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老虎机 按键下面的能用上面一排不能用了怎么回事?
近银价飙升至30年来的高点时,佐尼斯基(David Zornetsky)决定买进一些。他31岁,住在纽约州Beacon市,目前正在找工作。当时他希望用投资白银赚的钱搬到纽约市去,并支付学生贷款。他说,我一直听说今年银价可能涨到每盎司150美元。相反,银价遭受了1980年以来最大单周跌幅。1980年,得克萨斯州的富豪亨特兄弟试图囤积白银,不过最终失败,成为当时轰动一时的事件。上周白银期货价格在短短五个交易日中从每盎司近50美元暴跌至35.28美元,令华尔街的拥趸和个人投资者茫然无措,一些人不得不应对突然的损失。佐尼斯基说,我不明白是怎么回事,今年白银理应表现非常好。他的白银投资跌了约25%。在白银历史性的暴跌背后是失控的市场,推手是投机性交易者,其中很多是可能在错误的时间入市的小投资者。
Jason Henry for the Wall Street Journal
佛罗里达州退休人员巴达克( Donna Badach)说,白银占她 资产的60%,并且她对银价反弹有信心。Bache Commodities资深金属策略师史密斯(Andy Smith)说,如果说黄金是蒙特卡罗的赌场,那么白银就是拉斯维加斯的老虎机。甚至是最老道的投资者对贵金属的看法也不尽相同。对对冲基金经理鲍尔森(John Paulson)等很多最受尊敬的华尔街人士来说,投资白银和黄金意味着可以保护其不受央行措施的冲击──央行继续向全球金融市场注入资金,可能会推高通货膨胀。不过,索罗斯(George Soros)等另外一些人则认为这种担心过度了,他们说美国联邦储备委员会(Federal Reserve)不太可能任由通货膨胀失控。索罗斯的基金近几周来已经抛售了白银和黄金头寸。今年各类大宗商品价格全线上涨,不过很少有市场出现白银一样飙升的势头。这是因为白银与其他大部分大宗商品不同,更有可能出现飙升和暴跌。首先,白银比很多其他市场规模要小,意味着一些本来可能入市、从而能够调节大幅波动的较大投资者会避而远之。黄金的可交易期货合约数量是白银的近四倍。去年新增黄金供应的价值为2,170亿美元,其中有17%是由各国央行和跨国金融机构持有。与之相比,据伦敦金属咨询公司GFMS Ltd.的数据,2010年新增白银供应总计490亿美元。据分析人士估计,有不到5%的白银是由各国央行和金融机构所持有。相反,全球白银有一大部分是以硬币、徽章和银条的形式由个人持有,不过难以确切估计其数量。
Andrew Burton for The Wall Street Journal
短线交易者拉扎勒斯(Evan Lazarus)大量投资白银交易所买卖基金,他将白银称作“新的股市”。
在过去八个月里,白银交易越来越活跃,这表明银价已经开始反映一股投机狂潮,而非市场对主要货币或通胀的担忧。从去年8月底至上周,银价累计上涨165%,远远高于同期黄金26%的累计涨幅。近几个月来,白银期货合约的交易量大幅上升。这种合约允许投资者买卖一定数量的白银。今年到目前为止,这些合约的日交易量是去年同期的两倍多,这也是白银市场投机氛围很重的一个迹象。短线交易者(即快速买卖股票的个人投资者)开始关注白银,就好像上世纪90年代末他们关注互联网股票一样。在纽约T3 Trading Group开户的350名个人交易者中有很大一部分开始买卖白银,而不是股票。进行T3交易的35岁交易员拉扎勒斯(Evan Lazarus)说,这就像1999年的翻版。今年4月,拉扎勒斯将自己的交易对象转移至杠杆式ETF基金(交易所买卖基金),这类杠杆基金的净值变动幅度是银价变动的两倍或三倍。拉扎勒斯说,白银就好比新的股市。许多个人投资者扎堆涌入此类基金。上个月在三周的时间里,六只白银ETF的资产价值飙升了40亿美元,涨幅超过20%。虽然白银是中小投资者的乐园,但它也吸引了对冲基金和其他专业人士越来越大的兴趣。这些专业投资者在有关经济走势的知识辩论赛上形成了正反两方。一方担心经济会出现严重混乱,而另一方认为美联储会引导经济进入较为平稳的阶段。索罗斯的基金现在由基思?安德森(Keith Anderson)管理。这只基金在过去两年不断增加白银和黄金的持仓量,因为他们预期价格持续下降将提振那些易受影响的投资者对贵金属的兴趣。那样一来他们所持的金银头寸价值就会飙升。据知情人士透露,索罗斯的公司最近将持有的黄金和白银头寸平仓,因为该公司相信美联储大规模注入流动性的举动已经消除了发生通货紧缩的可能。他们相信通过释放意欲加息的信号,美联储可能在未来六个月成功控制通胀。其他最近抛售贵金属的投资者不认为美联储会采取更激进的做法以提振经济,至少暂时还不会。这可能会降低市场对一系列投资品的兴趣,其中包括白银。而鲍尔森(John Paulson)等看涨贵金属的人说,一旦通胀真正开始,美联储是无法抑制的。部分投资者说,白银比黄金更具有吸引力,部分是因为经通胀因素调整,白银的历史高位为每盎司140美元,大约是当前交易价格的四倍。而黄金实际上正接近其历史高位(经通胀因素调整)。上周五黄金的交易价格为每盎司1491.20美元。鲍尔森主要持有黄金。尽管近期大幅下挫,但2011年以来白银的累计涨幅仍有14%,还是最好的投资品之一。事实上,据知情人士透露,一些对冲基金,比如Kyle Bass管理的海曼基金(Hayman Capital),在周五早上买入了白银。他们认为银价已经触底,应该要反弹了。一些中小投资者也在坚守。55岁的退休人员巴达克(Donna Badach)从2003年开始买入白银,当时的均价是每盎司25美元。她现在存了很多银币和银条。巴达克说这些实物白银被储存在秘密地点,占她个人净资产的60%。她是从资产安全角度出发买入白银的,因为在她看来,世界并不太平。巴达克说,我不认为白银的回调会持续很长时间。在今年年底前银价会达到每盎司100美元。我此生从未如此确信一件事情。巴达克此前曾在佛罗里达州的希尔斯伯勒(Hillsboro)的抵押贷款银行业工作。Gregory Zuckerman/Carolyn Cui
Silver-Mad Small Investors Fueled Epic Rise And Fall
When silver prices hit a three-decade high last week, David Zornetsky decided to do some buying. Searching for a job, the 31-year old in Beacon, N.Y., hoped to use gains from silver to finance a move to New York City and to pay down student loans. 'I had been hearing that silver could go up to $150 an ounce this year,' says Mr. Zornetsky.Instead, silver has suffered its worst one-week drubbing since 1980, when an infamous alleged attempt by Texas's Hunt brothers to corner the silver market came undone. This week's brutal tumble sent silver-futures prices down to $35.28 an ounce from nearly $50 in just five trading days, and has left Wall Street pros and individual investors dazed, some dealing with sudden losses.'I don't understand,' says Mr. Zornetsky, whose silver investment fell about 25%. 'Silver is supposed to do very well this year.'Behind silver's historic collapse is a market that came loose of its moorings, fueled by speculative traders, many of them small investors who may have jumped in at just the wrong moment.'If gold is a Monte Carlo casino, silver is a slot machine in Las Vegas,' says Andy Smith, a senior metals strategist at Bache Commodities.Even the most sophisticated investors are divided about precious metals. For many of Wall Street's most-respected names, such as hedge-fund manager John Paulson, silver and gold represent protection from central banks that continue to spray money into the world's financial system, threatening to push inflation higher. But others, like George Soros, view those fears as overstated, arguing that the Federal Reserve is unlikely to let inflation get out of hand. Mr. Soros's funds have sold silver and gold positions in recent weeks.All kinds of commodities have run up this year, but few markets surged liked silver. That's because silver is different than most others, making it more susceptible to quick peaks, as well as plunges.For one thing, silver is smaller than many other markets, which means it scares off some larger investors who might otherwise step in to temper big moves. Gold has nearly four times the amount of tradeable futures contracts as silver. The value of new gold supply last year was $217 billion, with 17% of the total supply held by the world's central banks and multinational financial institutions. By comparison, the new supply of silver amounted to $49 billion in 2010, according to GFMS Ltd., a London-based metals consultancy. And less than 5% of silver is held by central banks and institutions, analysts estimate.A big chunk of the world's silver is instead held by individuals in the form of coins, medals and bars, though it's hard to get accurate estimates of this figure.Such investors are attracted to the relatively low price of silver, but they can also be prone to panic. Long-time fans of precious metals often are mavericks who can be suspicious of mainstream securities firms, wary of financial catastrophe and reluctant to keep their money in the bank. They often rely on the advice of newsletter writers, obscure websites and coin-shop proprietors or their own research.Once considered a haven for those with bleak economic outlooks or dystopian views of society, gold and silver began to rise early in the last decade, as investors searched for ways to protect against the falling dollar.Silver tumbled to $9 an ounce during the financial crisis of 2008, as investors dumped all kinds of holdings, but buying resumed in early 2009. The bull market accelerated last August, when the Federal Reserve and other central banks announced aggressive measures to buy bonds and pump money into the global financial system, steps that raised concerns about the value of the dollar and other leading currencies.Silver buying moved into high gear over the past eight months, suggesting that prices had begun to reflect a speculative frenzy, rather than currency or inflationary fears. Silver climbed 165% between late August and last week, well above the 26% rise in gold.In recent months, trading volume of silver-futures contracts, which allow investors to purchase or sell a certain amount of silver, soared.So far this year, those contracts' daily volume has more than doubled compared with the same period last year, another sign of the rabid interest in silver.Day traders, or individuals who quickly buy and sell stocks, began to focus on silver, much as they did with Internet stocks in the late 1990s. A majority of the 350 individual traders hosted by T3 Trading Group in New York began buying and selling silver, rather than stocks.'It's been 1999 all over again,' says Evan Lazarus, a 35-year old trader who manages T3 Trading. In April, Mr. Lazarus shifted his own trading to leveraged exchange-traded funds, or those that rise or fall in price twice or three times the move of silver. 'Silver is the new stock market.'Many individuals piled into such funds. Over a three-week period last month, assets at a half-dozen silver ETFs soared about $4 billion, or more than 20%.Though silver is a playground of smaller investors, it has also attracted growing interest by hedge funds and other pros. They've formed two sides of an intellectual debate, pitting those who fear severe economic disruption against those who think the Federal Reserve can steer the economy to calmer territory.Mr. Soros's fund, now run by Keith Anderson, spent the last two years accumulating silver and gold holdings in the expectation that deflation, or a sustained fall in prices, would boost interest on precious metals by skittish investors. Their holdings in that case would soar.But Mr. Soros's firm recently exited its gold and silver positions, according to people close to the matter, because the firm is convinced the Fed's aggressive actions have eliminated the possibility of deflation. They have faith the Fed will succeed in keeping a lid on inflation by signaling its intention to raise interest rates, perhaps over the next six months.Others dumping precious metals lately doubt the Fed will take much more aggressive action to help the economy, at least for now. That could potentially reduce appetite for a range of investments, including silver.Bulls on precious metals, like John Paulson, who has focused his buying on gold, say the Fed won't be able to rein in inflation once it begins in earnest. Silver is more attractive than gold, some of these investors say, partly because its inflation-adjusted all-time high is about $140 an ounce, about four times where it trades today. Gold, which traded Friday at $1491.20 an ounce, is actually closer to its adjusted all-time high.Silver remains up 14% in 2011, one of the best investments, despite the recent plunge. Indeed, some hedge funds, such as Kyle Bass's Hayman Capital, bought silver early Friday, sensing the white metal had reached bargain levels and was due for a bounce, says a person close to the trader.Some smaller investors are holding on, too. Donna Badach, a 55-year-old retiree, started buying silver in 2003 at an average cost of $25 an ounce. She now has a cache of silver coins and bullion, which she says are stored in a 'private depositary' and account for 60% of her net worth. She buys silver 'for insurance purpose,' because 'it's so shaky to see what's going on all over the world.''I don't believe the correction will last long. Silver will hit $100 before the end of this year,' says Ms. Badach, who had worked in the mortgage-banking industry in Hillsboro, Fla. 'I have never felt so sure in my life about something.'Gregory Zuckerman/Carolyn Cui
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最近银价飙升至30年来的高点时,佐尼斯基(David Zornetsky)决定买进一些。他31岁,住在纽约州Beacon市,目前正在找工作。当时他希望用投资白银赚的钱搬到纽约市去,并支付学生贷款。他说,我一直听说今年银价可能涨到每盎司150美元。相反,银价遭受了1980年以来最大单周跌幅。1980年,得克萨斯州的富豪亨特兄弟试图囤积白银,不过最终失败,成为当时轰动一时的事件。上周白银期货价格在短短五个交易日中从每盎司近50美元暴跌至35.28美元,令华尔街的拥趸和个人投资者茫然无措,一些人不得不应对突然的损失。佐尼斯基说,我不明白是怎么回事,今年白银理应表现非常好。他的白银投资跌了约25%。在白银历史性的暴跌背后是失控的市场,推手是投机性交易者,其中很多是可能在错误的时间入市的小投资者。
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