minecraft1.6.2整合包饮水mod 1.6.2

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? ???????? 口渴度的相关设定 饮水模组中加入了口渴度设定以及它的HUD,让水和食物一样变成了一种不可或缺的资源。下图中的水滴图标显示的就是玩家体内含有的水份(口渴度) 玩家可以通过购买饮料、收集雨水、烧制咸水、过滤各种咸水容器来获得纯净水源,饮用以回复口渴度 口渴度的相关设定
??饱水度 口渴度的相关设定和饥饿度一样,也包括了Saturation(饱水度)的消耗。饱水度并不会在游戏中显示相关数据。 在口渴度下降之前会先下降饱水度;同样饮用水之后会同时补充口渴度和一些饱水度,饱水度不会因为玩家处于水中,或被雨雪淋到而减少消耗或者回复。
??饱水度的总值同样是4,当4点饱水度全部消耗完后才会开始损耗口渴度 以下是玩家进行的动作以及对应的饱水度消耗: 走路:0.01 /米 奔跑:0.1 /米 游泳:0.015 /米 跳跃:0.2 /次 奔跑中跳跃:0.8 /次 破坏方块:0.025 /次 攻击敌人:0.3 /次 受到伤害:0.3 /次 除上列动作之外其他动作不会消耗饱水度;例如更多动作中的攀爬、划船和坐矿车也不会消耗饱水度 ??口渴度 与饥饿度一样,口渴度的总值同样是20点,一整个水滴图标代表2点。在饱水度消耗完后才会消耗口渴度。 口渴度的相关设定 以下是玩家进行的动作以及对应的口渴度消耗: 走路:0.01 /米 奔跑:0.1 /米 游泳:0.015 /米 跳跃:0.2 /次 奔跑中跳跃:0.8 /次 破坏方块:0.025 /次 攻击敌人:0.3 /次 受到伤害:0.3 /次 其他动作都不会消耗口渴度 ??中毒 玩家饮用咸水有几率会导致水源中毒,在不同的地形饮用咸水中毒的几率也不同;但如果玩家饮用纯净水则是100%不会中毒,且各类饮料的中毒几率也与地形没有任何关系。 如果玩家水源中毒,则会获得34秒的缓慢II 效果与34秒的虚弱II 效果
?????????????? 口渴度的相关设定中毒时的口渴度HUD 以下是在不同地形饮用咸水的中毒几率: 海洋:60% 草原:30% 沙漠:10% 高山:20% 森林:20% 沼泽:80% 寒带海洋(结冰):10% 寒带河流(结冰):10% 雪原:10% 雪山:10% 河流:20% 其他地形(例如地狱):30% 注:如果装了类似更多地形的MOD,那么增加的地形不会被算入“其他地形”中,而是会更具详细的地形设定来计算;例如在BOP中的沼泽饮用咸水同样中毒几率是80% ??? ??缺水 ?? ??当口渴度下降到3点或3点以下,玩家就无法奔跑了???? ??
??脱水 如果持续消耗口渴度且不即时补充水份,那么玩家就会脱水??????
??脱水时的口渴度HUD 如果玩家脱水后不补充水份,则会每8秒会受到半颗心的伤害以及14秒的 反胃II 效果,直到死亡或直到玩家补充水份 最后说明:口渴度不会影响到生命回复,无论口渴度多少(大于0)生命值都能正常回复
推荐理由 热门小说斗罗大陆皮肤合集,内有史莱克七怪皮肤,过了这村没这店,赶紧点进来吧~
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常用资料 物品合成表 &&&&&&&& 生物图鉴 &&&&&& 资源替换教程 &&&&&&&&Thirst Mod 1.7.10/1.7.2/1.6.4/1.5.2 - Minecraft Download 1.8.8
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Thirst Mod 1.7.10/1.7.2/1.6.4/1.5.2
Thirst Mod 1.7.10
This mod adds an aesthetically pleasing meter above your hunger bar. This bar begins to deplete when you undergo physical movement. This movement includes running, walking, breaking blocks and also being hurt or attacking an entity. This mod also adds drinks that when you right click, refill your thirst bar preventing you from dying. When the meter strikes zero your health will begin to deplete by half a heart every 3 seconds.
Thirst Meter: This meter sits on top of your hunger bar,
begins to deplete after some physical activity. The meter runs out about half as fast as the hunger bar.
Rain Collector: This block is able to collect water when it is raining and then pour it into buckets to make Fresh Water Bucket or into a glass bottle to make Fresh water.
Drinks Brewer: This block is the core for all of your juice needs. In this block, you are able to create all sorts of drinks requiring just 1 bottle to make one drinks. However you will need fuel such as coal. Any fuel that works in the furnace (includes mods) will work in the Drinks Brewer. One drink that can be made is: Apple Juice.
Drinks Store: Want to drink Golden Apple Juice but dont want to waste your precious golden apples on them? If you have ever had that thought, the Drinks Store is just for you. Within it you can purchase drinks using a new item called ‘Coins’. It costs 5 coins for every half droplet healed. All drinks added from Contents are available in this block.
Drinks: Without these you’d be dehydrating every second and dying. These drinks can be drunk when held and holding right click. The drinks replenish your bar differently in the level and saturation. More drinks can be created through the use of “txt” files and placing them in “/mods/ThirstMod/Content/.” Drinks contained in the core version include: Milk, Chocolate Milk, Fresh Water and also Boiled Water. Even though the mod edits no base classes, drinking from Soup, Potions, Water Bottles(poisonous) and Milk Buckets will also replenish your thirst.
Other Replenishments: Though there are many drinks to chose from, you may not always have access to them. There is one way you can drink without needing to make a glass bottle. This is to press “Shift” while standing inside water. This can poison you however you can turn it off in the config files.
Expansion Packs: Drinks can be created in the Drinks Brewer from other mods by simply creating “txt” files and placing them in “/mods/ThirstMod/Content/.” Have a look at the Drinks Creating Tutorial later on to find out more!
Poison: You know how in real life, drinking salty water can prove poisonous. Well taking that idea and implementing it into this mod was a breeze. Every time you press shift in water, you starting drinking the water however depending on your current biome you can get poisoned and your thirst droplets will go green! For example drinking from a water source in a Swamp is highly discouraged as the poisoning chance is really high. Poison adds a bit of exhaustion just like the hunger bar. You can also get poisoned from drinking from a some drinks.
: This mod also implements thirst onto servers so you can enjoy the thirst goodness with your friends. It works on Integrated
(LAN) and Dedicated
jar). However if you are not playing on a
with this mod installed, you can turn of the mod by pressing ‘L’ (Configurable) in game.
1. Download and install
Forge (Requires
Forge 9.11.0 or higher.)
2. Extract the downloaded ThirstMod.zip package on to your desktop.
3. Goto the following directory inside the extracted ThirstMod folder: /ThirstMod (Version)/Place Contents in Mods Folder/. You can use 7-zip on Windows and the default extractor on Mac. Don’t use anything else.
4. Drag the ThirstMod folder in that directory into / dir (or
dir)/mods/. You should now have a directory called /mods/ThirstMod/. Make sure that ThirstMod directory contains the folders: “Content” and “tarun1998″. If it doesn’t: YOU’RE STUPID. Redo the steps.
(or ) and report back any bugs.
6. Download some content packs.
Download Thirst Mod 1.7.10/1.7.2/1.6.4/1.5.2
For 1.7.10
For 1.4.7/1.4.6
Credits: tarun1998
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【1.7.×】我的世界口渴度MOD 让你饥渴交加
 关于这个饮水mod,这个mod添加了一套饮水机制。就像人离不开食物一样 ,人同样也离不开水。原版mc只添加了饥饱度的机制,这个mod额外添加了口渴度的系统,让mc更加科学。饥饱度不满时,血量是不回的,而且放饥饱度为0 的时候,玩家就会受到伤害,直到完全饿死位置。饮水机制做得更加具体,随着身体缺水,玩家会出现各种负面的效果,比如会出现无法奔跑,走路蹒跚,慢慢失去生命,以及视力模糊等等问题。而且不是所有水都是可以直接喝的,有些水要经过消毒之后才能饮用
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