信念决定了你的未来。&Your beliefs actually create your realities, and every belief you have about yourself you learned, starting in . When you begin to question your self-limiting beliefs and develop beliefs consistent with the incredible person you really are, your life will begin to change almost immediately.信念成就现实,当你开始质疑消极的自我限制的信念,开始发展与你现实相符的信念时,你的人生马上就会有个大变样。&
&5. You are always free to choose the content of your thoughts and the direction of your life.你可以自由选择思想的内容和人生的方向。&Your mind is like a garden: if you do not deliberately cultivate flowers, weeds will grow automatically without any effort on your part. If you do not deliberately plant and cultivate positive thoughts, negative thoughts will grow in their place.你的思维就像花园:如果你无心种花,野草就会肆意的疯长。同样如果你无心种植和培养积极的想法,消极的想法也会疯长。&&6. You are put on this earth with a great destiny:你是背负着伟大的命运降生在地球上的:&you are meant to do something wonderful with your life. You have a unique combination of talents, abilities, ideas, insights, and experiences that make you different from anyone who has ever lived. You are designed for success and engineered for greatness.你注定能够成就非凡的人生。你独特的才能、天赋、思维、洞察力和经验让你与众不同。你注定获得成功,创造非凡。&&7. There are no limits to what you can do, be, or have except the limits you place on your own thinking and your own imagination.一切都不设限,除了你对自身的想法和自我想象的限制&The biggest enemies you will ever face are your own doubts and fears. These are usually negative beliefs, not necessarily based on fact, that you have accepted over the years until you no longer question them.你面临的最大的敌人就是自我怀疑和恐惧。这些通常都是一些并不真实的消极信念,但久而久之,你便会接受它们并不再质疑。&Remember the rule: It doesn&t matter where you& all that really matters is where you&re going.记住一点:你来自哪里并不重要;重要的是你将要走向哪里。
汉语里的俗语可以说是丰富多彩、包罗万象,其中一些数字式俗语的运用使得汉语口语活泼生动、富有朝气,如:&不管三七二十一&、&八九不离十&、&二一添作五&、&一推三六九& 、&八字不见一撇&、&五大三粗&等,更有些颇具地方色彩的俗语如&二百五&、&十三点&等等。类似的用法可以说是不胜枚举,比比皆是。有趣的是,英语中同样有类似的用法,如:nine-to-fiver指朝九晚五的工作或普通的上班族,fifth column泛指通敌的内奸,a Catch-22 situation表示难以逾越的障碍,而forty winks则是小睡、打盹儿,等等。英语中数字式俗语在日常生活中被广泛应用,熟练地掌握它们有助于英语者对英语国家文化的了解。以下笔者就这方面的常见用法作一个简单介绍。
1. zero hour 重要决定或变化到来的时刻;危险行动的时刻zero hour是源于第一次世界大战的军事用语,用以指发起进攻等军事行动的准确时刻,后被用来指重要决定或变化到来的时刻。
Zero hour for the bombers to take off was midnight. 轰炸机起飞的时间是午夜12点。It was zero hour and the doctor began the operation on the man. 关键时候到了,医生开始为那人做手术。
2.A number one 第一流的,头等的英国伦敦有家以经营海上保险著称的保险业机构叫劳埃德保险社(Lloyd&s),每年出版《劳氏船舶年鉴》(Lloyd&s Register),对注册的商船均在年鉴中载明其吨位、等级等,船体质量之高低以字母顺序标明,而设备之优劣则以数字表示。凡被列为甲级一等的船只均以A1标之。1837年,英国作家狄更斯(Charles Dickens, )首先将A1用于任何人和物,表示&第一流的,头等的&。A1亦作A number one或A one,现一般用于口语中。The A number one material sells well. 那种头等布料很畅销。After our holiday, we were in A one condition. 休假后,我们的身体状况都很好。
3.back to number/square one 从头开始在20世纪30年代的英国,为了方便解说,收音机在转播足球比赛时,《广播时报》(Radio Times)上常常会有一幅球场平面图。平面图分为多个有号码的方格,这样广播员只要说出第几个方格,听众就可以知道球员到哪里了。back to number/square one就是回到球赛开始的地方,换句话说就是恢复原来的状态,以前的努力白费了,必须再来一次。这一用法现常和go/be连用,表示&退回起点,从头开始&等,多用于口语中。We&ve got to get this done without going back to square one. 我们得把它完成,而不要从头再来。My secretary has left my one and only manuscript in the taxi, so I&ll have to write the book all over again. It&s back to square one. 秘书把我唯一的一份手稿丢在出租车上了,我只好重写这本书,一切从头开始。
4.first fruits 最初成果据《圣经》记载,古代希伯来人总是用最早成熟并收获的瓜果或其他农产品来祭祀上帝。1382年,英国神学家、欧洲宗教改革运动的先驱约翰?威克里夫(John Wycliffe, )在他翻译的《圣经?旧约》中把用以祭祀上帝的&初熟之物&译成first fruits。后来,此俗语多被用于喻义,表示&(工作、活动等的)最初成果或初步收益&。This book is the first fruits of many years& study.这本书是多年研究的初步成果。
5.once in a blue moon极为罕见;难得有一次这个俗语的真正意思很难从它的字面上去猜测。据观测,在一定条件下,当大气中含有一定数量的、大小合适的微尘时,月亮就会呈深蓝色。月亮呈深蓝色这种现象比较罕见,因为人们夜间在户外活动的时间大大少于白昼,再加之微尘的扬起夜间少于白天。根据月亮出现的这一罕见现象,人们便用once in a blue moon表示&极为罕见,千载难逢&等义。He won&t let slip the opportunity. Only once in a blue moon does he get one like this.他不会错过这次机会的,这可是千载难逢的。
6.have two strings to one&s bow有两手准备英国大弓(longbow)是14世纪人们使用的最可怕的武器之一。大弓手(longbowman)通常都备有第二条弓弦(string),以备第一条弓弦断时可以马上替换。因此,人们常用two strings to one&s bow和another/a second string to one&s bow 分别喻指&两手准备&和&第二手准备&,用have two strings to one&s bow表示&有两手准备&。David has two strings to his bow; if his career in politics falls through, he can fall back on his law practice. 戴维已经做好两手准备,假如在政界失败,他可以重操旧业&&当律师。
7.play second fiddle 充当副手;当第二把手管弦乐队中的小提琴分为第一小提琴手(first fiddle/violin)和第二小提琴手(second fiddle/violin)。第一小提琴手是主角,而第二小提琴手则是配角但又少不了。play second fiddle原意是&担任第二小提琴手&,后来引申为&担任副手&, 多用于口语中。Tired of playing second fiddle, she resigned and started her own company. 厌倦了当配角,她辞职创办了自己的公司。
8.third degree 逼供;拷问在美国,警察过去常常对无权无势的普通人使用刑讯逼供。人们遂借(the)third degree喻指(警察的)疲劳询问(或逼供),同时还把&逮捕&和&入狱&分别婉称为the first degree(第一级)和the second degree(第二级)。third degree常和动词get/give连用,作get the third degree和give someone a/the degree。They gave him the third degree to find out who his contacts were. 他们对他进行刑讯,逼他供出联络人。
9.three score (years) and ten 人生,七十岁,古稀之年这个俗语来源于《圣经&诗篇》&我们一生的年日是七十岁,若是强壮可到八十岁;但其中所矜夸的不过是劳苦愁烦。&The days of our years are thre and if by reason of strength they be fourscore years, yet is their strength labor and sorrow.(Bible, Ps. 90:10)He has long passed three score and ten. 他早已年逾古稀。
10.four-letter words 四字母禁忌词英语中所谓的four-letter words其实可以翻译为&四字母粗俗词&,因其常由四个字母组成,故名。此类词多与性及排泄有关,如piss, shit, cock等等,分量较重。对此类词上流社会十分忌讳,但在两次世界大战中它们逐渐通用起来,不时见于文学作品。1960年,企鹅图书公司被控出版&淫书&《查泰莱夫人的情人》(Lady Chatterley&s Lover)一案胜诉后,四字母禁忌词不仅涌进了当代文学作品,而且时而在报刊上露面。如今,在口语中此类词已不再限于用四个字母拼成的词。The football player was suspended after using a variety of four-letter words in front of the umpire. 该球员因为在裁判面前使用了各种低级下流词语而被停赛。
11.fifth wheel 备用轮;多余的人或物普通的汽车或卡车多为四个轮子,第五个轮子被认为没什么用处,因此fifth wheel喻指&多余的人或物,无关紧要的人或物&。I don&t have a role in the office anymore&I feel like a fifth wheel. 我在办公室不起作用了&&我觉得自己像个多余的人。
12.six of one and half a dozen of the other 半斤八两,不相上下
这个俗语的直译为&一个人的六个和另一个人的半打&。半打就是六个,两者完全相同,只是说法不同而已,故用来比喻两种东西一模一样,相当于汉语里的&半斤八两&。据认为,该俗语最早出现在19世纪英国作家弗雷德里克&马里亚特(Frederick Marryat, )的小说《海盗和三只小艇》(The Pirates and the Three Cutters, 1836)中。该俗语有时也作six and two threes。What difference does it matter? They&re both the same&six of one and half a dozen of the other.这有什么区别?两者是相同的&&一模一样。
13.in the/one&s seventh heaven欢天喜地;在极乐世界伊斯兰教信徒认为天有七重,第七重天乃最高一层,由亚伯拉罕(Abraham)统治。在犹太人的圣徒传记文学(hagiology)中,七重天乃上帝和天使居住的天国的最高层,乃极乐世界。in the/one&s seventh heaven由此产生,多用于口语里,表示&高兴万分,处于满足境地&等。The old lady was in the seventh heaven at meeting her long-lost son. 老太太见到失散多年的儿子高兴极了。
14.have/be one over the eight 微醉;喝醉过去西方人有一种比较迷信的看法,认为喝啤酒不醉的上限是八杯,即八品脱,多喝一杯就会显出醉意。由此人们在口语里用have one over the eight表示&有三分醉意,多喝了一杯&,多用于英国英语中。He had one over the eight and fell down the steps as he was leaving the party. 在宴会上多喝了点酒,他离开时从台阶上摔了下来。
15.a nine-day wonder 轰动一时(不久便被遗忘)的事情&九&在宗教上是个具有心灵象征意义(mystical)的数字。&三&即&三位一体&,代表一个完美整体,而&九&即三个&三&,为&多重完美&(the perfect plural)。据说,每当自然界出现异常现象,罗马人就会视之为不祥之兆,为了去灾,天主教会总要举行一场历时九天的祈祷仪式。但祈祷仪式一结束就再也没人谈起了。后来人们多用a nine-day wonder指报刊上大肆渲染或耸人听闻的一些报道。His being caught shoplifting was a nine-day wonder. 他因在商店扒窃而被逮住一事曾轰动一时。
16.at the eleventh hour 在最后时刻;在紧要关头这个俗语来自《圣经&新约&马太福音》中耶稣对其门徒讲的一则寓言。有个葡萄园主人一早出去雇工,与人讲定一天一钱银子。他先后雇了几批工人。早来的人和后来的人他都发相同的报酬,即使是那些在第11个小时才来的,只在园中干了一个小时的雇工,也能领得和那些已经足足干了12个小时的雇工同样多的报酬。因此,早来的人很有意见,但园主却说,原先讲定的一钱银子他并没有少给。至于后来的人,他照样付给,这是他心甘情愿的。耶稣用葡萄园来比喻天国,意在说明能够进入天国的不分先后,即使在最后时刻也还来得及。古代犹太人把白天分为12小时,自日出到日落。eleventh hour既不指现在的上午11点,也不指夜晚11点,而是相当于日落前的下午5点,即白天12小时工作日的&第11小时&,后来被喻指&最后时刻&。因此,at the eleventh hour现在用来表示&在最后时刻&,有时还引申为&在紧要关头&,而eleventh-hour decision则指&最后一刻作出的决定&。The student always turned the term papers in at the eleventh hour.这个学生总是在最后一刻交学期论文。
Eleventh-hour decisions are seldom satisfactory. 最后一刻作出的决定很少是令人满意的。
17.a baker&s dozen 十三,一打加一据说,在13世纪的英国,面包师常常缺斤短两,欺骗顾客。1266年,英国议会颁布一项法令规定了面包的价格和重量,倘若斤两不足就要受到重罚。可是当时,做面包的炉具比较原始,要让面包个个分量合乎标准比较困难。卖面包的为了免遭惩罚每卖一打就赠送一个,来弥补斤两的不足,这后来成了习惯。因此,面包师的&一打&就是一般人的&十三&。I asked for 12, but she gave me a baker&s dozen. 我要12个,可她给了我13个。
18.twenty-one gun salute 21响礼炮鸣礼炮向人表示敬意的习俗由来已久,但鸣21响礼炮却开始于美国。鸣礼炮响数的多少因接受敬意者的地位高低而不同,但必须为奇数,这与古代航海忌讳偶数有关。礼炮最多21响,只有国家元首或总统才能受到此等隆重礼遇。1875年,这种致敬的方式在美国首次获得确认。They fired a twenty-one gun salute to welcome the Russian president. 他们鸣礼炮21响来欢迎俄罗斯总统。
第31届香港电影金像奖 刘德华封影帝 《桃姐》完胜
第31届香港电影金像奖(Hong Kong Film Awards)15日晚在香港文化中心大剧院揭晓。《桃姐》囊括最佳电影、最佳导演、最佳编剧、最佳男女主角等5个重要奖项。这是许鞍华继《女人四十》后,再次创造执导影片收获&大满贯&的金像奖历史纪录。先后得意于威尼斯电影节、台湾电影金马奖和亚洲电影大奖的《桃姐》,当晚依然&春风得意&。其中,导演许鞍华是第11次入围金像奖、四度获奖。刘德华同样第11次入围,三度获奖。叶德娴则凭借《桃姐》中出神入化的表演,收获了第6个&影后&头衔。据悉,由于刘德华额太太朱丽倩喜怀龙胎,刘德华一度想缺席金像奖陪爱妻,不料主办方以奖项利诱,力挺他继金马奖后再夺影帝。才令刘德华心动出席。而刘德华当晚在为最佳男配角当颁奖嘉宾时,也主动提到为人父一事,他对卢海鹏说:&鹏哥,你做虾仔爹地,我现在做了爹地了。&引发一片掌声。
'A Simple Life' shines
Deanie Ip singing If Without You at the award ceremony last night
Director Jiubadao kissed the actor Kai Ko (R) in his movie You Are The Apple Of My Eye at the awarding ceremony.
Hong Kong Film Awards presentedFor the Chinese film industry, the Hong Kong Film Awards (HKFA) is Hong Kong's version of the Oscar Awards. Founded in 1982, the awards dominate the attention of the media on the ceremony night, and hit the headlines the day after.People who love A Simple Life will never forget last night, when the movie bagged five awards in one night, including Best Film, Best Director, Best Actor, Best Actress and Best Screenplay.A Simple Life established itself as not being so simple by winning over its competitors: Flying Swords of Dragon Gate, directed by kung fu film tycoon Tsui Hark, and Let the Bullets Fly, directed by well-known mainland director Jiang Wen, and becoming the biggest winner of this year's HKFA.Adapted from a true story, A Simple Life is about a grown up man taking care of an elderly woman who raised him. Director Ann Hui, leading actor Andy Lau and leading actress Deanie Ip each respectively took home Best Director, Best Actor and Best Actress awards at the 48th Golden Horse Awards. Deanie Ip had also won the Best Actress for the 68th Venice Film Festival for her excellent performance in A Simple Life. She had been predicted to wear the crown at this year's HKFA.On winning the HKFA Best Actress, Ip said last night: "I had thought I will never win this award as I have already reached my 60s. If it were not Andy Lau and Ann Hui, I will never have this chance to stand at this stage." Flying Swords of Dragon Gate and Let the Bullets Fly could not make a magical impact during the ceremony, winning only some minor awards.Still, Hong Kong director Gordon Chan sees the nomination of Let the Bullets Fly a delightful change. "This year, we are paying attention to actors we otherwise didn't give much attention to. The spotlight is now on them. You can see how diverse the selection is by looking at the nomination list. The list covers almost every genre," said Chan.According to Chan, artistic and independent movies tend to rack up awards when the film market is prosperous. When the film market is not as saturated, commercial movies, including comedies, are most likely to win."There was a saying that 'if [a film doesn't] earn money, then it can win an award.' The HKFA was seen as a kind of consolation. But things have changed. It turns out that both can happen," said Chan.Though Cheng Qingsong, leading film critic and chief editor of Youth Film Handbook magazine, shares the same opinion that the big wins by A Simple Life is "not a surprise at all," he does not agree on the reasons behind its success."A Simple Life won these prizes because its story moves people," Cheng told Global Times, shortly after the results came out. "Awards are given not based on the box office revenue, but on the power that strikes people's heart. So even though some business blockbusters made huge revenues, they may not be winners of film awards."Cheng further explained that though the Flying Swords of Dragon Gate received a number of nominations and is excellent on techniques, "its story is not moving," and therefore, the movie could only win certain technical awards.Besides the competitive awards, 76-year-old writer Ni Kuang, also known as Ngai Hong, was rewarded Lifetime Achievement Award for his contributions to literature works and screen plays over the past five decades. Ni covers a wide range of literature works, but the most famous are wuxia (martial arts), science, and detective fictions.
Key winners of the 31st Hong Kong Film AwardsBest Film: A Simple LifeBest Director: Ann Hui (A Simple Life)Best Screenplay: Susan Chan (A Simple Life)Best Actor: Andy Lau (A Simple Life)Best Actress: Deanie Ip (A Simple Life)Best Supporting Actor: Lo Hoi Pang (Life Without Principle)Best Supporting Actress: So Hang Shuen (Life Without Principle)Best Art Direction: Yee Chung Man & Lau Man Hung (Flying Swords of Dragon Gate)Best New Director: Tsang Tsui Shan (The Big Blue Lake)Lifetime Achievement Award: Ni Kuang, writerBest Film Of Mainland And Taiwan: You Are The Apple Of My Eye
第31届香港电影金像奖获奖名单最佳影片:《桃姐》最佳导演:许鞍华(《桃姐》)最佳编剧:陈淑贤(《桃姐》)最佳男主角:刘德华(《桃姐》)最佳女主角:叶德娴(《桃姐》)最佳男配角:卢海鹏(《夺命金》)最佳女配角:苏杏璇(《夺命金》)最佳新演员:萧敬腾 (《杀手欧阳盆栽》)最佳摄影:包轩鸣、黎耀辉(《武侠》)最佳剪辑:邱志伟(《龙门飞甲》)最佳美术指导:奚仲文、刘敏雄(《龙门飞甲》)最佳服装造型设计:张叔平(《让子弹飞》)最佳动作设计:元彬,蓝海瀚,孙建魁(《龙门飞甲》)最佳音响效果:金石源(《龙门飞甲》)最佳视觉效果:Wook Kim、Josh Cole、钟智行(《龙门飞甲》)最佳原创电影音乐:陈光荣、金培达、Chatchai Pongprapaphan(《武侠》)最佳原创电影歌曲:《两心花》(《出轨的女人》)新晋导演:曾翠珊(《大蓝湖》)最佳亚洲电影:《那些年,我们一起追的女孩》专业精神奖:方浩源终身成就奖:倪匡
近日3D版《泰坦尼克号》电影正在国内热映。在电影里,我们看到了一幅幅充满人性、感人至深的温暖画面:爱德华老船长庄严宣布让妇女儿童首先离船。一位父亲深情地亲吻小女儿之后将她送上救生艇&&然而,历史的真相远远没有那么温暖。让人遗憾的是,&妇女儿童优先&的动人救生口号并非完全属实,获得优先权的主要是头等舱、二等舱的妇孺。统计数据表明,头等舱男乘客的生还率比三等舱中儿童的生还率还稍高一点。美国新泽西州州立大学教授、著名社会学家戴维&波普诺在他的《社会学》一书中这样写道:&不幸的是救生船不够。尽管很多人 (超过1500人)遇难,但乘客注意遵守&优先救助妇女儿童&的社会规范&,使得英国公众和政府面对这一巨大灾难,&可以找到一些安慰&&&统计数据表明,&乘客中69%的妇女和儿童活了下来,而男乘客只有17%得以生还&。&我们发现,三等舱中的乘客只有26%生还,与此相应的是,二等舱乘客的生还率是44%,头等舱是60%。头等舱男乘客的生还率比三等舱中儿童的生还率还稍高一点。&&轮船的头等舱主要由有钱人住着,二等舱乘客大部分是中产阶级职员和商人,三等舱(以及更低等)主要是由去美国的贫穷移民乘坐。 &
Sea disasters
Women and children first?
妇女儿童优先?THE Titanic disaster has lost nothing of its horrifying appeal, even as we approach its 100th anniversary on April 15. The television is brimming with documentaries, there is the inevitable rebroadcast of James Cameron&s famous 1997 film (a new, IMAX 3D version of which is now in theatres), and gift shops are busy coming up with new and occasionally macabre gimmicks.即便我们将在4月15日迎来泰坦尼克号事故的100周年纪念日,这场灾难令人毛骨悚然的吸引力仍历久弥新。电视上充斥着泰坦尼克号的纪录片,重播詹姆斯&卡梅隆1997年拍摄的经典影片也势在必行(该片新的IMAX 3D版本正在影院热映),而礼品店也在忙于推出一些新的噱头,偶尔还有些与死亡有关的晦气玩意。Economists are interested, too. Survival on board the Titanic is famous for its gender bias: roughly three out of four women survived, and almost half of the children, but only around 20% of men and crew. Social norms, an important building block of an economy, seem to hold up even in the most extreme of circumstances. Or should we say British norms? The recent Costa Concordia disaster off the coast of Italy, in which the captain abandoned his sinking ship, led to discussions of British chivalry at sea.就连经济学家也对此很感兴趣。泰坦尼克号的幸存者因其性别分化而闻名:每四名妇女中约有三人获救,约一半儿童生还,但男性和船员只有20%左右活了下来。作为一国经济的重要基础,社会准则看似在最为极端的环境下仍坚持了下来。或者,我们是不是该称之为&英国准则&?在最近意大利的科斯塔-康科迪亚号事故中,船长弃船逃走任其沉没,引起了人们对于英国人在海上表现出的骑士精神的讨论。A new and timely paper from Sweden tries to shed some further light on the issue. Mikael Elinder and Oscar Erixson of Uppsala University have looked at 18 peace-time shipwrecks for which they could find detailed data. The results are striking. Women had a lower chance of survival in 11 out of 18 instances. Only on two ships was it an advantage to be a woman: on the Birkenhead in 1852 and on the Titanic. The best odds of survival on average were, somewhat surprisingly, those of the crew, followed by none other than the captain. Children were worst off (see the chart below, in which MS is the sample of the 16 ships other than the much-studied Titanic and Lusitania).瑞典一份适时的研究报告尝试进一步揭示这个问题。乌普萨拉大学的迈克尔-艾林德和奥斯卡-埃里克森研究了18起能找到详细资料的、发生在和平时期的沉船事故。结果令人大跌眼镜。18起事故中的11起,妇女的生还率都低于男性。只有在两艘船上身为女性是一种优势:伯肯黑德号(1852年沉没)和泰坦尼克号。稍微令人惊讶的是,平均生还几率最大的是船员,第二名则非船长莫属。而儿童的生还率最低(见下图。MS为被研究得最多的泰坦尼克和卢西塔尼亚号之外的16艘船的样本)。
Is the Titanic therefore just an exception to the rule? Or are there other factors that can explain the difference in survival outcomes? Several possibilities come to mind: whether the ship sank fast, whether it was before or after the First World War, whether the captain gave the order that women and children are to be evacuated first&and whether the ship was British. The researchers tested all these different explanations.泰坦尼克号是否只是一个例外?还有其他因素能解释生存情况的区别吗?研究者想到了几个可能因素:船是否很快沉没,沉船发生在一战前还是一战后,船长是否下达了妇女和儿童先撤离的命令&&还有这艘船是否是英国船。研究者对所有假设都进行了测验。The amount of time for evacuation does not seems to matter for women&s survival, contrary to what the comparison between the Titanic (slow) and Lusitania (fast) suggests. On post-World War shipwrecks, women&s odds are somewhat higher.与泰坦尼克号(沉得慢)和卢西塔尼亚号(沉得快)对比结果相悖的是,撤离的时间长短看上去对妇女的生还率没有影响。而妇女的生存率在战后的沉船事故中要稍高一些。What does seem to matter, however, is the behaviour of the captain. If he orders that women and children are to be evacuated first, their odds improve considerably. And as we know from eye-witnesses (and the film), such orders were not only given, but also somewhat brutally enforced on board the Titanic. Finally, the results are bad news for notions of British chivalry: surprisingly, women fared worse on ships under British command, not better.不过,能够决定问题的看似只有船长的举动了。如果船长下令妇女儿童先走,他们生还的希望就大大提高了。并且,就如我们从目击者(以及电影)中得知的,在泰坦尼克号上,这样的命令光下达没用,还得粗暴地强制执行。最后一点,研究结果对&英国骑士精神&的观点很是不利:在英国人执掌的船只上,妇女的生还率更糟,而不是更好。The authors are careful not to overstate their conclusions. After all, they (luckily) had only 18 cases to study. But such a descriptive analysis reminds us to be cautious. Social norms may hold up&if a combination of other factors supports them. But depending on the circumstances, the dynamics of the situation might go either way. One example, almost trivial in comparison, is littering and the broken window theory: if we observe others breaking social norms and rules, we are more likely to do so ourselves. Maybe it is the role of an enforcer to steer the dynamics in a favourable direction. One such example might have been the captain on the Titanic.作者谨慎地没有夸大自己的结论。毕竟,(幸好)他们只有18个案例可供研究。但这样一份叙述分析能唤起我们的警惕。社会规范可以在其他诸多因素的支持下得以维持。但是依情况不同,形势的走向可能会背道而驰。扔垃圾和破窗理论(尽管相比有点琐碎)便是例子:如果我们看到其他人打破社会规范和规则,我们也很可能会效仿。也许只有强制者的角色能够把形势朝好的方向扭转。泰坦尼克号的船长就是一个这样的例子。
Scarcity:稀缺性Choice:选择opportunity costs:机会成本Production possibilities curve:生产可能性曲线Production possibilities frontier:生产可能性边界(与生产可能性曲线相同)Comparative advantage:相对比较优势absolute advantage:绝对比较优势specialization:分工exchange:交换Demand:需求Supply:供给market equilibrium:市场均衡business cycle:经济周期unemployment:失业inflation:通货膨胀growth:增长National income accounts:国民收入账户Circular flow:经济循环Gross domestic product:国内生产总值(GDP)Real gross domestic product:实际GDPNominal gross domestic product:名义GDPPrice indices 价格指数Nominal:名义的real:实际的Natural rate of unemployment:自然失业率Aggregate demand:总需求Multiplier:乘数效应crowding-out effects:挤出效应Aggregate supply:总供给Short-run:短期long-run:长期Sticky:黏性Flexible:自由伸缩性Stagflation:滞胀Actual output:实际产出full-employment:充分就业产出Economic fluctuations:经济波动Money:货币stock:股票bond:债券Bank:银行financial markets:金融市场Time value of money:货币的时间价值money supply:货币供给Money demand:货币需求creation of money:货币的创造Money market:货币市场Loanable funds market 可贷资金市场Policy:政策工具Quantity theory of money:货币数量论Real interest rate:实际利率nominal rate:名义利率Fiscal policy:财政政策Monetary policy:货币政策Government deficits:财政赤字Government debt:政府债务Demand-pull inflation:需求拉动型通货膨胀Cost-push inflation:成本推动型通货膨胀The Phillips curve:菲利普斯曲线Expectations:期望(预期)human capital:人力资本投资Investment in human capital:人力资本投资Investment in physical capital:物质资本投资Research and development:研发technological progress:技术进步Balance of payments accounts:收支账户平衡Balance of trade:贸易平衡Current account:经常账户Capital account:资本账户Foreign exchange market:外汇市场Exchange rate:汇率Currency appreciation:货币升值Currency depreciation:货币贬值Net export:净出口capital flows:资本流动Actual expenditures:实际支出Planned expenditure:计划支出Excess reserves:超额准备金Fixed exchange rates:固定汇率Floating exchange rates:浮动汇率Factor prices:要素价格Factors of production:生产要素Federal reserve:美国联邦储备委员会Fiat money:法定货币Fisher equation:费雪方程式Fisher effect:费雪效应Structural unemployment:结构性失业Seasonally unemployment:季节性失业Profit:利润Accounting profit:会计利润Economic profit:经济利润Hyperinflation:恶性通货膨胀Depreciation:折旧Depreciation rate:折旧率Automatic stabilizers:自动稳定器Propensity to consume:消费倾向Average propensity to consume:平均消费倾向Marginal propensity to consume:边际消费倾向Budget:预算Budget constraints:预算制约Budget surpluses:预算盈余Budget deficits:预算赤字Balance sheet:资产负债表Base-year prices:基年价格100-percent-reserve:百分之百准备金Closed economies:封闭经济Open economies:开放经济GDP deflator:GDP平减指数CPI:消费者价格指数Shock:冲击Discounting:折现Discounting rate:折现率Present value:现值Discouraged workers:丧失信心的工人Disposable income:可支配收入Disposable personal income:个人可支配收入Economic fluctuation:经济波动Keynesian cross:凯恩斯交叉图Expenditures:支出Cyclically unemployment:周期性失业Frictional unemployment:摩擦性失业Full-employment:充分就业Inflation tax:通货膨胀税Inventories:存货Inventory investment:存货投资Labor:劳动Labor productivity:劳动生产率Marginal product:边际产量Market clearing:市场出清Shoe-leather cost:鞋底成本Menu cost:菜单成本Monetary base:基础货币Contractionary:紧缩性Net capital outflow:资本净流出Net foreign investment:国外净投资Production function:生产函数Purchases:购买Recession:衰退Reserve requirement:法定准备率Stabilization:稳定Stabilization policy:稳定政策Stocks:股票;存量Surplus:盈余Shortage:短缺Underground economy:地下经济Great Depression:大萧条Value added:增加值Velocity of money:货币流通速度Wage rigidity:工资刚性
&& Sporty and no-frills is the Ram's usual signature style. This summer, though, you're ripe for a change. The new batik prints or geometric patterns will bring out the beast in you that's yearning to break free. A red print halter top dress with low-cut back or a silky, royal blue-and-purple, above-the-knee sheath dress are party-perfect options.&
  TAURUS (Apr. 21 - May 21)&
  You're ready to show off a little this summer,Taurus. How about a skillfully cut sundress that showcases your beautiful bosom and neck? A bold,Mexican silver necklace and matching bangles like Frida Kahlo might have worn in the thirties are just the right contrast for a bright turquoise or pale yellow empire-waist dress and platform shoes.&
  金牛:牛儿们,别犹豫了,是大秀身材的好时候了。怎样才能巧妙地勾勒出胸部和颈部的完美线条呢?一款墨西哥风格的银质粗项链搭配一条20世纪30年代Frida Kahlo风格的手镯,再登上一双时尚高跟鞋,恰好能与亮绿或浅黄色的着装形成相互映衬,绝对是最适合你的夏季穿衣风格。&
  GEMINI (May 22 - June 21)&
  The drips and splatters of the new Jackson Pollack-inspired prints are just the thing to revive your creative zest. A black, red and white off-the-shoulder dress with asymmetrical hem will make you the belle of the beach party. Accessorize with black espadrilles and a raffia bag.&
  CANCER (June 22 - July 22)&
  You've always had a soft place in your heart, Cancer, for styles that Grandma used to wear. Lucky for you, old-fashioned fabrics like eyelet,seersucker and gingham are back & showing up in sexy sundresses and skirt-and-top combos with ruffled edges, wrap waists and halter tops. Add a quilted bag and lacy white sandal and you're all set.&
  LEO (July 23 - Aug. 22)&
  This summer you Lions are coming into your own and taking charge of your lives. You'll command any audience wearing a bold woodblock batik print with low-cut neck and asymmetrical hem. Accent it with a gold belt and bag && your power color. And the new Moroccan-inspired, bead-and-jewel-encrusted styles will showcase your inner diva.&
  VIRGO (Aug. 23 - Sept. 23)&
  You've got a high-energy summer ahead of you, Virgo. Let your feminine side flourish, to balance out your warrior-in-the-world aspect. Opt for the most romantic dress you can find in one of the new gauzy, sheer florals. Its flowy, just-above-the-ankle hem and daintily-ruffled bodice will make you feel like Scarlett at home on the plantation.&
  LIBRA (Sept. 24 - Oct. 23)&
  You'll be in a super soft, feminine mode this summer, Libra, especially in July. Maximize your girlish appeal with a floor-length seersucker gown trimmed with eyelet, or a silk wrap halter dress with pleated skirt in an old-fashioned floral print. Add silver hoop earrings and dainty espadrilles and you'll be the queen of someone special's heart.&
  SCORPIO (Oct. 24 - Nov. 22)&
  You'll love wearing a naughty black crochet-and-chiffon baby doll dress or sensuous, Indian-print jersey number that slides over your body like a snake. Go easy on jewelry & perhaps just a pair of gold hoops or cuff bracelet, to let your magnetism shine forth.&
  SAGITTARIUS (Nov. 23 - Dec. 21)&
  Your fashion statement is big and bold, from wood block prints to amped-up florals and geometrics. Top a simple black dress with a beaded vest to look like an exotic princes , or mix-and-match stripes and prints to knock 'em dead.&
  CAPRICORN (Dec. 22 - Jan. 20)&
  Here's your perfect look: a dropped waist, knee-length bubble-skirt dress with stitched-down pleats and ribbon belt. Cocoa or kelly green looks professional enough for the boardroom, and fresh enough for a summer wedding when paired with sexy sandals.&
  AQUARIUS (Jan. 21 - Feb. 19)&
  Your dreamy, artistic side is coming to the fore, just in time for an explosion of layered, floaty dresses in bright, artistic patterns to hit the stores. Look for dropped waist styles, and pair with one gigantic ring or bracelet and strappy, high-heeled sandals or gold flats.&
  PISCES (Feb. 20 - Mar. 20)&
  You're all about the shoes, Pisces. This summer's Roman gladiator sandals, inset with turquoise and other gems, are right up your alley. The dress should be sheer, with a subtle puff sleeve or spaghetti straps, an exotic print or eyelet fabric in a show-stopping color like pomegranate or sea green. Several necklaces worn together complete the look.&


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