
狼人杀完整的面杀规则是怎样的? - 知乎<strong class="NumberBoard-itemValue" title="被浏览<strong class="NumberBoard-itemValue" title="8,463分享邀请回答1.3K183 条评论分享收藏感谢收起loups-garous-en-ligne.com/)出现的角色,在分类中不属于上文提到的任何一个扩展包,而是名为Site的扩展,只有这一个角色,其介绍十分短暂(Son
objectif est d'éliminer tous les Loups-Garous. Chaque nuit, il dispose d'un
court moment pour écouter les esprits.)翻译成英文(来自Google翻译)为Its objective is to eliminate all the Werewolves. Every
night he has a short time to listen to the spirits.(这个人的目标是淘汰所有狼人,在夜晚他有短暂的时间可以倾听灵魂)这个角色并不在The
有口吃法官和新月时间卡的存在会在白天出现两轮投票、两名被淘汰的人,此时需要确定灵能者知道哪一个还是全部知道。(情侣殉情、猎人开枪打死的人并不算做被处决)不确定阵营 盗贼(The Thief)如果盗贼加入了游戏中,需要加入额外的两张身份卡。在身份分发完毕后,没有被选择的两张放在桌子中央,在第一晚,盗贼可以查看并交换自己的身份卡。如果两张都是狼人,他必须和其中一张交换,然后他扮演新的角色直到游戏结束。If the Thief
is the mix, two extra Simple Villager cards must be added to those already
chosen.After the
characters are dealt, the two cards which haven't been dealt are placed in the
middle of the table, face-down. On the first night, the Thief will be able to
take a look at these two cards, and exchange his cards are both Werewolves, he
must exchange his card for one of these two Werewolves. He'll play that
character from now on, until the end of the game.1.
依照“两张狼人必须换其一”这个说明来看,盗贼似乎是可以选择不换卡的。如果盗贼不换的话,阵营和身份似乎应当与普通村民无异了。 无私的女仆(The Devoted Servant)【Character】一个为了主人愿意放弃她自己生活的仆人,谁还能想到比这更好的仆人呢?不要高兴的太早,她内心的野心也许会渐渐吞噬这个村庄。Who could dream of a better servant than one willing to
give up her life for that of her masters?Don't rejoice too fast, as the devouring ambition within
her could spell the end of the village!在白天因投票而即将被从游戏中淘汰的玩家翻开身份牌的时候,女仆可以翻开自己的身份,若如此做,她可以代替这名玩家的身份继续游戏。注意:如果女仆成为情侣之一,她不能使用自己的能力,因为她的爱让她不想更换自己的角色。主持人建议:翻开角色之前最好等一等让女仆有足够的时间决定。在接下来的第一夜,女仆所替代的角色将重置其角色的能力,就像是游戏的第一夜一样。而对已经被淘汰的玩家产生的影响将被取消。声明:被淘汰的玩家如果被感染、成为情侣、被吹笛者迷惑、成为警长、公告员,那么女仆不接替这些状态。如果女仆被迷惑、成为警长、公告员,她不保留这些状态。如果女仆被感染了,那她依旧被感染。如果女仆变成了吹笛者:主持人需要通知这位新的吹笛者已经被迷惑的人演员、公告员、吉普赛人:那么已经用掉的卡牌不再加入,只使用剩余的。Before the
revelation of the card of the player eliminated by the village's vote, she can
reveal herself by showing her card.In that case,
the Devoted Servant loses her card, and then takes the card of the eliminated
player without revealing it to anyone and takes on the role of the eliminated
player until the end of the game.Be careful:
if she's in love, the Devoted Servant cannot use her power. Her love is
stronger than her desire to change characters.Moderator
advice: wait before revealing the card of the player eliminated by the village
in order to give the Devoted Servant time to to reveal herself. If she takes on
a role with power, the Moderator will call on the ex-Devoted Servant under the
name of this new role. More specifically the following first night, in the
order to "reset" this new role.As a general
rule, the new role taken on by the Devoted Servant sees its ability completely
reset and must be played as though it was the first night. However, any
possible effects previously applied to the eliminated player are cancelled.Clarifications:
if the eliminated player was infected, in love, charmed, Sheriff, Town Crier,
she no longer is.If the
ex-Devoted Servant was charmed, Sheriff or Town Crier, she no longer is. If the
ex-Devoted Servant was infected, she still is.If the
ex-Devoted Servant becomes:-Piper, the
Moderator indicates to this new Piper which players were previously charmed.-Actor, Town
Crier, or Gypsy: new cards aren’ only the unused ones remain.1.
演员(The Actor)【Character】一名不知疲倦的流浪者,在离开这里去温暖的南方过冬之前,他还是村庄里留下了几场精彩的表演。喜剧和悲剧在他的演绎之下都令人动容,他的天赋让他可以表演任何角色和剧目,在国家剧院上也是一个无比耀眼的明星。在游戏开始之前,主持人选择三张有用特殊能力的身份卡,在角色分发完毕后,这三张卡要面朝上至于桌面中央,每天晚上主持人唤醒演员,他可以选择这三张之一并使用相应的能力直到下一晚,使用后主持人将其移除游戏,不能再次使用。注意:这三张卡中不能有狼人。主持人建议:在演员的选择中,你可以为村民阵营带来一些混乱,也可以成为狼人中的一员。如果盗贼也在游戏中,需要先处理盗贼的两张卡,然后是演员。A tireless wanderer, he stopped at the village to give a
few shows before going south to spend the winter in warmer climates.As gifted with jokes and comedies as he is to interpret the
great tragedies, he has all of the talent needed to perform the vast catalog of
national theater.Before the
game, the Moderator chooses 3 character cards with special abilities. After the
roles have been dealt, these cards are placed face up in the middle of the table. Each night, when called by the
Moderator, the Actor can choose one of these cards and use the corresponding
power until the night. If the Actor uses a character card, the Moderator
removes that card from the table. It may no longer be used.Be careful:
the cards offered may not be Werewolfcards.Moderator
advice: among the choice of cards offered to the Actor, you can introduce a bit
of chaos into the village, or, alternatively, counter a very powerful werewolf
clan.If the Thief
is also present, you must first deal with the Thief's 2 cards, and only then
the Actor's 3 cards.1.
对于不确定阵营的角色,盗贼、女仆、野孩子、狼狗的存在也变得没有意义,故演员的主要选择应该在村民阵营和独立阵营之间选择,总体上还是偏向好人的角色野孩子(The Wild-child)【Character】在很小的时候野孩子就被父母遗弃在森林中,他被野狼抚养长大。当他开始学会用四肢奔走,他开始在米勒山谷周围游荡。有一天他被直立行走的人类所吸引,他暗自选择了自己的榜样,决心融入米勒山谷的村庄,村民们觉得这个孩子很可怜,也接受并抚养他长大。野孩子将会成为什么呢?诚实的村民还是可怕的狼人?他的一生都在这两个选择中摇摆,也许他的榜样能够决定他会成为什么样的人。野孩子是一名村民。在第一夜,野孩子被主持人唤醒,他选择一名玩家成为他的榜样。在游戏中如果他的榜样被淘汰,野孩子将会成为狼人并且在下一晚和其他狼人一起醒来。不管他的榜样是村民还是狼人,只要野孩子的榜样活着,野孩子就一直是一名村民。主持人建议:野孩子被投票出局时他的身份可能会变得很有趣,他究竟是村民还是狼人呢?Abandoned in the woods by his parents at a young age, he
was raised by wolves. As soon as how to walk on all fours, the Wild Child began
to wander around Miller’s Hollow.One day, fascinated by an inhabitant of the village who was
walking upright with grace and presence, he made them his secret role model. He
then decided to integrate himself into the community of Miller’s Hollow and
entered, worried, in the village. The community was moved by his frailty,
adopted him, and welcomed his in their fold. What will become of him: honest
Villager or terrible Werewolf? For all of his life, the heart of the Wild Child
will swing between these two alternatives. May his model confirm him in his newfound
humanity.The Wild
Child is a villager.On the first
night, when called by the Moderator, he chooses a player to be his role model.If during the
game the chosen player is eliminated, the Wild Child becomes a Werewolf and
will wake up the next night with peers, and will devour with them each night
until the end of the game. However, for as long as his role model is alive, the
Wild Child remains a villager. Whether his model is a Werewolf or not changes
nothing! Nothing’s keeping the Wild Child from taking part in the elimination
of his role model if he so wishes. If his model is alive when all of the
Werewolves have been eliminated, he wins with the villagers. If his role model
is eliminated and only Werewolves survive with him, it’s also a victory for the
Wild Child.Moderator
advice: not revealing the true nature of the Wild Child eliminated by the
villager’s vote can be amusing. The doubt regarding his true identity then
remains: was he a villager or a Werewolf before being eliminated?1.
野孩子的角色性质导致了野孩子整体上约等于一只狼人,如果榜样是狼人,那么村民获得胜利必须要将榜样投票出局,那么自己便成了狼人,如果不是,那么野孩子完全可以领票自己的榜样以成为狼人,是一种狼人方的增强和村民方的削弱。故而野孩子应当在村民方强势的时候加入游戏。狼狗(The Wolf-hound)【Character】所有的狗的灵魂深处都知道自己的祖先是狼,是人类让他们保持着野性与忠诚并存的状态。任何时候,狼狗都可以选择遵循主人的命令或者听从血液内野性的呼唤。第一晚,狼狗决定他是要成为一名普通村民或者是狼人。如果他成为狼人,他在夜晚和狼人们一起活动,否则将和村民一样整晚安眠。一旦决策便持续整局游戏不可更改。主持人建议:这个角色和野孩子一样,当他被淘汰的时候,人们也不知道他究竟是什么身份。All dogs know in the depths of their soul that their
ancestors were wolves and that it’s Mankind who has kept them in the state of
childishness and fear, the faithful and generous companions. In any case, only
the Wolf-hounded can decided if he’ll obey his human and civilized master or if
he’ll listen to the call of wild nature buried within him.The first
night, he chooses if he wants to be a Simple Villager or Werewolf. If he he
wishes to be a Werewolf, he’ll wake up with each night and will from then on
participate in the choice of the victim to be devoured. Otherwise, he’ll keep
his eyes closed and will win with villagers.This choice
is final!Moderator
advice: not revealing the true nature of the Wolf-hound eliminated by the
village’s vote can be amusing. The doubt about his true identity the remains:
was he a villager or a Werewolf before being eliminated?1.
由于村民相比于狼人的竞争力要弱一些,这个角色也在一定程度上偏向狼人。独立阵营白狼(The White Werewolf)【The
Village】这个狼人发生了奇怪的变异,他讨厌狼人就如同他讨厌村民一般。每天晚上,他和其他狼人一起醒来活动但是每隔一天,他会被主持人单独唤醒并淘汰一名狼人。这个角色的目标是成为这个村庄里唯一存活的角色,只有如此他才能获胜。This thoroughly miscreant character hates the Werewolves as
much as he hates the villagers! In a recent work, titled “The Village, “it is
said that a strange mutation took place amidst the very lycanthrope population.Each night. He
wakes up and devours with the other Werewolves.But every
other night, on the Moderator’s call, he wakes up alone and can eliminate a
Werewolves.The goal of
this character is to be the village’s sole survivor.Only in this
situation does he win the game.1.
由于狼人并没有任何有效手段可以找出白狼,白狼具有很大的优势,对于村民阵营全部出局后是否继续游戏没有具体说明,出于削弱白狼的考虑,可以设定如果村民阵营全部出局,狼人即可宣告胜利,白狼因此失败。 天使(The Angel)【Character】村庄里混乱的生活和邪恶生物的存在让他心力交瘁,他只希望自己是处于一场噩梦之中,期待着自己会在舒服的床上醒来。当天使在游戏中,第一夜之前会有一次白天的讨论和投票,如果天使能够设法吸引村民们的投票或者在第一夜被狼人吞食,那么天使获得游戏的胜利。在这种情况下游戏结束人们可以立即开始下一局游戏。如果天使失败,那么他在接下来的游戏成为一名普通村民。主持人建议:不要在第一轮的投票中忘记天使的存在The muddy life of a village infested with evil creatures
he wishes to believe he’s the victim of a horrible nightmare, in
order to finally wake up in his comfortable bed.When the
Angel is in play, the game always begins with the village’s debate followed by
an elimination and then the first night. If the angel manages to attract the
discriminatory vote of the villagers or the devouring vindictiveness of the lycanthropes
to be eliminated on the first turn, he will then be able to leave the nightmare
a winner and win the gameIn that case,
the game ends: the players can then immediately begin a new game.If he fails,
he becomes a Simple Villager for the rest of the game.Moderator
advice: don’t hesitate to remind players of the possible presence of the Angel
on the first day! The debates will only get more animated, as loudmouths will
be protected by the angelic menace!吹笛者(The Piper)【New
Moon】吹笛者曾经被人们赶出这片村庄,如今他借助一个假身份重新回到这里,开始他的复仇。每天晚上吹笛者被主持人唤醒迷惑两名玩家,只要场上活着的玩家都被迷惑,吹笛者获得胜利(不论这种情况的出现时由于村民的投票还是狼人的吞食)如果吹笛者被种狼感染,那么他变成一个简单的狼人。注意:吹笛者不能迷惑他自己,守护不能使人免疫吹笛者的迷惑,女巫也不能治愈被迷惑的人,狼人也不能免疫吹笛者的迷惑。被迷惑的人保持他们原有的能力和特点,情侣之一被迷惑不会传递到另一个人。Ignominiously chased out of the village, he’s come back
years later under the cover of a false identity to exert his terrible revenge.Each night,
at the Moderator’s call, the Piper charms 2 new players. As soon as there are
only charmed players left, the Piper wins the game. (Even if this happens due to
a vote from the Village, or because of the Werewolves).If infected
by the Accursed Wolf-father, be becomes a simple Werewolf to accomplish their
goal for a common victoryBe careful:
the Piper cannot charm himself. The Defender doesn’t protect against the charm.
The Witch can’t heal the charm. The Werewolves are not immune to charm.The charmed
players all keep their powers and their characteristics. The charm isn’t
transmitted between Lovers.1.
并没有交代吹笛者死亡后如果所有人被迷惑是否吹笛者获胜。如果算的话对狼人和村民阵营都有一定的限制,不过对游戏的乐趣也有所增加。偏见操纵者【苦涩的老头】(The Prejudiced Manipulator)【Character】他的目标就是不管在哪边都要完成自己的目标,也许是小的时候缺乏周围人的关爱或者对这个世界乐趣的热爱和探索,这个可怜人连自己都谈不上喜欢。随着他渐渐长大,他将这周仇恨转移到一切和他不合的人。他随即以偏见操纵者而闻名。在游戏开始之前,主持人依照某种明显的标准(性别、戴眼镜、年龄、身高等)将人群分为两组并大声宣布出来。偏见操纵者自然在其中一组。这个角色的目标就是淘汰所有他不在的那个组的玩家。当且仅当这种情况发生时他获得游戏的胜利,他没有特殊的能力,只有依靠语言来引导村民。如果他被种狼感染,那他变成一名普通的狼人主持人建议:两个组的人数不必完全相同。His goal: to fulfill his own objective, no matter what his
side is. From his youngest age, and maybe because of a lack of love or interest
given by those close to him, this poor soul didn’t like himself at all. Growing
up, he transferred this hatred to all those who are foreign to him. This is why
he’s now known by the sad name of Prejudiced Manipulator.Before the
beginning of the game, the Moderator divides the village into 2 groups,
according to an obvious criteria(gender, glasses, size, age, etc.)and announces
it out loud to the village. The Prejudiced Manipulator will of course have to
be part of one of these 2 groupsThe goal of
this character is the elimination of all players of the group he hates, meaning
the one he doesn’t belong to.In that case,
and only in that case, he wins the game. He has no special powers: his skill at
manipulating the inhabitants of the village is his only weapon!If he gets
infected by the Accursed Wolf-father, he becomes a simple Werewolf.Moderator advice:
it’s not necessary to create 2 groups of equal size. Don’t hesitate, if
necessary to specify in front of everyone to which group each inhabitant
belongs to.1.
苦涩的老头这个翻译我也不知道从哪来的,不过从卡牌上来看确实很形象…… 这个角色同吹笛者一样没有指定满足条件时老头是否需要存活。选举身份 警长(The Sheriff)没有人生来就是警长,而是慢慢变成警长。警长是在游戏中进行选举,除了身份牌之外的附加身份。玩家不能拒绝被选举为警长,从当选警长开始,警长的投票算作两票,在警长被淘汰时,在咽气之前警长会选择自己的接班人One isn’t
born a Sheriff, one becomes a Sheriff… The Sheriff’s medal is given to one of
the players during the game, in addition to their character’s card. The Sheriff
is chosen through a vote, with relative majority.A player
cannot refuse the honor of being the Sheriff. From now on, that player’s votes
count as two votes. If that player is eliminated, with their last breath, they
choose their successor.1.
如果加入建筑物级使用村落扩展,只有农民可以当选警长。公告员(The Town Crier)【Character】【需要新月事件卡】每个村民都梦想着有一天自己可以穿上著名的制服,敲响公告员的鼓,将重大的事件大声宣告给人们听。公告员的徽章是由警长公开选择一名玩家并交予他,是和警长一样的附加在身份卡之外的公开身份,警长不能选择自己。在游戏开始之前,主持人选择一些特定的新月事件卡【不包括通灵卡】,并在公告员当选的时候交给他。在接下来的每个早晨,主持人会询问公告员是否有事情要宣布,如果是,公告员选取一张新月卡并大声朗读出来。在公布事件后以及投票前,警长都可以随时更换公告员。主持人建议:对于不熟悉新月事件的玩家,最好不要准备超过五张新月卡。声明:如果公告员被选为新的警长,他需要选择一名新的公告员,如果公告员被淘汰,警长可以再选择一名,新的公告员只接替其他公告员用剩下的新月卡。如果警长被淘汰,那么新的警长可以重新选择或者保留原有的公告员。Each villager has one day dreamed of wearing this prestigious
uniform, to “roll” the Town Crier’s drum, and to declare with a loud voice
important events to the entire hamlet, as if they had chosen them himself.The insignia
of Town Crier is handed out by the Sheriff to an inhabitant of his choice, in a
visible way and in addition to character card. No laying on of tasks: the
Sheriff cannot name himself. Before the game, the Moderator chooses a certain
number event cards (other than Spiritualism cards). These will be handed to the
Town Crier as soon as he is chosen. Each morning, starting on the day after his
nomination, the Moderator asks the Town Crier if he has something to announce.
In case of a yes, The Town Crier reads out loud the event card of his choice,
as if it was a public announcement. At any moment, after the announcement of an
event and before the village’s vote, the Sheriff can revoke the Town Crier and
then name a new one.Moderator
advice: don’t prepare more than 5 cards for players who aren’t used to “New
Moon”. Be careful, some of these cards are fearsome…Clarifications:
If a Town Crier is chosen as the new Sheriff, he must pass on his task as Town
Crier to another inhabitant.If Town Crier
is eliminated, the Sheriff chooses his successor. The new Town Crier gets any
event cards not used by previous Town Criers.If the
Sheriff is eliminated, the new Sheriff can choose a new Town Crier or keep the
old one.6517 条评论分享收藏感谢收起}


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