
For other emerging markets results are more mixed. Claessens, Djankov and Klapper (2000) document that for group-affiliated firms in East Asia and Chile, market risk is influenced not only by own characteristicssuch as size, price/book ratiobut also by group characteristics. In case of Chile, group-affiliation leads to lower market risk, suggesting that group structures are used to diversify risks internally, whereas for group-affiliated firms in East Asia this lowering of market risk is not found. Keister (1998) reports that group affiliation in China is associated with better performance and productivity in the late 1980s. Chan and Choi (1988) report that chaebol affiliated firms in South Korea outperform other unaffiliated firms. More recent evidence from Korea is more negative on this issue. Ferris, Kim and Kitsabunnarat (forthcoming) document that chaebol-affiliated firms are associated with a value loss relative to non-affiliated firms. They identify that the value loss is related to the chaebol firms’ risk reduction behavior, investment in low performance industries, and cross-subsidization of weaker member firms in their groups. Similar evidence is also reported in Joh (forthcoming) and Campbell and Keys (2002).
Cross-country studies also produce mixed results. Khanna and Rivkin (1999) examine the relations between group affiliation and accounting profitability in 14 emerging markets, including several in Asia. They do not find consistent relations across these economies. Claessens, Fan, and Lang (2002) examine business groups in nine East Asian economies. They find that more mature, slower-growing and financially constrained firms gain in value from group affiliation. They further find that the value gains from group affiliation for these firms are especially large for group-affiliated firms with more agency problems, as indicated by the control stake of the largest ultimate owner exceeding his ownership stake. This suggests that are agency problems associated with groups, which limit any potential beneficial effects of internal markets.
Several other papers also suggest that agency issues are important for determining the gains and losses from group-affiliation, specifically agency issues centering on conflicts between controlling and minority shareholders. Bertrand, Mehta, and Mullainathan (2002) find that groups in India are used by controlling shareholders to “tunnel” resources away from minority investors. Bae, Kang and Kim (2002) find similar tunneling activities in acquisitions by Korean chaebols.
There exist few studies that examine the evolution of business groups over time. An exception is Khanna and Palepu (1999) who examine the role of business groups in Chile and India during periods of financial deregulation. Conventional wisdom would predict the economic roles of groups to weaken with market deregulation. On the contrary, they report increase in both group scope and group profitability in both countries. They argue that the increased importance of groups in the deregulated environments is mainly due to the slow development of institutions to support transactions in the markets. That is, transaction costs in these markets increased after deregulation, and hence the relative benefits of creating internal markets through group formation increase. Choi, Titman and Wei (2001) examine the effects of financial liberalization in Indonesia on group-affiliated firms relative to independent firms. Again, they find little differential effects of liberalization on stock valuation measures, trading volume, and covariation of stock returns. Their evidence does not support that group firms, which are primarily controlled by powerful families in Indonesia, suffered or gained relative to independent firms from liberalization.
Asian corporations are known for extensive diversification of their businesses. Has this diversification strategy been beneficial? Khanna and Palepu (1997) argue that a “focused” strategy may not be beneficial in emerging markets. Rather creating internal markets in developing countries can be beneficial because external markets are often poorly developed and unable to allocate resource efficiently. Fauver, Houston, and Naranjo (forthcoming) provide support for this argument, as they do not find a diversification discount for developing countries even though such discount exist in developed countries. They further find that diversification discounts are less in countries with a legal system of non-English origin (German, Scandinavian, or French origin), countries where shareholder protection tends to be less. Lins and Servaes (2002) also study the effect of corporate diversification on firm value, but find opposite effects. They use a sample of over 1,000 firms from seven emerging markets, many from Asia, to find that diversified firms trade at a discount of approximately 7% compared to single-segment firms. From a corporate governance perspective, Lins and Servaes find a discount only for those firms that are part of industrial groups, and for diversified firms with management ownership concentration between 10% and 30%. Further, the discount is most severe when management control rights substantially exceed their cash flow rights. Their results do not support internal capital market efficiency in economies with severe capital market imperfections.
Report outline Report Title
Leatty公司在上海建的建筑工程面临施工延迟,预算超出等问题,此项工程由三个部门负责,一个是加拿大的发展商,一个是德国的建筑师,一个是中国的承包商。以下是详细分析其中出现的问题。并寻找出解决的方法。 Discussion
1. 各个部门沟通的问题 1.1 时间差导致各国团队沟通不方便 · 中国与加拿大相差12个小时,日夜颠倒,十分不利与沟通。 1.2 习惯的沟通方式不同 · 加拿大的发展商喜欢用互联网,而中国与德国则喜欢电话,信件,电子邮件等方式来沟通。 2. 工程延期的问题 2.1 不可预知的因素 · 政府道路施工,导致大型器械无法通行,导致基础工程延期。 2.2 人力资源不足 · 承包商因为同期承包两项工程,人力无法合理分配。 2.3 重新设计 · 为了达到承包商的要求,花了三个星期修改设计。 3.预算超支的问题
3.1 材料成本增加 · 中国钢筋供不应求,价格上涨
4.1 团队士气出现问题 ·
总之,导致工程出现延期的根本原因是计划安排不够周详,延期后又导致工程成本的增加。加上各部分之间沟通上出现严重的问题,导致了团队士气的低落。 Recommendations
1. 安排一个主管专门负责各国各部门沟通上的问题 2. 增加奖励机制,提高各部门工作的积极性 3. 重新制定一个详细的日程安排计划表,严格按照计划进行。 4. 制定备案,以防再次出现不可预知的情况。
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