ninja warz2里面小蛋糕ninja什么意思思

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  忍者战争2英文名称为Ninja Warz 2,是iOS平台上的一款战略策略类游戏,游戏是Ninja Warz的续作,玩家在游戏中要做的就是以空中浮岛为基地,打造一个属于我们自己的忍者部落,然后带领我们部落的忍者去和游戏中的传奇BOSS以及其他游戏玩家进行战斗,玩家在游戏中可以从18种不同类型的忍者中选择自己想要的忍者进行培养,喜欢这款游戏的玩家可以下载体验一下。
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Ninja Warz 2
By Tree Room, LLC
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Ninja Warz 2 is the epic sequel to the original Ninja Warz combat strategy game played by millions on iPhone, iPad, Facebook, and other platforms!
From your floating island base in the sky, build and lead a powerful clan of ninjas to take on guardians, epic bosses, and other players!
With 100+ unique weapons and 18 different types of ninjas, every clan to be incredibly unique and ever evolving.So what are you waiting?
Join the Ninja Warz!* Feature List *- Build a team of ninjas to battle other clans- Customize ninjas with weapons, classes, and schools- Train ninjas and add perks to increase their strength in battle- Upgrade buildings INSTANTLY to unlock better items and much more- Battle Guardians across multiple constellation maps to reach epic bosses- Join factions with friends and play mini-games to earn bonus XP for your faction-mates- Exciting turn-based combat with loot-drops- Equip relics that modify the battle and give clans unique advantages- Battle other real players to prove your clan's might- Utilize class specific weapons with unique animations and attack styles- Defend your island with your best warriors- NO TIMERS when training ninjas or upgrading! Upgrade instantly - always!- And much more!Questions, Comments or Issues? Contact us at
What's New in Version 1.3.0
This is our BIGGEST UPDATE yet!Your dojo has gone through some big changes while we've been away!The sensei that teach your ninjas the skills they need to progress to higher belts have become far more efficient and require considerably less Karma. However, those same sensei no longer accept defeat in battle so patiently.Now, the most skilled clans will rise to the top with strong strategy and cunning!::Improvements & Changes::- Dramatically reduced training costs at nearly all belt levels- Level 7+ ninjas lose a level when defeated in battle (defenders are unaffected)- Shop weapons requiring belts are slightly buffed- Level cap increased to 150- Loads of performance improvements and bug fixes
Customer Reviews
Eating my karma?
I like the game but I am having some issue getting past the fact everything but weapons and healing needs KARMA which seems to only be gained by leveling up. Then if a ninja dies in battle not if you loose just an individual ninja lost it goes down in level . It costs a karma to level up and some weapons can only be wielded by a specific level it costs like 8 karma to level your buildings up after level 6. karma is way to rare to penalize level for it even if this is abusing the pay to win strategy. If your level only went down when you lost to players ok fine you loose money and exp makes sense but loosing to the tough npc you loose just EXP it's free but that's not cool I just get weaker and I see no point in grinding in lower levels because you get no gold or karma I don't even know if you get player exp for it . The achievements need to give more then 1 karma because when I got it I either can't build that upgrade so my dojo can hold hire level ninja or I don't want to level up a ninja because they keep loosing The game is fun but has a serious issue with Karma please fix this
First of all, I can't connect to my Facebook account without starting a new account, so when I try to connect it says &another account is already associated. Second, I considered starting over, but the new update is FULL of glitches. I bought two weapons, and the game took my coins. But when I equipped them and went to battle, my ninjas DIDN'T have the weapons and instead had their old ones. I went back to the dojo and unequipped them, and it said I had 2 of each weapon, when I had originally bought one of each. So when I go to sell them all, it sells one of each and then says &you don't have any of those&. So I'm left no weapons or coins. This game is great but the developers, yes you, need to get this all fixed while anybody is patient enough to wait for you. I didn't even get the chance to form an opinion on the new content of the update, which was ninjas being cheaper to upgrade, but lose levels with defeat, because of these glitches. I loved this game, so please fix it. I sincerely hope you consider what I have said.
Wast of potential......
For starters karma to level up and lose levels that you used karma that you can only get by leveling up or buy to help run the scam you guys have set up for us is absolutely THE down fall of this game fix it by not using karma but gold if you wish to use this method may make it worth playing but there is no way I will play this if it costs karma and get degraded for trying I train a ninja that can't win if there are only black belts vs a orange belt now it's a example what most may go through but for me just tap the unit an not have him go entirely BUT does not mean black belts are not effected by this as well meaning cost me 8 karma to get them maxed out again maybe if you add a immunity to black belts from degrading there levels
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This app is designed for both iPhone and iPadFreeCategory: Version: 1.3.0Size: 89.5 MBLanguage: EnglishSeller: Tree Room, LLCFrequent/Intense Cartoon or Fantasy ViolenceCompatibility: Requires iOS 7.0 or later. Compatible with iPhone, iPad, and iPod touch.
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Ninja Warz 2
开发:Tree Room, LLC | 网络:单机 | 类型:动作
大小:92.00 MB
系统:iOS 6.0
  《忍者战争2(Ninja Warz 2)》是原版 Ninja Warz 战斗战略游戏的史诗级续作。以空中浮岛为基地,打造并领导忍者部落,征服护卫、传奇 BOSS 和其他玩家!100 多种独特武器和 18 种不同的忍者类型供你选择,每个部落都独树一帜、不断演进。
大小:242.00 MB
大小:285.00 MB
大小:43.40 MB
动作角色扮演Ninja Warz 2攻略_Ninja Warz 2下载_Ninja Warz 2礼包_18183Ninja Warz 2专区
Ninja Warz 2
Ninja Warz 2 是原版 Ninja Warz 战斗战略游戏的史诗级续作。数百万玩家已经通过 iPhone、iPad、Facebook 和其他平台在 Ninja Warz 斗智斗勇!以空中浮岛为基地,打造并领导忍者部落,征服护卫、传奇 BOSS 和其他玩家!100 多种独特武器和 18 种不同的忍者类型供你选择,每个部落都独树一帜、不断演进。
还在等什么?快快加入 Ninja Warz!
* 特色列表 *
- 打造一支忍者团队与其他部落抗衡
- 通过武器、阶级和流派打造专属忍者
- 训练忍者,添加装备,提升他们的战斗力
- 即刻升级建筑,解锁更强大的武器和更多功能
- 与各个星座图上的护卫对战,然后挑战传奇 BOSS
- 加入好友阵营,同玩各种小游戏,为同阵营伙伴赢取额外经验值
- 精彩回合制对战,更多机会捡取装备
- 装配能够改写战斗的古物,为部落带去独特优势
- 对阵真实玩家,彰显部落实力
- 使用具有阶级特性的武器,每一款都配有独特的动画效果和攻击方式
- 用最强大的战士守卫你的岛屿
- 训练忍者或升级时无需计时!即刻升级!- 始终如此!
- 更多新体验,等你来发现!
数百万玩家已经通过iPhone、iPad、Facebook和其他平台在Ninja Warz斗智斗勇!以空中浮岛为基地,打造并领导忍者部落,征服护卫、传奇BOSS和其他玩家!


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